Well-Known Member
“Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime”. Perfect messaging. These days you’d be up in arms at the “dog whistle”.
As for immigration, TBH there’s nothing socialist about not protecting community cohesion or low paid workers. You can have high immigration as long as it’s not at the expense or poor communities. There’s a really good thread I read on this:
I’m not sure I agree that you can convince people rapid large scale low skilled immigration is good, but the points about taking people with you and planning where immigrants will live and work are good ones IMO.
Although there were/are failings in explaining things like immigration it's not like there haven't been attempts to do so. But if people don't want to listen you can't make them. If you go into a detailed analysis of immigration most people's eyes would glaze over and they'd just stop paying attention. It doesn't fit in with their simple world view and so just dismiss it as 'bleeding heart liberals" making excuses.
It doesn't help when you've had a govt and referendum campaign that plays to that thinking rather than the facts. They get elected because they just go along with the popular opinion rather than actually trying to educate people on the finer points.
"The superior man knows what is right. the inferior man knows what will sell"