No many votes remain due to fear not support of the Eu. Martcov is like a religious extremist and the Eu is the Koran. His tub thumping evangelical nonsense would be despised by the vast majority of uk citizens.
Bollocks. I have said all the time that we should stay in the largest trading block in the world as opposed to following the advice of dodgy politicians and millionaires. What is there to despise about that? The EU has more benefits than disadvantages... as we are about to find out. The leavers are the ones wanting us to leave a trading bloc and go it alone in the belief good things will happen. That is faith based like a religion.
And Reich means Empire as in the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire or Kaiserreich, the Empire created by Bismarck for Kaiser Wilhem. But, you know that.... even if you get the empires mixed up.