Big Mo's Shinpads
Everyone is to blame apart from Tim.
It's all one sided cut costs not invest wisely to recoup revenue
TF "its about personal, we need to get a good manager and give him the resources. We have too many underforming players. I am not blaming TM. I didn't fail him, he made choices on footballers"
Ive been saying that for ages. TM messed up the recruitment in the summer.
So what r we left with?
Nopm = budget slashing snd more relegation and then bust
Pack ricoh=fighting chance
Lets be hobest nopm looks more likely. Unless someone bids for ccfc we sre in for more bad seasons to come.[/QU
I think this is the last season for many whilst these people run the club...
It doesn't cost a fortune to treat people as humans though. Like in the thread the other day, its the little things that sometimes count and go from there.
You could have a bloke dressed as sky blue sam on minimum wage in west orchards / gallagher over christmas when its busy handing out family ticket for £20 vouchers that jsbs get in return for signing up to the ccfc newsletter.
It's just about interacting with fans and potential fans.
Look at the season ticket mess, they could have kept the anger right down if they handled it properly.
Instead of "you will need to come and collect it", it should be "We are really sorry for this, if you come down to the ticket we will have a cup of tea while you wait and a free ccfc usb memory stick to say sorry". People then dont think its as bad, people dont take to social media to go mad. It may actually make CCFC look a bit better.
Yes, the little gestures won't fix the mess but it's a start isn't it?
It would give tudgay something to do if he dressed as sam