Actual Nazis in America (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
In the same way there are frequent attacks on Christian institutions in countries like Egypt?

Yeah fuck them, let's burn mosques down because christians are being persecuted in Egypt. You're a special kind of moron. Can't win an argument so start blaming everyone else.


Well-Known Member
the democratic system will always allow a subsequent vote every 4 years
Not necessarily.
52 percent of Republicans surveyed said they would support postponement of the next presidential election if Donald Trump said it was necessary to ensure only citizens voted. The percentage giving a thumbs-up to this scheme rose to 56 percent if congressional Republicans joined Trump in calling for it.


Well-Known Member
That's ok then? Let's go out and torch a mosque... we are talking about an Advanced powerful country with Atom bombs led by an idiot. Trump is pouring kerosene on the fire... it will get worse.. he mocks the people trying to calm things down... wait til Iran and China start reacting..

No it's clearly not ok for Christians to be murdered and maimed in Islamic societies. Anymore than the transverse. Oddly though you seem very reluctant to condemn it.


Well-Known Member
No it's clearly not ok for Christians to be murdered and maimed in Islamic societies. Anymore than the transverse. Oddly though you seem very reluctant to condemn it.

Says the man that's used persecution of Christians to avoid condemning attacks on Muslims. Like I said. You're a special kind of moron.


Well-Known Member
This thread is one of the most mental we've ever had. You would have thought condemning Nazis would be something everyone could agree on, even on here, but we only got to the third post before Corbyn and the IRA had been dragged into it and we were being told all sides are to blame.

Its been downhill from there, Clinton, Brexit, Rotherham, Newcastle, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Bernie Saunders, Egypt all dragged in to it. Half the threads have many similarities to someone starting a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but'.

I don't see how it is anymore complicated than Nazis on one side and everyone else on the other. You've got people parading down the streets sieg heiling while chanting heir Trump and carrying swastika flags. An armed milita on the streets when its supposed to be a peaceful protest.

How can you see black people being openly attacked in the street in broad daylight and say Nazis are bad but so are Black Lives Matter?





Well-Known Member
Says the man that's used persecution of Christians to avoid condemning attacks on Muslims. Like I said. You're a special kind of moron.

Not that special. The Mail Online comments section is full of people (and Russian bots) like him.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
This thread is one of the most mental we've ever had. You would have thought condemning Nazis would be something everyone could agree on, even on here, but we only got to the third post before Corbyn and the IRA had been dragged into it and we were being told all sides are to blame.

Its been downhill from there, Clinton, Brexit, Rotherham, Newcastle, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Bernie Saunders, Egypt all dragged in to it. Half the threads have many similarities to someone starting a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but'.

I don't see how it is anymore complicated than Nazis on one side and everyone else on the other. You've got people parading down the streets sieg heiling while chanting heir Trump and carrying swastika flags. An armed milita on the streets when its supposed to be a peaceful protest.

How can you see black people being openly attacked in the street in broad daylight and say Nazis are bad but so are Black Lives Matter?

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Incredible isn't it. We're fucked if we can't condemn Nazis without pointing fingers elsewhere. Where is the safest place going to be in the next war? Iceland, New Zealand?
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Well-Known Member
No it's clearly not ok for Christians to be murdered and maimed in Islamic societies. Anymore than the transverse. Oddly though you seem very reluctant to condemn it.

We are talking about an armed mob chanting anti Jewish slogans whilst carrying torches... Been done before often enough in Nazi Germany. Where is the condemnation from yourself or Trump. No it's not OK Muslims murdering Christians. Everyone on here agrees. Strange thing is that you start on about Antifa and start deflecting half way across the world instead of doing what any democrat should do... Condemn armed Nazis grouping together to intimidate people and to encourage likeminded Nazis sitting at home to come out and join them.

A leader of a democratic country is obliged to condem them and call them out. The orange tosser talked about "many sides" which includes democratic protesters who risked a kicking to stand up for people like us ( in the USA ). You take the orange tosser's side. Unbelievable. Yes, Antifa causes trouble, yes some Muslims murder innocents. We know that. Trump is pouring kerosene on a fire to get his right wing and thick base to love him. Trump is the one saying he will destroy ISIS... Hasn't done it has he? Ask the relatives of the victims in Barcelona what they think of big mouth's promise to destroy ISIS..

Wait til these Nazis turn up in Boston. They may get a kicking and no doubt you and Trump will be crying about their right to freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
May I conclude my contribution in expressing my dismay at the suffering of innocent people as a result of narrow minded bigotry throughout the world from wherever it may arise. In modern enlightened times when you would have expected man too have advanced beyond such savagery we seem only to be regressing


Well-Known Member
This thread is one of the most mental we've ever had. You would have thought condemning Nazis would be something everyone could agree on, even on here, but we only got to the third post before Corbyn and the IRA had been dragged into it and we were being told all sides are to blame.

