Thats out of line weeman and you know it!!
What I am saying is a fundamentally obvious statement. As you say, it has been getting 1000 day all two weeks, it is now the 16th day. All yesterday did was boost it back up to the rate it was earlier in the week! Or do you not expect a radio with 100,000's of listeners to boost your numbers significantly?
If the numbers are roughly in line with what you were getting how is it a boost?
Had you not been mentioned on national radio, you would have received less then 400 yesterday. My point is considering it has only been two weeks, do you in your heart of hearts expect the same boosts on radio on a weekly occassion?
What I am trying to get you guys to think, is do not just assume the numbers via the petition is the be all and end all. AS with the hillsborough campaign, I put it to you, that its success had nothing to do with getting 100,000 signatures, and everything to do with what was going on in the real world!
My point, is that every successful campaign I have worked on has never relied on the result of one particular aspect. If you want this to succeed, don't just rely on getting numbers and hoping that a back bencher will endorse it etc etc. You need to back it up with a media campaign. For that you need money pure and simple.
ePetitions have been read out, but they are read when parliament is almost empty, by minor MPs with virtually nothing invested in their success. If you cannot accept any form of criticism then quite frankly you shouldn't be involved in any form of campaign! WM, you seem to think I was invested in the whole FIFA idea, and you once again got aggressive and defensive, and tried to tear down anything that doesn't just blindly go along with your train of thought!
You do realise that 99.999% of the country does not have as much emotional investment in this cause as you don't you? Quite frankly, there are only about 10 or so people in the world (the people responding to this thread) that are as invested as you guys! But that isn't a bad thing! Others will support it, just not to the extent you are! But you cannot go around jumping down the throats of anyone who might not agree with your point of view!
Remember the only reason I joined this was to show you that just relying on an ePetition is not the way forward! I mean what is it you want - the signatures or the inquiry? Inquiries can be pressed for without a petition you do know this right? And ePetitions do not mean it is guaranteed to get the inquiry -again you do know this right?
You as a cause have decided to go down the parliamentary route - that's fine that's the decision you have made?
So answer me this - WHY aren't you badgering MP's directly? Why waste time money and resources on a petition that could just so easily be ignored?
If you are so intent on protest marches - why aren't you protesting outside parliament? Why aren't you protesting outside the offices of the political parties? Surely you have been protesting to the wrong people!
As you are going, at some point you are going to have to invest in advertising pure and simple. You may not like it, but lifes a bitch. At that point you need to decide if its worth spending the money on a petition that mayor may not get read in parliament, and may or may not be backed in a heartfelt way, and considering there is already such an inquiry, you have to hope and pray that a politician can be bothered to raise such a fantastic argument that they agree there is no reason not to hold an inquiry!
Or do you expect an inquiry based solely on the merits of the wording of a petition? If you do then you really do have a naive outlook on life!
Just try and step back and take a look at your campaign from someone who isn't as invested in it as you. Could you justify a multi million pound inquiry based solely on the words in the petition. I have spoken to many lobbyist friends of mine. Not one said they would take this based on the wording, as it clearly states an inquiry has already been held. You need a really strong argument to justify another inquiry.
Unless of course you have more experience than me of how the wheels of power actually work, rather than how they should work! Most of policy is made outside of parliament. Deals behind closed doors. You need several MPs onboard to make this happen. Probably about 50-60 MPs backing this cause might give you the legitimacy to get an inquiry. Definitely a minimum of 2 senior politicians (ideally front benchers) need to be on board.
Oh and when I say onboard, I don't just mean will sign the petition. I mean actually backing the campaign! Get those MPs on your side and you will get your inquiry. Rely on an ePetition, bad mouth any criticism, acting like a spoilt child, and good luck wasting time money and effort on an ePetition.