Because you’re on here every time anyone suggests returning spending to normal levels ranting about why can’t we stop helping foreigners instead. It doesn’t take a mind reader.
Things weren’t “ramped up when they want” just like in 2011 it was determined that the best way to stop ongoing riots costing tens of millions in damages was for people to work through the night at great cost. We don’t have a large number of people waiting to be processed to stop an ongoing civil disorder. It’s like asking why we can go into debt for war and Covid but not to give everyone a free bus pass. Extreme events are extreme.
I’ve no idea what secure camps you’re on about but whatever it is will need staffing and people will need training and the courts will still need to perform justice. There’s really no way around this.
I'd say knife crime in this country is extreme.
"it will need staffing and people need training" isn't really an excuse either though, is it?