Its been downhill from there, Clinton, Brexit, Rotherham, Newcastle, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Bernie Saunders, Egypt all dragged in to it. Half the threads have many similarities to someone starting a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but'.

I don't see how it is anymore complicated than Nazis on one side and everyone else on the other. You've got people parading down the streets sieg heiling while chanting heir Trump and carrying swastika flags. An armed milita on the streets when its supposed to be a peaceful protest.

How can you see black people being openly attacked in the street in broad daylight and say Nazis are bad but so are Black Lives Matter?

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Incredible isn't it. We're fucked if we can't condemn Nazis without pointing fingers elsewhere. Where is the safest place going to be in the next war? Iceland, New Zealand?

No, we're fucked if you're ridiculous left wing rhetoric stands front and foremost on western society for the immediate future.

Honestly, utterly clueless.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Who are "muslims"? How many? What lull have we had regarding getting involved in wars in Muslim countries? I would say the West had killed more muslims in the last 20 years alone than a few lone terrorist wankers. Doesn't justify ploughing into innocent people though..


Well-Known Member
The thread is about neo nazis. Everyone condemns Islamists on the numerous threads that there have been on attacks by Islamists. No one on them threads has said yeah but what about the neo nazis.
Exactly. When there are threads on Islamists and terrorist attacks carried out by them nobody defends them. Nobody comes on here posting 'but what about...'.

This is a thread about Nazis in America but a handful of posters are doing their best to sidetrack it onto Islamists, Pakistani grooming gangs, BLM and anything else they can throw in the mix.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. When there are threads on Islamists and terrorist attacks carried out by them nobody defends them. Nobody comes on here posting 'but what about...'.

This is a thread about Nazis in America but a handful of posters are doing their best to sidetrack it onto Islamists, Pakistani grooming gangs, BLM and anything else they can throw in the mix.

Are you serious?

The Islamist threads are usually a battle between those with common sense, and the apologists pointing out our foreign policy whilst eating truffles and sipping on Cava.

All but one poster here has condemned the Nazi's. Everyone has basically said they are a bunch of cunts that have no place in society.


Well-Known Member
Condemning Nazis is ridiculous left wing rhetoric?

The nazis are deranged mentalists predominately from southern American states.

Their numbers are actually on the decline of you look st KKK membership as a barometer.

They present no danger whatsoever. They are fruit loops that represent less than 0.1% of a nations viewpoint.

The left wing rhetoric is the deliberate attempt to associate this movement with mainstream republicanism and conservatism.

Islamic state is nazism in a truer and far more dangerous form but of course cannot be attributed to those who actually are not considered liberal and left wing.


Well-Known Member
The nazis are deranged mentalists predominately from southern American states.

Their numbers are actually on the decline of you look st KKK membership as a barometer.

They present no danger whatsoever. They are fruit loops that represent less than 0.1% of a nations viewpoint.

The left wing rhetoric is the deliberate attempt to associate this movement with mainstream republicanism and conservatism.

Islamic state is nazism in a truer and far more dangerous form but of course cannot be attributed to those who actually are not considered liberal and left wing.

The kkk may be in decline ( I suspect they may get new members now that Trump has put them on a par with the people protesting them ), but that doesn't mean that other Nazi groups are or that the extreme right must be in decline. It is not left wing rhetoric to call these people out - many republicans and even the chiefs of staff ( who never get involved in politics) have expressed disgust at this nazi Demo. Right wing conservatives, centre people, democrats and the left have all used the rhetoric you describe as left wing. Says a lot about you when you and Trump are on another page to mainstream conservativism and top republicans.

Islam is right wing conservative and Islamists are fascist in their actions. But they are not Nazis. Nazism is about ethnicity and submission to an earthly Führer. Islam is not about ethnicity ( at least in theory ) and is about submission to a heavenly Führer, or rather a nasty pixie in the sky. Refusing to point the finger at the Nazis who instigated this show of strength and capability of violence, is the same as letting Islamists off the hook - which you wouldn't do. You want to share the blame for Charlottesville with the people who stood up to the Nazis though.

You prefer the Nazis. I call both Islamists and Nazis out which makes me left wing?

Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
This thread is one of the most mental we've ever had. You would have thought condemning Nazis would be something everyone could agree on, even on here, but we only got to the third post before Corbyn and the IRA had been dragged into it and we were being told all sides are to blame.

Its been downhill from there, Clinton, Brexit, Rotherham, Newcastle, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Bernie Saunders, Egypt all dragged in to it. Half the threads have many similarities to someone starting a sentence with 'I'm not a racist but'.

