Does anyone hold a grudge with people who go Sixfields (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I do also agree that if there was no one at all in attendance, SISU and particularly the Football League would have to act soon to get the debacle sorted.


By now the attendees should have agreed to organise or join a protest. I think their position is a very weak one and gives succour to this dragging on indefinitely.


Well-Known Member
What do you think would happen with no fans there that would end it pretty quickly??

I think it would.

So would they liquidate and lose just about every penny they have wasted in our club or take us back to the Ricoh where they would make a few million a year if the fans come back?


Well-Known Member
I think it would.

So would they liquidate and lose just about every penny they have wasted in our club or take us back to the Ricoh where they would make a few million a year if the fans come back?

They wouldn't be "making a few million" the club has ran at substantial losses every year at the Ricoh.

So with no saleable asset yes they would liquidate. If there were zero fans there is no evidence this would make any difference - why would it.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
They wouldn't be "making a few million"
the club has ran at substantial losses every year at the Ricoh.

So with no saleable asset yes they would liquidate. If there were zero fans there is no evidence this would make any difference - why would it.

Again another Sisu supporter that likes to threaten liquidation !!!!
Liquidation would make the most valuable asset the club has which is the golden share worthless fact !!!
Not at Grudge , Just feel sorry for them ! You would need to blind and stupid to think Sisu are in the right. This is a long slow death by Sisu


Well-Known Member
No grugde, but feel saddened that people are attending.

Best thing here would be if all fans united. Either we all go and every week the club can't get the fans in and it's an organisational disaster, or no-one goes at all and the stadium is always empty, causing great embarrassment to the club.

As the first option means City fans having a round trip of 68 miles or more every home game, the second option is the only one that will actually work.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
In terms of fans at sixfields. Yes i do hold a grudge but pointless for this season because most will have already bought their season tickets.
I would hope that for next season more would see the light and not renew their sixfields season tickets.
Obviously the likes of Rfc and the 6 members that make up the whole GMK forum will still go. But every club has village idiots.....


Well-Known Member
They wouldn't be "making a few million" the club has ran at substantial losses every year at the Ricoh.

So with no saleable asset yes they would liquidate. If there were zero fans there is no evidence this would make any difference - why would it.

Can you elaborate with a breakdown of these losses.

Your post seems to indicate that it's all down to being at the ricoh and therefore all CCC's fault and we both know that there were bigger cost involved than the previous rent arrangement.

Perhaps you're right though, we would clearly be much better of at sixfields making profit. Screw you CCC we're much better off without the ricoh.


Well-Known Member
I don't hold a grudge against those that go. I don't understand why they want to, but that's their business.

I am however a little disappointed in the Sixfields attendees though for not protesting. They should be going ape shit every single game.

I think the answer you are looking for is YES.

Where's the anger as to what has been done to your club?

It is claimed that they are supporting the team, not the regime. So why not show the owners what you think?


Super Moderator
Yes I do. No apologies for it either. They are playing a part in the downfall of our club.
No 'home' fans at Sixfields this farce would be over pretty quick.

I don't think it would be over any quicker to be honest. The difference in revenue between zero and 1000 to 1500 home fans is negligible. Don't forget the away fans would still go.

One assumes you hold the same grudge against those that have gone to the away cup games at Wimbledon, Hartlepool, Barnsley and Arsenal?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be over any quicker to be honest. The difference in revenue between zero and 1000 to 1500 home fans is negligible. Don't forget the away fans would still go.

One assumes you hold the same grudge against those that have gone to the away cup games at Wimbledon, Hartlepool, Barnsley and Arsenal?

It's as much the embarrassment and publicity as much as anything else Mark, and as I have said before, while some go there is always the hope for Sisu that crowds will increase if we do really well. If no-one goes whatever, then that belief is blown straight out of the window.

Sisu must at the moment hope that in time the crowds will return, especially if we are suddenly in chance of promotion etc.

Thing is, the fact is that if we did get into the play-offs a lot of City fnas would relent and turn up and I dare say Sixfields would be full.
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Well-Known Member
They wouldn't be "making a few million" the club has ran at substantial losses every year at the Ricoh.

So with no saleable asset yes they would liquidate. If there were zero fans there is no evidence this would make any difference - why would it.

And the losses are nothing to do with the management fees of 2.5m a year and interest payments of 1.2 million a year that they charge our club? We would make a profit other than the charges they put upon our club. So are you happy with the 3.7m a year they charge our club more than the 1.2 million that we were charged in rent? At least for the rent we had somewhere to play in Coventry. What do we get for the 3.7m they charge our club.......other than incompetence management?


