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  1. H

    Bad joke corner

    My next door neighbour just asked me if I had taken anything off her washing line. I nearly shit her pants!
  2. H

    You have scored one goal in the History of Coventry City Which was it and what would

    I hate badge kissing, it's so false! Think back at all the biggest badge kissers in the world. I doubt very much they are still at the club whose shirt badge they kissed.
  3. H

    Coventry City '87 Legends vs Tottenham '87 Legends Charity Match

    Got fed up waiting so made other plans but thanks for answering.
  4. H

    Coventry City players is hotel towel destruction SHAME!

    Definately a trailer for a new Gay Porn Channel on Sky.
  5. H

    I don't mind if nobody else signs before the new season ...

    Lets hope someone at the club wins tomorrows Euro Millions lottery, then we can buy who we want!
  6. H

    SBT Footie Match

    WTF, buses in Coventry stop after 6pm? The City has gone to the dogs. Wasn't like that in my youth. As for 15 minutes on a bike, I'd be fukced before I started to kick a ball!!
  7. H

    Coventry City '87 Legends vs Tottenham '87 Legends Charity Match

    Earth to the organisers, earth to the organisers................... How many more times do we have to ask CAN WE PAY ON THE GATE?
  8. H

    Bad joke corner

    Went to the pub with my girlfriend last night. Locals were shouting paedo and other horrible names at me just because my girlfriend is 21 and I'm 52. It completely spoiled our 10th anniversary.......bastards!
  9. H

    What are you currently listening to?

    My soddin' manager droning on and on and on.
  10. H

    Coventry Sphinx Ladies

    That brings back memories, the Sphinx. Used to play the odd game many years ago (for the gent's, I might add). Anyone know of the whereabouts of Terry Hyde?
  11. H

    Marlon Speaks Out!!!

    Let's face it, there is little or no loyalty anymore in football. Most players are mercenaries who only look at the big bucks being offered by other clubs to entice them away from their current contract. Hah, did I say contract? They also mean feck all.
  12. H

    Anyone got Jutkiewicz on their shirt?

    Nope, got some tomato sauce and pasta on mine, I really should use a bib!
  13. H

    Protest at FedEx Coventry

    I'll bet all the protesting women were friendless, hippy, bike riding, vegetarian lesbians. The blokes would have just been rent a mob, anything for a punch up. I'll bet each and everyone one of them will have received a Fed Ex package in their lifetime, did they turn them away at the...
  14. H

    ***missing**** HUGH Finnie (80)

    Has he been found yet?
  15. H

    New chants?

    Cor blimey, Leon Best. I'd forgotten all about him.
  16. H

    so what happened up town last night?

    If I can spread a little joy and laughter on the way, I'm a happy man! DON'T send me the dry cleaning bill!
  17. H

    so what happened up town last night?

    300 people on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning in a Coventry club? They must have got their dole early!!
  18. H

    Bad joke corner

    I got sacked last night from the Salvation Army soup kitchen. Ungrateful bleeders, all I said was, 'hurry up for goodness sake, some of us have got homes to go to!'