Ashbyjan or anyone from the Sky Blue Trust.... (21 Viewers)

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like SISU or ACL or some other party have suceeded split the fans into different camps get them to fight amongst themselves fiddle while Romes burning etc.Just think what their thoughts would be if the Trust had 10000 members. But never going to happen in this city is it? Why because weve been lied to cheated and shat on for so long both club and city for so long that we now dont trust anybody even our own or is it that we dont care anymore?


Well-Known Member
Good responses... are you on the board of the trust ?

Because if you crack like that when I billy nobody asks a question how are you going to react when you talk to people who are the real power players?

Crack you must be on it

No, just a supporter who has joined and been to hear what is said

You appear to be clutching at straws to defend your stupid response

I notice you can't answer the question what have you done?


Well-Known Member
Good responses... are you on the board of the trust ?

Because if you crack like that when I billy nobody asks a question how are you going to react when you talk to people who are the real power players?
The only one on crack is you I am Not on the Board and do not wish to be on the board but I am a proud SBT member who can see the good they are trying to do for the club I love...
You on the other hand expect to get answers from a Trust you have no faith in Beggers belief
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Not sisu


Ccfc to the elbow

It seems not even the trust board members know what they are going to do with this
Fantastic opportunity


Well-Known Member
Original post by Grendel:- He means that the council will refuse anyone the ability to own the ground or gain maximum revenue from it - a view that worryingly many of our fans support.

Well actually Cllr Maton seems to be inclined that way ...

[QUOTE Cllr. Kevin Maton tweet ref. StuartLinnell on-air comments:- History of running Highfield Rd. poor. Sharing income deal can be done. There's more to Ricoh than the pitch.]
[QUOTE Cllr. Kevin Maton tweet ref. StuartLinnell on-air comments:- Why obsession with owning 100% of stadium. Running Ricoh complex & CCFC should be separate but partner.]

I know Maton thinks that, but Grendel has confused Maton with being a CCFC fan posting on this forum. I don't agree with Maton and neither will the vast majority of people who oppose SISU!


Well-Known Member
As a fan of CCFC and no longer living in Coventry, may I ask if I joined the SBT then would I be a true member as obviously I wouldn't be able to go to the meetings.
Members on here not all may I add say well go to a meeting then if you have something to say.
How would my opinion be heard on what I may think should be said or done?
I can see why some think this is an elite dare I say it clicky club for some? As surely you can't say your the voice of the average fan, because as I don't live in Cov no more, then how could you voice my thoughts or anyone who doesn't live in and around the Cov area?
Or am I missing something here?


New Member
As a fan of CCFC and no longer living in Coventry, may I ask if I joined the SBT then would I be a true member as obviously I wouldn't be able to go to the meetings.
Members on here not all may I add say well go to a meeting then if you have something to say.
How would my opinion be heard on what I may think should be said or done?
I can see why some think this is an elite dare I say it clicky club for some? As surely you can't say your the voice of the average fan, because as I don't live in Cov no more, then how could you voice my thoughts or anyone who doesn't live in and around the Cov area?
Or am I missing something here?

Yes you're missing something.


Well-Known Member
I've been accused of being Anti Lampard in the past. Dunno why, I never dress in drag..

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Lol... No not you... Letsallsingtogether

There's nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate and asking questions and trying to get answers... After all we all been having a go at sisu for be unapproachable / not answering questions

Wasnt going to have a go at you or suggesting you were in any camp


New Member
Very specific response turkeytrot thanks for that, so much clearer now :)

Check the trusts website out.
Any questions/ suggestions e-mail the trust.
If you can't attend open meetings and have a specific agenda point/ question that you would like to put up for debate then send it by e-mail then check when the meeting minutes are released to make sure it was discussed.


Good responses... are you on the board of the trust ?

Because if you crack like that when I billy nobody asks a question how are you going to react when you talk to people who are the real power players?

I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -as I HAVE had personal experience from major players on the SBT - and THEY ARE A DISGRACE!

Dare to question the practicalities, and you get bombarded with a linnellesque attack!

Obviously not in public, but vIA pm, as they dare not reveal their contempt for people who disagree with them in public.

It has gone from coming in when NO OTHER OPTION available, to pretty much expecting a position on the board for FREE!

Maybe Hoff & Joe may even buy into doing it believing this shower represents the fans, but THEY DO NOT!

It is basically a clique funded by 1000 people ! Just look how poorly attended their film night was to realise they are poor organisers!

I mean if they supposedly have 1200 + members, surely they would need a bigger venue than the squirrel pub for members meetings!

Using a relatively small venue by its very nature, means they CANNOT possibly be representing even their OWN membership, and is therefore merely a clique!

If they want power, them why should this clique be afforded any more representation than anyone else?

Just because they shout louder does NOT necessarily mean they have anything to say!

After all one of their objectives was to reduce the level of the tannoy - and they STILL cannot achieve even that!


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you on give me some???
I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -as I HAVE had personal experience from major players on the SBT - and THEY ARE A DISGRACE!

Dare to question the practicalities, and you get bombarded with a linnellesque attack!

Obviously not in public, but vIA pm, as they dare not reveal their contempt for people who disagree with them in public.

It has gone from coming in when NO OTHER OPTION available, to pretty much expecting a position on the board for FREE!

Maybe Hoff & Joe may even buy into doing it believing this shower represents the fans, but THEY DO NOT!

It is basically a clique funded by 1000 people ! Just look how poorly attended their film night was to realise they are poor organisers!

I mean if they supposedly have 1200 + members, surely they would need a bigger venue than the squirrel pub for members meetings!

