If you're so against point-scoring then why aren't you kicking off about Marty trying to point score on Labour by criticising Khan? Weird how you're in here every day talking about how bad our numbers are yet defend the government at every turn, who, in case you missed it, are the ones who are in charge of dealing with all this shite.
Why are you solely focused on criticising the Mayor of London as opposed to the government who are actually in charge of national strategy for dealing with the virus then?
It was in response to a post about why are so many TFL workers dying from this virus, I gave the reasons why and linked to an article, all hell broke loose and suddenly I was being called all sorts.
I have been critical of the government many times during this, poor decision making from the start of this crisis. I affiliate with no party, I'm liberal thinking in some ways, gay marriage etc, and quite conserative on other issues, for example immigration. I didn't vote this election due to the poor choices of leadership, but I've warmed to Boris as he seems to truly want to make great things happen. As soon as Corbyn came out and gave his pronouns, he became unelectable for me. We need a strong leader and an even stronger leader of the opposition to get the best out of the leader. Both Johnson and Corbyn failed in this regard for me.
If you don't agree with my criticism of Kahn that's fine, but too make out hes the only target would be disingenuous.