Depends how it is handled.
About 500 people are employed where I work. Those who can work from home do. Thise with underlying health issues of any kind are off on full pay. We have people in sterilizing what can be touched 24 hours a day. Our temperature is checked each day on arrival to work before we get on site. Any slight symptoms and off for 14 days.
Don't know what is happening elsewhere though.
I work in a environmental lab, we do testing and analysis on sewage and drinking waters.
Social distancing is not being followed properly, people are regularly within 2m of each other, sometimes through people being careless and sometimes it is impossible because of space. When you are training another analyst it's impossible to remain 2 m away.
We are all sharing lab equipments, disposable gloves are being shared between about 20 people (not the actual gloves but the glove box is being shared, so when you have 20 people changing there gloves probably 10 times a day that's a lot of hands reaching into the glove box)
Personal coats and lab coats are being hung up on coat pegs touching each other in the cloak rooms and are then left overnight all in close proximity.
We are still fully open, even for the non essential work streams. Lots of other non essential business/production are remaining open.
Where do you work?