Bad joke corner (3 Viewers)


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St peter walked up to God and said the Hinges on the Gate are broken, Don't worry said God...........Jim'll Fix It


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in the last 10 years we have lost Johnny Cash, Steve Jobs, Bob Hope & Jimmy Saville...........So now we have no cash, no Jobs, no Hope and no fucker to fix it!!


Active Member
A teacher informs the class they are doing famous quotations and asks who said 'Kiss me Hardy?' Quick as a flash a black kid puts his hand up and says 'Lord Nelson, Battle of Trafalgar 1805.' A white kid shouts out 'You fucking black c**t' Who said that asks the teacher? Quick as a flash the white kid says 'John Terry Loftus Road 2011'


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A British man is on trial in Dubai for allegedly throwing a naked prostitute out of his hotel window.

But since it's Dubai, he's only being charged with littering.


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My mate reckons he always cries after sex. I thought u Soft lad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . then I remembered, he's in prison!!


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I took my son out for his first pint. Got him a Fosters. He didn't like it - I had it. Then I got him Carlsberg, he didn't like it, I had it. It was the same with Guinness and Cider. By the time we got down to the whisky I could hardly push his bloody pram...


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A Chinese couple have become the first of their kind to have an Albino Baby!! Which goes to show two Wong's can make a white.


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The police are on the lookout for someone who has stabbed 6 people with knitting needles. A police spokesman said that the culprit is following a pattern


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Mick walks into paddys barn and catches him dancing naked and playing with himself in front of a tractor . Mick says " fecking hell paddy , what ya doing " Paddy replies "well me and Mary haven't been getting on in the bedroom lately , and the therapist recommended i do something sexy to a tractor"


Active Member
A old man & his grandson went into a bookies. The boy asks his grandpa if he can put a bet on . "if you can touch ur arse with ur dick, you can have a bet. " says grandad. I cant says the lad ," well ur not old enough then ". So the boy goes into the shop next door and buys a scratchcard & wins £50,000 ! He goes and tells hes grandpa, who suggested they should split it 50/50 " can u touch ur arse with ur dick ? " asks the boy. "yes! " shouts grandpa . " well go fuck yourself .

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
I have just witnessed Fatima Whitbread taking a shower in a skimpy bikini under a waterfall in the jungle, i sat there thinking please don`t get an erection ..................... but she did:laugh:


Facebook User
I figure over HALF of you will understand about halfway through the reading :D
A woman and her boyfriend are out having a few drinks. While they’re Sitting there having a good time together, she starts talking about this Really great new drink.
The more she talks about it, the more excited she gets, and starts
trying to talk her boyfriend into having one.
After a while he gives in and lets her ...order the drink for him. The
brings the drink and puts the following items on the bar:

1. A salt shaker,
2. A shot of Baileys,
3. A shot of lime juice.

The boyfriend looks at the items quizzically and the woman explains.

First you put a bit of the salt
on your tongue.
Next you drink the shot of Baileys and hold it in your mouth.
And finally you drink the lime juice.'
So, the boyfriend, trying to go along and please her, goes for it.

He puts the salt on his tongue........salty but OK.

He drinks the shot of Baileys and holds it in his mouth........smooth, Rich, cool, very pleasant. He
thinks........this is OK.

Finally he picks up the lime juice and drinks it.

1. In one second the sharp lime taste hits

2. At two seconds the Baileys curdles

3. At three seconds the salty, curdled taste & mucous-like Consistency hits

4. At four seconds it feels as if he has a mouth full of nasty snot

This triggers his gag reflex, but being manly, and not wanting to disappoint his girlfriend, he swallows the now foul tasting drink.

When he finally chokes it down he turns to his girlfriend, and says, Jesus what do you call that drink?'

She smiles widely at him and says,
'Blow Job Revenge.':laugh::laugh::laugh:


Super Moderator
Bloke goes into a pet shop and asks the manager

`I want to buy a wasp`

Manager `Sorry-we only sell pets here?`

Bloke says `But you,ve got one in the window`


New Member
Someone rang me up today from an energy company to ask me what I thought of wind turbines.

I said "big fan."


Well-Known Member
does this count as a bad joke?

Gary McSheffery has fake abs like the guy off big brother.
As told by craine in the program yesterday.


New Member
There once was a mouse called Keith,
Who circumcised boys with his teeth,
It wasn't for leisure,
Or sexual pleasure,
But to get to the cheese underneath.


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When I checked into my hotel on a recent trip, I said to the lady at the registration desk,

" I hope the porn channel in my room is disabled. "

To which she replied,

" No, it's regular porn, you sick bastard."



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I called that tinnitus help line - useless - just kept ringing.


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I've got this new aftershave - it smells like breadcrunbs.

The birds love it ! :facepalm:


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:pointlaugh::pointlaugh:a rabbi said to a precocius boy so your mum says all your prayers for you every night thats good what does she say
little boy answers thank god he's in bed


Facebook User
The other half went missing last week and the cops said prepare for the I got her clothes back from the charity shop :))


Facebook User
i went to my local and said you got any bar positions available?

barman said, well no ones leaning on the fruit machine at the moment!


Active Member

Sean and Paddy are out in the woods hunting when suddenly

Sean grabs his chest and falls to the ground.

He doesn't seem to be breathing ; his eyes are rolled back in his head. Paddy whips out his mobile phone and calls 999.

He gasps to the operator, "By t'undering Jesus, I tink Sean is dead! What should I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says,

"Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is a silence...... and then a gun shot is heard.

Paddy comes back on the line : "Okay, now what?"


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I was audition for a show went into the dressing room and there was a message on the door sayin beware of the puffs, I then i went to do my hair and make up and there was a message on the mirror saying beware of puffs just as Igoing onto stage there was a message on the floor i bent down to read it and it said " You have already been warned twice"!!!!!


Well-Known Member
sorry this is awful, i heard it on the radio this morning...

David Seaman has officially got the longest goalkeeper's throw in premier league history, he used to throw the ball out to Thierry Henry Overmars...

i'll get my

p.s. sorry about he spelling mistakes, that will teach me to post on my phone!
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A well known celebrity chef walks out of Tesco with a chicken under his coat.
Security stopped him and asked "what u doing with that then?"

To which he replied, "chips & peas"


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another chef has been arrested tonite & charged with fraud!

apparently he's been cooking the books!

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