I genuinely don't get most links that you make. Yet I understand why you point out that I frequently have a go at the way the EU is run but ignore when I frequently have a go at everyone else. You just want to make out that I am biased.
So I was looking at a country like Ireland? Would you like to explain how Romania is like Ireland? They have whole areas where most young people have left Romania. Who is left to look after the old? Not a problem SB says. It is just like Ireland
And yes the rise of the right is partly similar in the EU and America. Keep immigration down. Or are you going to try and dispute this? Suppose you will as it is you who brought it up to muddy the water.
All about me? Nothing to do with me. It has all been about you and your partner. It has been about where you want to live and why. And I don't blame you one little bit. You have your future with your partner who is Italian to think about. If it was all about me I would also be seriously biased on the side of staying in the EU. I am now exactly 9 years to when I retire as my little boy is 9 this month. I want to spend the last of my years travelling. Brexit could stop me from travelling in the EU.
And back onto the UK. You have tried to say that our lack of housing and affordable housing has nothing to do with the open door policy within the EU. It has nothing to do with the millions of people that have come here. You blame the Tories for selling off council housing. But these homes are still lived in. Yes they can be blamed for not building enough. But so can Labour. You say our population should rise by over half a million a year. I say we need to catch up with the infrastructure. You look for someone to blame other than the rules that have helped the situation get worse. Yet you try to make out that it is all about me.
There is good and bad about the EU. This is supposed to be a debate. Yet if you dare to mention any bad about the EU there is a few of you ready to pounce on any comment you don't like.
OK. We all agree that right wingers are growing in most of the EU. Only an idiot would try to deny it. If it has nothing to do with the EU and the rules would you like to explain what is causing the problem?