Nothing to do with Angela Rayner/'leftie morons' then.
So not only did Grendel try to use a man's death to point score, he didn't actually have a point.
Real classy guy.
Actually I did nothing of the sort
I pointed out the dishonest empty tributes made when this man died. Rayner and her ilk are without quality. She called ALL Tories homophobic, misogynistic racist scum. It’s a fact. It’s on record - she refused to apologise
While we are at it her mentor Jon McDonnell of course once said what’s a dead Tory after the Brighton bombing - a start and of course said he wished he’d assinatated thatcher
That’s the left - not moderate Labour - but the snarling bitter class war left that Rayner is a part of
compare her lack of grace and dignity to the man who died
She isn’t fit to lick his boots