The schools have to mitigate what they can - and I think it would be a damn sight worse already if they didn’t have some measures in place like masks and year groups in separate bubbles. Additionally, the only place that the kids don’t wear masks is in lessons where they are sat in rows. They are all wearing masks in every corridor, every social time.
Obviously I don’t know how it is in your school, but the thing I’ve heard that’s pushing teachers over the edge is firstly the constant movement of staff, rather than people having their own room base, the anxiety of trying to adhere to all the guidelines/restrictions/health and safety and it just being too overwhelming. The worst thing by far I’ve heard from my wife’s school is that leadership teams continuing with staffing observations, book scrutiny, and over zealous monitoring of teachers. Right now the only priority should be getting kids in, keeping them as safe as possible and providing them with an education in the best way they can. Leadership teams that persist in this behaviour are a disgrace IMO.