Hmm, always think it's a hiding to nothing if you get involved on forums such as this. Starts out nobly, often descends... I know they were rather more charged times(!) but even then, when PWKH posted here on behalf of Higgs, and Stuart Linnell posted on behalf of... himself? then it all started off well, but the proper challenging questions were lost amidst a haze of cunting, which allowed the easy out of moral outrage. You could say you moderate questions, but that always runs the risk of accusations of bias, whether fair or not.
I'd have thought the supporters liasons need control over whatever they do. I'd start, maybe, with webinars where supporters reps had access to ask the questions live, others had access to view but not intervene in any way... and develop from there. You never know, maybe there'd come a point where popping up on here *would* be appropriate.