What was wrong with it? He’s rallying the country to keep up the lockdown, saying how it’s working, saying that there is a plan in place to move to phase 2.....Yet people like you will still moan because you don’t like the man
Why is any criticism of Johnson or the government met with something like 'you don't like the man' rather than an actual response to the criticism?
There was zero substance in there. What do you know now that you didn't know before his speech?
He's talking about lockdown being a success following a weekend when we've all seen, both in person and from pictures shared on social media, that the lockdown is being increasingly ignored.
We were told we were aiming for under 20K deaths, we now have more than that in hospitals alone, probably over 40K when all deaths are taken into consideration, how is that a success?
Once again no indication that the government has any plan or timescale for moving to the whatever the next phase actually is. Other countries are starting to move forward, we don't seem to even have a plan.
Talked about the government having "maximum transparency", the opposite of what we've actually witnessed from them and says that as stories circulate that media outlets who have been critical of the government are being denied access to the daily briefings, not to mention follow up questions seem to have been removed, without any prior warning to the press.