Where has Fp produced a faragism whatever that means. You've been on here the last 3 days trying to pretend the EU has nothing to do with rising bigotry and nationalism.
A Faragism is virtually anything that turns everything into "why the EU is bad". It is getting beyond a joke.
The EU is not solely responsible for bigotry and nationalism. Another example of a Brexiteer viewpoint. In fact the idea is to get away from that e.g. to protect minorities. People like Farage, the AfD, the whole leave campaign and what went on before in the press are examples of the people responsible for constantly bigging up every weak point in the EU, or twisting everything around to fit "the EU is bad". FP's post is an example of banal things being used to beat the EU with. Totally normal procedures being classed as negative purely because the EU is involved.
The EU has achieved a united Europe of 28 states - which is why it is under attack from people like Trump, Farage, Neo Nazis, Putin, the rich and powerful conservative establishment and their press. Putin backs AfD. They are pro Russian and Weiland - top candidate AfD - described the German government as puppets of the victorious powers ( USA, France and Britain ). They are calling for a closer relationship with Russia - no surprise there.
Putin's angle is to get the EU to drop the sanctions imposed until he does a deal on the Ukraine. The AfD is a useful pressure group on Merkel as Kanzlerin of the most powerful EU country. Trump wouldn`t shake hands with Merkel and I don't know whether he has congratulated her yet. Trump wants the EU to fail because of his political views and the collapse of the EU or disarray would be helped by a weakened Germany, which would help his MAGA project ( at least he may think that ).