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  1. H

    Possible new managers

    Fabio Capello.........well, you lot started this! No one in their right mind is going to want to manage a club run by a bunch of useless tossers who don't give a shit about the team. Even Peter Reid would say no this time round, that's how bad things have got.:laugh:
  2. H

    Sisu protest tonigh

    I also have to ask, did the receptionist actually tell you "to fuck off" or did you read that into what was said. It would be bad enough if it was the latter but if it was the former, she should be sacked!
  3. H

    Bad joke corner

    Andy Thorn was out Scaring Coventry fans last night. He was dressed as a contract extension.
  4. H

    Bad joke corner

    What's six inches long and won't get sucked tonight? Jimmy Savills cigar, of dirty minded buggers!
  5. H


    The one good thing about a DAB radio is that the song titles scroll across the screen, saving my old brain from racking itself to death thinking of the damn title in the first place!
  6. H


    Brilliant filming, not quite what I was expecting but very watchable.
  7. H

    dab radio question

    Is that a bad thing then?
  8. H

    SPAIN - Different Planet Or What ???

    Whoa there, WE, what do you mean we, kimosabi? Scottish football is the pits, the only reason Celtic are in Europe is because another team (who got more points than the Jocks) fielded an ineligible player. I can still see Ally McLeods little face now if I shut my eyes!
  9. H

    Would you pay more to watch the team win?

    All results should be on the basis of a performance related pay scale. Not for the supporters mind you but for the grossly overpaid footballers who parade themselves on a Saturday afternoon.............or a Friday night, Saturday lunchtime, Sunday lunchtime and afternoon, Monday night (in fact...
  10. H

    Looking for Coventry fans...

    I think Freddie started to believe his own press a bit too much. I agree with les miserables, do a piece on SISU.
  11. H

    Freddy Eastwood Record

    He's probably worried about his mates at Dale Farm.....give him a break! ;)
  12. H

    Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito freed!

    Why the hell not, 11 men in sky blue to it every other week!
  13. H

    £14 to bring a 2 year old

    Good job you left his boots at home, he would have made the team sheet! :o
  14. H

    Fifa 10

    Where have you been man?
  15. H

    What jobs do we all have?

    Coronation Day flag seller..........not much call for my profession!
  16. H

    About Nuneaton

    Does Camp Hill still have a bad rep? Many, many years ago dated a girl from Camp Hill and was stopped and checked by the rozzers loads of times. Bastards got me for a dodgy tyre once, grrrrrr:mad:
  17. H

    Camper Van Crisis (TV series)

    I saw a quick snippet as I was flicking through the channels and thought that too. She changed to a more punky hairdo for the last part of the show!!
  18. H

    Bad joke corner

    Wrong, I'm afraid!
  19. H

    Bad joke corner

    What's eight inches long and makes my wife come? My thumb and middle finger when I click them!
  20. H

    humble pie - i'm sorry everyone

    The state of our club has fu**ing given me twating Torrettes, bastard bollocks