I don't see how it is anymore complicated than Nazis on one side and everyone else on the other. You've got people parading down the streets sieg heiling while chanting heir Trump and carrying swastika flags. An armed milita on the streets when its supposed to be a peaceful protest.

How can you see black people being openly attacked in the street in broad daylight and say Nazis are bad but so are Black Lives Matter?

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Great post, Dave.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious?

The Islamist threads are usually a battle between those with common sense, and the apologists pointing out our foreign policy whilst eating truffles and sipping on Cava.

All but one poster here has condemned the Nazi's. Everyone has basically said they are a bunch of cunts that have no place in society.

Some have deflected to the protesters and put all of them in the same class as the Nazis. Some imply that the Nazis are the victims because people dared to stand up to them. Others deflected to Egypt and Islamists. Anything to share the Nazis guilt and water it down by saying other people are bad as well. True, but Charlottesville was a planned act of intimidation and an attempt to frighten people and gain new members by a show of strength- the statue itself was of secondary importance.

The tactics shown by the slogans, beating of at least one person based on race, the torches and the Hitler salutes are the exact same as those used by the S.A..

No deflections. No blame sharing ( "other sides" as Trump says ). Trump is wrong not to nip this in the bud. There will be more Charlottesvilles because of that.


Well-Known Member
And he has pretty much been universally condemned by all sides, including many in his own party and quite rightly so.


Well-Known Member
I would however prefer the term "so called neo nazis" just for complete parity

They are neo Nazis. No "so called" about it. They have obviously read up on Hitler's rise to power ( the organisers who can and do read ). The stage play is absolutely authentic.


Well-Known Member
They are neo Nazis. No "so called" about it. They have obviously read up on Hitler's rise to power ( the organisers who can and do read ). The stage play is absolutely authentic.

Sorry my issue is with the soppy bollocks term so called Islamic State. You can also feel the smugness of people when they say it. Everything in the world can have so called in front of it.

Like the so called "football match" I am going to on Saturday


Well-Known Member
What about the BNP. They offend me, I'm a British National but don't want to be associated with them. How about the so called BNP


Well-Known Member
I always find it completely baffling how anyone can admire what Hitler stood for and then to also use some of his belief system as part of a template for what you stand for as an individual today.


Well-Known Member
I always find it completely baffling how anyone can admire what Hitler stood for and then to also use some of his belief system as part of a template for what you stand for as an individual today.

Better tell Ken Livingstone.


Well-Known Member
Better tell Ken Livingstone.

Deflecting again. You and your people are not willing to condemn Trump or the Nazis outright without any ifs and buts ( excuses and deflections ). Even the republicans look like they have had enough. Trump is obviously not capable of being a president- he just cannot contain his impulses. Any views from his mate Farage lately?


Well-Known Member
Better tell Ken Livingstone.
Errm, I don't think that is correct now is it.

Hasn't he just been saying that the Jews helped form a small part of Hitler's strategy back in the 1930's

Not the same thing is it. I haven't read up on it entirely, but I am pretty certain Livingstone is not a supporter of Hitler or his ideology.


Well-Known Member
Errm, I don't think that is correct now is it.

Hasn't he just been saying that the Jews helped form a small part of Hitler's strategy back in the 1930's

Not the same thing is it. I haven't read up on it entirely, but I am pretty certain Livingstone is not a supporter of Hitler or his ideology.

Just had a quick go over what Livingstone has said and yep, there's some dodgy stuff in there, but he's hardly called for the extermination of the Jews has he. He was very much involved with Gay Pride events and worked towards disability rights. They were also on Hitler's hit list targets.

There is no way on earth that Ken Livingstone is pro Hitler.

If I meet someone and they say they don't like Jewish people does that make them a Hitler apologist?

Not defending Livingstone here, because what he said was wrong, but he is no Nazi.


Well-Known Member
Livingstone also equated sending British troops into Ireland being as bad as the Nazis.

Again, hardly pro Hitler or being an Hitler apologist is it.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Are you serious?

The Islamist threads are usually a battle between those with common sense, and the apologists pointing out our foreign policy whilst eating truffles and sipping on Cava.

All but one poster here has condemned the Nazi's. Everyone has basically said they are a bunch of cunts that have no place in society.

so you think that having isis main backer as an allie and selling them arms doesn't in some way contribute - OK then.
What do you think is the cause then - how did they establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria? What conditions allowed them to do that? Ignore foreign policy as a contributing factor while sieg heiling round your living room in front of a swastika! (that's a crass comment which will hopefully make you realise how stupid your truffle and cava remark is).

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