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  1. tommydazzle

    The EU: In, out, shake it all about....

    Stats are fine when used appropriately but naturally politicians are adept at cherry picking. I always think the modal average would be a fairer reflection of earnings than the mean which is skewed by a few billionaires pushing up the value. What do most people earn. One knock on effect of low...
  2. tommydazzle

    Police cars in accidents

    Were you upskirting at the time?
  3. tommydazzle

    The sopranos (again)

    Love a good sci-fi. Plausible worlds and imaginative futures. 1984 and Brave New World are classic sci-fi novels. There's some great movies out there.
  4. tommydazzle

    The sopranos (again)

    No, but animation is too much of an emotional rollercoaster and Bambi, Dumbo and Up make me blub like a big kid. I suppose animation is not pretending to be something that it isn't (not sure that even makes sense!) Damn you and your sensible questions. Must have got the wrong end of the stick...
  5. tommydazzle

    Things that annoy you

    Always used to amuse me when I saw a sign in Longford stating, 'urban junction' on which somebody had painted a T
  6. tommydazzle

    Energy Suppliers.

    If anyone's thinking of switching to Bulb energy - let me refer you and we both get £50. You're welcome.
  7. tommydazzle

    Thugs already freed.

    Yes really think they should have a percentage deducted from their wages/benefits to help pay for his care for the rest of his life. It's the least they could do. During the court case they were grinning and jeering at his family. Don't know if I could stomach that if it was my family member.
  8. tommydazzle

    The 'not so obvious' hot babes thread!

    Sorry Otis don't get it?
  9. tommydazzle

    The 'not so obvious' hot babes thread!

    If only.....
  10. tommydazzle

    The sopranos (again)

    Never seen Game of Thrones - can't get past the idea of dragons in it. Are they talking dragons? Seems a bit bonkers.
  11. tommydazzle

    The 'not so obvious' hot babes thread!

    Louise Minchin has lovely legs.
  12. tommydazzle

    Prince Phillip

    Is there a driving component in the Duke of Edinburgh Award?
  13. tommydazzle

    I'm In A Movie

    I'm in a sci-if movie. The enemy aliens will always speak with deep guttural voices and never use apostrophes to contract spoken words.
  14. tommydazzle

    Home brewing

    When I was a teenager I used the Geordie home brew kit. Came in a cardboard box and you had to boil up the hops, add the malt etc and I think it made around 40 pints. It was strong stuff too and adding too much sugar meant bottles exploding like grenades. It was consumed in great quantities by...
  15. tommydazzle

    Things that annoy you

    Must admit after living in Norfolk all these years I have been contaminated with the long 'a'. Occasionally I lapse and get called a Brummie which is about as big an insult you can get apart from Scouse obviously. I always inform these ignoramuses that I speak the dialect of Shakespeare who...
  16. tommydazzle

    Things that annoy you

    Is that a general thing that you don't like celebrities with fruit based head shapes?
  17. tommydazzle

    Ancestry DNA

  18. tommydazzle

    Things that annoy you

    Ha ha, I do exactly the same!
  19. tommydazzle

    Things that annoy you

    Bit trivial this but annoys me: George Clark, the tv architect - he's a Geordie so like us Midlanders uses the short 'a' vowel sound as in glass, fast etc but for some weird reason always uses the long 'a' in 'master bedroom' and sometimes 'plaster' but nowhere else. I know it's pathetic but...
  20. tommydazzle

    Ancestry DNA

    In fact, you don't have to go very far back to find we are all related. If you do the maths on doubling (4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents etc) it's not many generations before you run out of population, so there's plenty of duplicate ancestors. If you go back far enough we all share a...