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  1. H

    Are there 3 teams worse than you?

    Exactly, which is why, even 3 games in, quite a few of us can see the writing on the wall. What exactly do we have? A controlling company who don't give a shit about football matters and a squad that can best be described as below average (I never thought that as a city fan of over 40 years...
  2. H

    I'm glad we got beat tonight !!!!!

    3 games no points, Southampton also 3 games, 9 points....... you don't have to be brilliant at sums to figure it out! Unless we register some kind of result soon, we are going to be in deep shit, SISU protest or not.
  3. H

    Arsenal open Scott Dann talks.

    Do you honestly think any of the money would be earmarked for new players? I think not.:thinking about:
  4. H

    Joey Barton

    I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said about Joseph Barton. Hope he falls down the stairs.......................
  5. H

    its ok

    Bye bye Asian, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
  6. H

    Bad joke corner

    Liverpool just bid for Carlos Tevez Apparently they've offered 200 plasma TV's, 6 rolls of carpet and 72 pairs of Reebok classics. David Cameron. About as much use as Stephen Hawking's mountain bike.
  7. H

    Achievements rating

    Nope, can't say they have!:thinking about:
  8. H

    Achievements rating

    OMG, I've only just noted these under your user name. Is it like the star system in McDonalds, you know, been there a week, cleared up your first pile of pewk, spat in your first burger etc etc? I really must be more observant!
  9. H

    Battered Tart

    Publicity seeking slapper, end of, now jog on and get a feckin life and stop sleeping around you old skank. God, I feel better for that. :claping hands:
  10. H

    Where do you come from?

    Rob, you are right. Luton is the arsehole of Bedfordshire (probably the entire south of England), you never linger, you just pass straight through. I never said that Coventry was worst than anywhere. I just despair at what I see in my home city. Chances are that some of those girls are...
  11. H

    Bad joke corner

    My missue came home last night with a new brand of ice cream. I asked her if it was hard or soft scoop. She looked me in the eye and in her best seductress voice said "It's as hard as you are when you think of me". So I said, "Go on then, pour me a glass"
  12. H

    Bad joke corner

    "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "I've got Altseimers" "I've got Altseimers who?" "Knock knock!"
  13. H

    Where do you come from?

    Born in Cov, went to Templars infant and junior schools, then Woodlands. Moved to Bedfordshire in 1989, never looked back. Parents and best friends still live in the city, I always despair when I come 'home' as the city centre is full of feckin foreigners and 14 year old single mums swearing...
  14. H

    A Question..

    We must be of similar ages Jack. I used to go with my mates but we were 'ard and went in the West End, we were always told that the Spion Kop was for pussies! LOL
  15. H

    Injury's mounting up Eastwood, Baker & Juke

    Some goon (was it Steve McLaren?) was giving 'scores' for who he felt would do well next season in the Championship. We were in his bottom three. Unless things improve dramatically at the Ricoh, I fear he may be right.
  16. H

    Bad joke corner

    On the radio at lunchtime there was a report about child obesity saying that for every one case reported there were hundreds that were left to deal with the situation alone. So, that one reported case is the tip of the beefburger!
  17. H

    Who am i

    It's all in the eyes, my friends it's all in the eyes!!!!
  18. H

    Amy Winehouse

    I could give you a few jokes but they are all on Sikipedia, so there's no point. What disturbs me slightly is people calling her a legend, a wasted talent, too young to die. Let's put things into prospective here. She wasn't a legend at all (how many albums has she released?), she was...
  19. H

    Spot The Odd One Out!

    Forest and Reading look about the same as us
  20. H

    Potter 'sets box office record'

    I went to see the very first Potter film all those years ago. There was me and Mrs Jarse, another couple and a single bloke in the entire cinema. After the film I said to the missus that it didn't appeal to me and it wouldn't take off! Anyone want any investment advice?