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  1. Colonel Mustard

    Sky Blue Trust: We know nothing about an impending takeover

    Will you be there to spread the good word?
  2. Colonel Mustard

    Potentially 4 interested parties

    Unquestioning about it too, even when said saviour may have business interests in South Africa, Russia and the Congo ...
  3. Colonel Mustard

    Preston Haskell IV to buy Alan Higgs charity.

    Reading between the lines, it looks like Mr Haskell IV has gone rogue in true Dhinsa/David style, to the surprise of his ACL confederates.
  4. Colonel Mustard

    Sky Blue Trust: We know nothing about an impending takeover

    I want to thank the Sky Blue Trust for making my day with that statement.
  5. Colonel Mustard

    Potentially 4 interested parties

    What does that matter? You said that nobody would lease their ground to SISU, which is just completely unreasonable. It is another of those unjustifiable accusations that makes SISU completely toxic to so many supporters and hurts the discussion.
  6. Colonel Mustard

    Are the fans partially to blame??

    Add in Kenilworth, Rugby, Leamington, Nuneaton etc. Huge, huge catchment area. It does make you wonder what CCFC's marketing department has been up to over the decades. There should be a big outreach. Leonard Brody may have been a nutter, but at least he threw ideas out there. We need more...
  7. Colonel Mustard

    Potentially 4 interested parties

    If they break that contract you can kick them out. I get that you don't have much time for SISU, but these exaggerated fears aren't helpful.
  8. Colonel Mustard

    Potentially 4 interested parties

    This just isn't sensible. An empty stadium isn't the equivalent of having an empty terraced house to let in Earlsdon. Anybody who needs the money will take a flier on SISU.
  9. Colonel Mustard

    Potentially 4 interested parties

    Pretty much anybody who has one to lease. What's worse - no payment at all, or the possibility of no payment.
  10. Colonel Mustard

    Are the fans partially to blame??

    Best put your helmet on ...
  11. Colonel Mustard

    Why have BBC CWR sided with SISU?

    It is probably just incompetence, to be blunt. Do Linnell and Foster have the intellectual capacity to grasp the situation and form the questions that need to be asked? Gurney did. Eakin perhaps, but he's far too sheepish.
  12. Colonel Mustard

    Club website down

    It's working fine now, champ.
  13. Colonel Mustard

    SISU apologists seem to be looking uncomfortable !

    It is all very well taking an 'above-it-all' middle-man position, but the fact is that the fanbase is extremely confused over whose side to take. Even one of ACL's overseers, PWKH, initiated a thread entitled due to his uncertainty over SISU's latest move in their chess match. You...
  14. Colonel Mustard

    SISU apologists seem to be looking uncomfortable !

    I would never deny a possibility, NLHWC. But the post I addressed what was about to actually happen. You don't have to be pro-SISU, anti-SISU or neutral-SISU to accept that the club was literally minutes away from a self-imposed administration deadline - thus the inevitable deduction of 10...
  15. Colonel Mustard

    SISU apologists seem to be looking uncomfortable !

    We know that the club would have lost 10 points for going into admin, meaning ... ... we would have been bottom of the table, facing very likely relegation after the release/sale of all high wage players. We didn't own the stadium then and we don't own it now. So even in that hypothetical...
  16. Colonel Mustard

    SISU apologists seem to be looking uncomfortable !

    They barely qualify as actions. We all support the club (and therefore SISU) with matchday tickets, merchandise and whatnot. It is ludicrous to get so angry at people who do exactly the same things as we all do.
  17. Colonel Mustard

    SISU apologists seem to be looking uncomfortable !

    Erm, exactly what actions have they taken that are different to those of you or any other CCFC fan?
  18. Colonel Mustard

    Announcement due soon?

    Would you rather he waits till Monday morning?
  19. Colonel Mustard

    Thanks for robbing me SISU and Council

    No point getting ahead of ourselves. It just creates the kind of artificial anger that has made this all so polarised.