Using a relatively small venue by its very nature, means they CANNOT possibly be representing even their OWN membership, and is therefore merely a clique!

If they want power, them why should this clique be afforded any more representation than anyone else?

Just because they shout louder does NOT necessarily mean they have anything to say!

After all one of their objectives was to reduce the level of the tannoy - and they STILL cannot achieve even that!

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -as I HAVE had personal experience from major players on the SBT - and THEY ARE A DISGRACE!

Dare to question the practicalities, and you get bombarded with a linnellesque attack!

Obviously not in public, but vIA pm, as they dare not reveal their contempt for people who disagree with them in public.

It has gone from coming in when NO OTHER OPTION available, to pretty much expecting a position on the board for FREE!

Maybe Hoff & Joe may even buy into doing it believing this shower represents the fans, but THEY DO NOT!

It is basically a clique funded by 1000 people ! Just look how poorly attended their film night was to realise they are poor organisers!

I mean if they supposedly have 1200 + members, surely they would need a bigger venue than the squirrel pub for members meetings!

Using a relatively small venue by its very nature, means they CANNOT possibly be representing even their OWN membership, and is therefore merely a clique!

If they want power, them why should this clique be afforded any more representation than anyone else?

Just because they shout louder does NOT necessarily mean they have anything to say!

After all one of their objectives was to reduce the level of the tannoy - and they STILL cannot achieve even that!
What have they said to you ?


Well-Known Member
Once, just the once, I wish somebody would open a bloody massive pub and call it The Squirrel.


Well-Known Member
Red or grey?

Red, I guess...never seen a red one, but most American things are bigger and brasher, aren't they?


Well-Known Member
All very good turkeytrot and I understand what your saying, but how can the trust be a representative of the fans?
My email/suggestion could just be dismissed without my input, I understand that the trust can not do everything but IMO it can not (at this moment in time) be a representative of the average fan?
Do you have Skype so non Cov living fans can join in the debate?
There's a suggestion for the trust, can this be discussed at the next meeting please? :)


New Member
As a fan of CCFC and no longer living in Coventry, may I ask if I joined the SBT then would I be a true member as obviously I wouldn't be able to go to the meetings.
Members on here not all may I add say well go to a meeting then if you have something to say.
How would my opinion be heard on what I may think should be said or done?
I can see why some think this is an elite dare I say it clicky club for some? As surely you can't say your the voice of the average fan, because as I don't live in Cov no more, then how could you voice my thoughts or anyone who doesn't live in and around the Cov area?
Or am I missing something here?
The trust has members from all over the world. They get pretty regular emails from the membership secretary, and he positively welcomes any feedback. Read my post earlier, and you'll see that I took on board the suggestion of a questionnaire. I don't know how many times it has to be said, but here we go again: the Trust has never claimed to represent anyone other than its members, "average fans" or not. But with around 2,000 members it's far and away the largest independent Sky Blues supporters organisation. It's what is called an organisation of community benefit, what used to be called an industrial and provident society. As such, it's regulated by the FSA, who have to approve its rules, and receive its accounts on a yearly basis (though no transfer embargo if we don't!). The board is democratically elected every year, with a third of its members up for election each year.
You can read all this on the Trust's website, along with a lot more if you're interested. You could also use the contact form that I gave a link to earlier to as whatever questions you want about the Trust, or make a point about the club or the Trust.


All very good turkeytrot and I understand what your saying, but how can the trust be a representative of the fans?
My email/suggestion could just be dismissed without my input, I understand that the trust can not do everything but IMO it can not (at this moment in time) be a representative of the average fan?
Do you have Skype so non Cov living fans can join in the debate?
There's a suggestion for the trust, can this be discussed at the next meeting please? :)

Yep a stream would be a good idea :) webex or something!


Well-Known Member
They certainly are NLHWC :) Americans also have a habit of tearing companies apart as well?


Well-Known Member
Everything is out in the open, no hidden agenda.

See Steve this is the problem. The very reasons why you would not want to be that board member suggest that you are in fact the type of person that should be that board member. The idealistic approach - I see & hear in the boardroom...I report it to my people. That means it goes public & that has inherent consequences (usually negative)...or, you only report back what you are allowed to by the board = privilege...power. Then it becomes a board representative & divorced from the fans. It has to be all or nothing or store up trouble for later on IMO
That having been said I cannot fault the intention, which I believe is genuine at present...but it will quickly turn out as suggested above IMO

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -as I HAVE had personal experience from major players on the SBT - and THEY ARE A DISGRACE!

Dare to question the practicalities, and you get bombarded with a linnellesque attack!

Obviously not in public, but vIA pm, as they dare not reveal their contempt for people who disagree with them in public.

It has gone from coming in when NO OTHER OPTION available, to pretty much expecting a position on the board for FREE!

Maybe Hoff & Joe may even buy into doing it believing this shower represents the fans, but THEY DO NOT!

It is basically a clique funded by 1000 people ! Just look how poorly attended their film night was to realise they are poor organisers!

I mean if they supposedly have 1200 + members, surely they would need a bigger venue than the squirrel pub for members meetings!

Using a relatively small venue by its very nature, means they CANNOT possibly be representing even their OWN membership, and is therefore merely a clique!

If they want power, them why should this clique be afforded any more representation than anyone else?

Just because they shout louder does NOT necessarily mean they have anything to say!

After all one of their objectives was to reduce the level of the tannoy - and they STILL cannot achieve even that!

Well? Very quick at accusing people not very quick at replying though are you?

As for your other points small number of members attending meetings of any organisation is very normal that is unless youre a member of the North Korean polit bureau.

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