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  1. B

    support the ccfc academy with the worst lottery ever

    I'm 100%!!! Literally LOLLING!!!
  2. B

    One for Rob S and the Trust?

    I think a big group hug* would go along way to resolving some of the conflicts on here!!! (*Not in a gay way! Although if there is a gay fan on here who was involved with the group hug, I wouldn't have an issue with that! I'm not coming on to anyone who might be gay on here, I'm just trying...
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    Ross Allen

    The Kurt Drago signing was a hoax, mate! LOL!!!
  4. B

    Ladbrokes AD

    Call me crazy, but does anyone else think that Sisu has had a hand in this?!?!
  5. B

    Football League deadline update

    Don't you hate it when you end up triple posting!!! LOL!
  6. B

    Club Statement

    Ask the Nigerian who's just made off with Nick's life savings!!! LOL! Only joking, Nick! I know you've had the wool pulled over your eyes by Sisu, but I can't imagine that you'd ever gift your life savings to a Nigerian*! (*I'm not insinuating that you're racist** - I'm making a joke about...
  7. B

    FAO of Gonz/LordN/Afro

    I thought that was McGinnity*!!! LOL! (*Allegedly.)
  8. B

    Former chairman force to pay ACL £300k

    No worries, mate! We've all been there! Just make sure you read every single post on the forum before starting your own thread next time - will prevent this sort of thing happening in future!!!
  9. B

    Secret meeting with Joy and Timmy

    Oggy must be really pi55ed off then*!!! Literally LOLLING my a55 off!!! (*If you don't know, Oggy's had his nose broken on numerous occasions, so I was making a joke about his nose being put out of joint and that means he's not happy with the current situation at the club!!!)
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    Fans Forum

    Probably tongue in Fisher's cheek with you, Nick!!! LOL! Only joking, mate! Hope I haven't stepped over the line with that one! Just having a bit of 'bants'!!!
  11. B

    Fans Forum

    He did a cracking Bruce Forsyth*!!! LOL!!! (*I'm making out that it was impressions of famous people he was doing and not what he thought about the Sisu mob! LOL!!! Love it!)
  12. B

    Brian Patton

    Erm, what else do you think the 'S' stands for in 'Rob S'*?!?! You need to start thinking like the rest of us, mate, else this is never going to work!!! (*Sisu, in case you're still wondering!)
  13. B

    Brian Patton

    I think Brian* deserves a 'Patton'** the back for his efforts!!! Literally LOLLING at that one!!! (*Not me, although I'd welcome a pat on the back if you're offering***!) (**His surname is Patton and it sounds like 'pat on'! LOL!) (***In a friendly fellow fan we're all in this together kind...
  14. B

    How will you celebrate?

    I'll celebrate with a Ladyboy*!!! (*A pint of lager with a Bailey's Irish Cream and gin and tonic chaser made famous by Alan Partridge, before any of you get the wrong idea! Just like Alan, I'm not into that sort of thing**! LOL!!!) (**Ladyboys.)
  15. B

    never stop believing *positive thread*

    Yeah - 'firing' our best players*!!! LOL! (*This is just a very witty play on words, but in all seriousness we very well know that Sisu will do everything they can to destroy our football club, so I wouldn't put this past them! And then they'll probably sue the players for being sacked! LOL!)
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    Just to fill me in

    Well that's put the cat owners amongst the pigeon holes*!!! LOL! (*The actual phrase is 'cat amongst the pigeons', but I've altered it slightly to humorously fit in with Buster's comment! LOL!)
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    Kris Boyd

    Oo-er missus! LOL! Only joking mate, I know that this is a serious discussion! Apologies in advance!!!
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    Ten things we learnt from yesterday

    Oo-er missus! LOL! Not sure he's into that sort of thing! Although with his hair you just never know! LOLtastic!!!
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    Potential Protest @ JR?

    You need to get your ears syringed, it's 'To be, or not to be...'!!! LOL! Whoops!
  20. B

    SISU and the Oscars

    Was she on about you?!?! LOL! Only joking, Otis! I don't expect you to be the type that gets on your all fours with your arse a*d tits hanging out! Well not every weekend, anyway!!! LOLTASTIC!!! But seriously, I am only joking! No offence intended!