Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (37 Viewers)

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
In zoom meeting, what did they say?

Cases doubling every 7 to 8 days and could be up to 49,000 A day in October translating to 200 deaths per day in November

Anti vaxxers on my Twitter going in to melt down. Surprised how many people are outing themselves as anti vaxxer, anti 5G believers

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Cases doubling every 7 to 8 days and could be up to 49,000 A day in October translating to 200 deaths per day in November

Anti vaxxers on my Twitter going in to melt down. Surprised how many people are outing themselves as anti vaxxer, anti 5G believers

jesus, very cheerful

I saw that Ian Brown & Van Morrison are the latest to go on record saying its all a hoax & New World Order style conspiracy


Well-Known Member
I'd say that South Korea having a proliferation of testing facilities who can get results back to you in an hour for a small fee is a bit more than a 'useful tip'.

We should have had something similar up and running months ago instead of feathering the nest of Dido Harding and assorted other Tory cronies for no tangible return.

Exactly and as I say, I would take what others are doing well and replicate but comparing us to South Korea is crazy

Ps the Dido/Hancock double act deserves plenty of shit so won’t be defending


Well-Known Member
Exactly and as I say, would take what people are doing well and replicate but comparing us to South Korea is crazy

Ps the Dido/Hancock double act deserves plenty of shit so won’t be defending

Comparing us to South Korea is idiotic


Well-Known Member
Cases doubling every 7 to 8 days and could be up to 49,000 A day in October translating to 200 deaths per day in November

Anti vaxxers on my Twitter going in to melt down. Surprised how many people are outing themselves as anti vaxxer, anti 5G believers

The interesting thing is the 200 deaths per day. I need to review the info and see what they think will be hospital admissions. 50k cases per day is what will grab the headlines

As alluded to on here, it’s ground work for Johnson announcing further restrictions this week


Well-Known Member
The thing I don't get is how you can go from giving out vouchers to get people out into restaurants one minute, but then talk about giving out huge fines for leaving the house the next- it seems to be lurching from one extreme to the other with no plan whatsoever

Its not just the extremes...its the dumb inconsistencies. As things stand, from midnight tonight My Mrs. cannot pop down the road to check in on her ma, but I can go a bit further down the same road & get hammered with 5 mates from 5 other households......only until 10pm...covid hour.... which apparently is when the virus wakes up in a bad mood & starts spiking folks drinks.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
I'm beyond caring at this point but its being reported that Boris went to Italy last week to celebrate the christening of his new child at some Russian guy's place.. not just him- Tony Blair & others went too, flight plans show it and got 'leaked'.


Well-Known Member
The interesting thing is the 200 deaths per day. I need to review the info and see what they think will be hospital admissions. 50k cases per day is what will grab the headlines

As alluded to on here, it’s ground work for Johnson announcing further restrictions this week

I read mortality of hospitalised patients is 10-20% so I’d expect 1-2k hospitalisations based on that. Which is 2-4% of cases. Sounds about right.


Well-Known Member
Its not just the extremes...its the dumb inconsistencies. As things stand, from midnight tonight My Mrs. cannot pop down the road to check in on her ma, but I can go a bit further down the same road & get hammered with 5 mates from 5 other households......only until 10pm...covid hour.... which apparently is when the virus wakes up in a bad mood & starts spiking folks drinks.

Difference is the government don’t have to spend tens of billions paying your missus if she can’t see her ma.


Well-Known Member
Anti vaxxers on my Twitter going in to melt down. Surprised how many people are outing themselves as anti vaxxer, anti 5G believers
Saw a bit of the Trafalger Square protest at the weekend on Twitter. Someone giving a speech about how it wasn't covid it was 5G and its all a plan so they can roll out mandatory vaccinations which are really a method of mind control. The crowd were lapping it up.

Social media has really been an eye opener as to how many people there are who believe this stuff. Doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Even if these things were possible from a scientific POV how do these people think someone has persuaded every government around the world to agree to it and keep it secret?


Well-Known Member
Its not just the extremes...its the dumb inconsistencies. As things stand, from midnight tonight My Mrs. cannot pop down the road to check in on her ma, but I can go a bit further down the same road & get hammered with 5 mates from 5 other households......only until 10pm...covid hour.... which apparently is when the virus wakes up in a bad mood & starts spiking folks drinks.
According to the papers the virus is also taking Christmas Day off. Very considerate.

IMO the inconsistencies cause huge problems. You have to get people to buy in to the restrictions, there simply isn't the manpower to police them. How can you get people to buy in when the rules don't make sense? If there's a scientific reason you're fine in the pub but not someone's house then lets have it explained properly. Same with the 10pm thing. What they seem to be saying is you can't trust people to stick to the rules when they're pissed, exactly what people were saying when they said pubs could open. But if that's the logic what happens when people start getting pissed early, do we keep moving it back an hour?

Deleted member 5849

I'm beyond caring at this point but its being reported that Boris went to Italy last week to celebrate the christening of his new child at some Russian guy's place.. not just him- Tony Blair & others went too, flight plans show it and got 'leaked'.
Flat out denials about that. I *think* that's a bollocks story.

