Sorry I do apologise for my typos, I didn't realise is was publishing a novel, I thought it was just a forum to voice a opinion. I now see everyone must have excellent spelling and grammar to post a point. Shall I spell check my post for you next time so you can understand better next time?
I criticised trump earlier, called him a dick. He said he was anti war and didn't want to get involved in other countries issues before his election, he then dropped a bomb on Syria, and got in a dick swinging competition with north Korea. The bloke is a cock and has a ego problem, and there are plenty other things I don't agree with him about as well but that doesn't mean I have to disagree with everything he does.
My opinion is that Nazi's/ white supremacists are idiots, wrong and have place in society and should be condemned for their twisted views, I just don't think saying its ok for another group to turn up, take law and order into their own hands and start fighting is the right way to go. Show them up for the racists that they are, take pictures and shame them. In my opinion there are better and more constructive ways to fix the problem than just using violence. How in anyway that makes me sympathise with Nazi's or think trump is great I don't know