What planet are you on?
Soros is about as anti democratic as it gets unless you give the right answer of course. I do often wonder if he would want another referendum if we voted remain seen as he is such a nice chap.
What planet are you on is more to the point? Asking for a referendum on something we can see, such as the actual deal on leaving, is far more democratic than voting on a leap in the dark with no defined outcome apart from „leave“.
Democracy can only function if the voters know what or who they are voting for. In this country, a parliamentary democracy,
you vote for a party manifesto, or at the least for a party that you know.
If things don’t go according to how you were told, you can vote for a change of government.
With the EU, you cannot keep leaving and rejoining an organisation of 28 states, so, at the very least you should be fully aware of the consequences of leaving and be able to make a choice based on your knowledge. That hasn’t been possible until now.
When we have the deal in writing, we can look at it and either accept it or reject it.
I don’t see your problem with giving the voters an informed choice.