Deleted member 5849

According to the papers the virus is also taking Christmas Day off. Very considerate.

IMO the inconsistencies cause huge problems. You have to get people to buy in to the restrictions, there simply isn't the manpower to police them. How can you get people to buy in when the rules don't make sense? If there's a scientific reason you're fine in the pub but not someone's house then lets have it explained properly. Same with the 10pm thing. What they seem to be saying is you can't trust people to stick to the rules when they're pissed, exactly what people were saying when they said pubs could open. But if that's the logic what happens when people start getting pissed early, do we keep moving it back an hour?
Yeah, that's what I'd like with workplaces etc, too. I mean, I *think* I understand why masks are pointless if you're in an office with somebody for seven hours, but I'd like them to explain it to me really... especially when I need one for 30 seconds in a shop.

If there was an upfront, we can't control it beyond managing levels so the NHS can cope, there'll obviously be plenty of deaths because of this, but this is the best approach for us medium-long term, I'd accept it, if it was well argued. Ditto a short, sharp, drastic lockdown.

As it is, we seem to enjoy sitting in the middle ground, where we do some half-arsed measures that probably don't do anything particularly for either approach, and just defer having to make a decision into the future.


Well-Known Member
I read mortality of hospitalised patients is 10-20% so I’d expect 1-2k hospitalisations based on that. Which is 2-4% of cases. Sounds about right.

I’d just googled and seen that hospital fatality rate was down to 1.5% in June (maybe misunderstood though - Declining death rate from COVID-19 in hospitals in England - CEBM)

Either way i know that there have been significant treatment improvements in recent months so fingers crossed it’s substantially lower than before. Also if we can protect those most at risk better hospitalisation to confirmed cases will also be a lot lower (testing far better than it was back at start - albeit not without its errr current challenges/fuck ups !)

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
People are such cunts, "Not going to stop me carrying on as normal" etc. It's a post truth world now. Facts don't matter to people anymore.

100%. This links to the "cancel culture" issue. I get the point that we should allow people a platform because then they can then go on things like Question Time and be debated down & made to look stupid. Thats great... in principle.

Problem is we don't live in that age any more. Those days are long gone.

Tweets/ posts by prominent anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists & general morons get seen by more people in minutes than would watch a specific TV programme to hear someone talk, pretty sure I read somewhere that some crazy stuff saying "it is now proven that masks are actually as dangerous as covid" was retweeted 10m times in half an hour or something ridiculous- information is disseminated in a profoundly different way now, everyone has a platform and its incredibly powerful. Debate people all you want, it will do no good. Its a different playing field now and rules need to come in to reflect it.

So thats why in my opinion, if you're one of these people telling outright lies, and you have many hundreds of 000s of impressionable people reading attentively, then you should be gone, banned, "cancelled"- whatever you want to call it. You are abusing a platform in order to perpetuate proven mistruths, so you should lose that platform, its that simple.

Don't know how you do it practically, I get that too, but its not my job to know how to do it, somehow Twitter/ Facebook etc should actually be forced to implement rules whereby if you are caught spreading lies then you're gone- especially when peoples' lives are literally at risk from all this shit "advice" being spouted.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
50k cases a day by mid October if we don't get a grip on this is quite a sobering thought

Deleted member 5849


I do kind of agree with this, however.

If the person had reminded me rather than taking a photo and posting it on social media I would of course have put on my mask then and there. I do apologise for my mistake

If nobody said anything to him, happy to accept he did forget. Rules are so on/off anyway, not like he has to get into the habit!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what I'd like with workplaces etc, too. I mean, I *think* I understand why masks are pointless if you're in an office with somebody for seven hours, but I'd like them to explain it to me really... especially when I need one for 30 seconds in a shop.

If there was an upfront, we can't control it beyond managing levels so the NHS can cope, there'll obviously be plenty of deaths because of this, but this is the best approach for us medium-long term, I'd accept it, if it was well argued. Ditto a short, sharp, drastic lockdown.

As it is, we seem to enjoy sitting in the middle ground, where we do some half-arsed measures that probably don't do anything particularly for either approach, and just defer having to make a decision into the future.

It is sitting on the middle ground and ends up pleasing nobody (some want total freedom and fuck everyone else, others want a full blown lockdown) but other than the lack of coherent messaging some of the staged measures are sensible. Not sure people are following (most just ignoring) which is why the Witty/Vallance double act were wheeled out today, people will listen to them rather than Hancock...understandable ! 😊

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
I do kind of agree with this, however.

If nobody said anything to him, happy to accept he did forget. Rules are so on/off anyway, not like he has to get into the habit!

No, we would be surrounded by and would of passed many signs telling you to wear a mask

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Brexit legitimised it. I mean not really, but you know.

The only good thing is there's an increasing convergence of the QAnon type lunatics and the extreme far left and while they'll never agree on everything at least all the maniacs are now often in the same place figuratively and literally in the case of the weekends anti lockdown rally.

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