This thread is one of the most mental we've ever had. You would have thought condemning Nazis would be something everyone could agree on, even on here, but we only got to the third post before Corbyn and the IRA had been dragged into it and we were being told all sides are to blame.
Its been downhill from there, Clinton, Brexit, Rotherham, Newcastle, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Bernie Saunders, Egypt all dragged in to it. Half the threads have many similarities to someone starting a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but'.
I don't see how it is anymore complicated than Nazis on one side and everyone else on the other. You've got people parading down the streets sieg heiling while chanting heir Trump and carrying swastika flags. An armed milita on the streets when its supposed to be a peaceful protest.
How can you see black people being openly attacked in the street in broad daylight and say Nazis are bad but so are Black Lives Matter?
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