New Member
Mark82, 1500 fans at a tenner each. Obviously £15,000. It's not that paltry figure (in football terms) that's the issue - and you know it.
Imagine the headline on Sky Sports News, NO CCFC fans turned up today against Carlisle or whoever. In the football world it would be very big news and red faces all round at Sisu & the various football authorities. The media would be all over it. David Conn would be all over it. A Football League club with NO fans (at least at their farcical 'home' games).
The Sixfield few should be with the vast majority of fans in forcing this issue.


Well-Known Member
And the losses are nothing to do with the management fees of 2.5m a year and interest payments of 1.2 million a year that they charge our club? We would make a profit other than the charges they put upon our club. So are you happy with the 3.7m a year they charge our club more than the 1.2 million that we were charged in rent? At least for the rent we had somewhere to play in Coventry. What do we get for the 3.7m they charge our club.......other than incompetence management?

Sorry I'm confused - so what are you saying - the losses are down to management fees and I loan interest payments?

Oh ok are you saying the prior regime also charged management fees and that's why they racked up catastrophic debt with an average wage bill by championship standards and bigger crowds than we had seen for decades?

Don't tell me - they weren't losingoney at all - really mr Coventry and co were making millions.


Well-Known Member
Mark82, 1500 fans at a tenner each. Obviously £15,000. It's not that paltry figure (in football terms) that's the issue - and you know it.
Imagine the headline on Sky Sports News, NO CCFC fans turned up today against Carlisle or whoever. In the football world it would be very big news and red faces all round at Sisu & the various football authorities. The media would be all over it. David Conn would be all over it. A Football League club with NO fans (at least at their farcical 'home' games).
The Sixfield few should be with the vast majority of fans in forcing this issue.

It wouldn't make the news at all. David Beckham making a cameo appearance in only fools and horses is a far bigger and more interesting sports story.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm confused - so what are you saying - the losses are down to management fees and I loan interest payments?

Oh ok are you saying the prior regime also charged management fees and that's why they racked up catastrophic debt with an average wage bill by championship standards and bigger crowds than we had seen for decades?

Don't tell me - they weren't losingoney at all - really mr Coventry and co were making millions.

Playing at being thick again Grendull?

You have said your bit enough times saying we are in the shit because we were charged 1.2m a year rent. But SISUE are charging our club 3.7m a year. You know as much as 3 years the amount of rent we were being charged.......and have never seen you say a word against it. Our previous owners gambled on staying in the Prem. Nearly all the money went on transfers and wages we couldn't afford. These days we are being crippled by management fees and losing the vast majority of income by being in Northampton. But no you don't seem to understand when it suits you.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be over any quicker to be
honest. The difference in revenue between zero and 1000 to 1500 home fans is negligible. Don't forget the away fans would still go.

One assumes you hold the same grudge against those that have gone to the away cup games at Wimbledon, Hartlepool, Barnsley and Arsenal?

In terms of difference in revenue between zero, 1000 and 1500 fans this is not the issue.
The issue is that 1500 cov fans going to home matches at sixfields in the eyes of the football league, Sisu the world it rubber stamps their decision to move us from the ricoh !!!!
If no cov fans turned up to sixfields it would have forced the football league to take action !!!!


Well-Known Member
I reckon it would make a difference if 4000 turned up on the hill there would be chaos. Why don't you, Astute, Tony, Spion and a few others organise it. You've got until February 1st which is plenty of time.

In terms of difference in revenue between zero, 1000 and 1500 fans this is not the issue.
The issue is that 1500 cov fans going to home matches at sixfields in the eyes of the football league, Sisu the world it rubber stamps their decision to move us from the ricoh !!!!
If no cov fans turned up to sixfields it would have forced the football league to take action !!!!

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
I reckon it would make a difference if 4000
turned up on the hill there would be chaos. Why don't you, Astute, Tony, Spion and a few others organise it. You've got until February 1st which is plenty of time.

Personally if i went i don't think i could trust myself not to get into trouble.
I admire the restraint of those who do go to the hill at sixfields though.


Well-Known Member
No I have no problem with people whichever they decide. Its a free world.

People seem to overlook that simple fact that SISU put us in this position, not the fans, and can move us back, we cant regardless of who does or doesn't go.


Super Moderator
It's as much the embarrassment and publicity as much as anything else Mark, and as I have said before, while some go there is always the hope for Sisu that crowds will increase if we do really well. If no-one goes whatever, then that belief is blown straight out of the window.

Sisu must at the moment hope that in time the crowds will return, especially if we are suddenly in chance of promotion etc.

Thing is, the fact is that if we did get into the play-offs a lot of City fnas would relent and turn up and I dare say Sixfields would be full.

I think it's embarrassing getting crowds of 1500. I would hope Sisu do too.

You are right about play-offs. I couldn't honestly say I would stay away still if we got there.


Super Moderator
In terms of difference in revenue between zero, 1000 and 1500 fans this is not the issue.
The issue is that 1500 cov fans going to home matches at sixfields in the eyes of the football league, Sisu the world it rubber stamps their decision to move us from the ricoh !!!!
If no cov fans turned up to sixfields it would have forced the football league to take action !!!!

Have to disagree. 1500 is about the lowest attendance in the football leagues and one of its bigger clubs. I think it still sends the right message.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if they go, but I have the ask the question why? Everyone has the right to do what they wish, but the damage they are doing is almost beyond repair. I agree with many other posters that if no one went this whole mess would come to a very rapid end.


I don't care if they go, but I have the ask the question why? Everyone has the right to do what they wish, but the damage they are doing is almost beyond repair. I agree with many other posters that if no one went this whole mess would come to a very rapid end.

Why are people going to watch a football match? I reckon it is because they want to go and watch a football match, they are not going to say they love SISU, they aren't going to prove any sort of point they are just going to watch a game of football.


Well-Known Member
Why are people going to watch a football match? I reckon it is because they want to go and watch a football match, they are not going to say they love SISU, they aren't going to prove any sort of point they are just going to watch a game of football.

I guess it could just be that outsiders might see it as support of the move.


Well-Known Member
Why are people going to watch a football match? I reckon it is because they want to go and watch a football match, they are not going to say they love SISU, they aren't going to prove any sort of point they are just going to watch a game of football.

And I suppose the vast majority have stopped going to 'home' games but still go to away games because we don't want to watch football games?


Well-Known Member
Why are people going to watch a football match? I reckon it is because they want to go and watch a football match, they are not going to say they love SISU, they aren't going to prove any sort of point they are just going to watch a game of football.
Come off it Nick its more than that, you can watch game of football in the local park, or other local teams for example. Do you really believe if no one went to Sixfields it would not have an impact


Well-Known Member
This 'rapid end' people are talking about could well be the end of the club alltogether. Not a sudden change of heart by the ballbags making the decisions and a helicopter back to the Ricoh with handjobs all round.

Back on topic. I don't hold a grudge. People can do what they want.


Come off it Nick its more than that, you can watch game of football in the local park, or other local teams for example. Do you really believe if no one went to Sixfields it would not have an impact

If people can go and watch local teams then fair play, but if they don't support local teams then why would they? People are making out that because other people want to go and watch their team play football they must have a big I Love SISU t shirt and be sleeping with Tim Fisher.


Well-Known Member
So with no saleable asset yes they would liquidate. If there were zero fans there is no evidence this would make any difference - why would it.

You have no proof they'd liquidate whatsoever. Strikes me as the same lame excuse trotted out with regards the unethical bonus payments paid in The City wit regards people leaving to work abroad if sensible regulation was introduced. If they liquidated, they'd get nothing. If they sold, the goodwill would have an inherent value; especially if a buyer showed a candid interest in unifying club and Ricoh, and had cleared a pathway with CCC/ACL to enable them to do so

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
If people can go and watch local teams then fair play, but if they don't support local teams then why would they? People are making out that because other people want to go and watch their team play football they must have a big I Love SISU t shirt and be sleeping with Tim Fisher.

Nick use whatever you want to validate your decision to watch cov at sixfields but sleeping with Tim fisher is taking it to far !!!


Well-Known Member
This 'rapid end' people are talking about could well be the end of the club alltogether. Not a sudden change of heart by the ballbags making the decisions and a helicopter back to the Ricoh with handjobs all round.

Back on topic. I don't hold a grudge. People can do what they want.

Don't disagree wit the latter point. No grudge. However, as has been posted before; total abstinence - that is zero home fans - would bring about a level of publicity that would bring all parties (whoever you consider culpable) toward a quicker resolution. For every fan who does attend, that effect is negated. As long as they acknowledge their actions do have a consequence, that's fine. Do what they wish. Live with the consequqjmce...


Well-Known Member
People can do what they want, but for me if I went to Sixfields I'd feel like I was saying I support the move away from Coventry so that is why I don't go. It's all down to personal interpretation though.

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