Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (71 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Whereas the Tories are renowned for owning up to their errors?

They deflect with whataboutery (Labour anti-semitism when they've got a much larger problem themselves) Corbyn and Russia but where's the Russia report?

What the Tories do is when the pressure gets too much is get rid of the leader and this 'wipes the slate clean'. All in the past, nothing to see here. The carry on as before. Rinse and repeat.

Labours do indeed have a failure to address problems and what they do wrong, and they need to take plays from the Tory handbook in terms of campaigning.

But don't make out that anyone other party looks at their errors either. They're just far more willing to hide or deflect them.

We need some people well versed in the dark arts and Starmer looks like he is going to pander to the woke crowd-I'm giving him a free pass for Covid but he looks like a more well spoken Miliband so far

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Pingu looking worse for wear at PMQs


Well-Known Member
We need some people well versed in the dark arts and Starmer looks like he is going to pander to the woke crowd-I'm giving him a free pass for Covid but he looks like a more well spoken Miliband so far

This is what I was saying earlier. The ‘woke crowd’ from 2015 are back in the fold (the people who brought the ‘edstone’ and immigration mugs) masquerading as the ‘grown ups’


Well-Known Member
And this goes to the next point I made. Always go on full attack on the Tories but ignore what is wrong with Labour. And then pretend there is nothing wrong and make anti Labour accusations if anyone mentions it.

Don't we want to appeal to the floating voters?

Again, what do the Tories do? Go full on attack on Labour and ignore their own failings. Anti-semitism vs Islamophobia and their own anti-semitism problems? Brush their own under the carpet and slam Corbyn and Labour.

Massive budget deficits and rising debt. Problem for them all but say Labour's plans are totally unaffordable.

The Tories go on the attack just as much, if not more, than Labour do. They're just more adept at hiding or deflecting from their own issues. Whether this is partly to do with having a media that will help keep these things under the radar, better use of legal processes to prevent reporting or just keeping it in-house for the greater good of getting elected than the power struggle of Labour, where they both shoot themselves in the foot by trying to give their faction the upper hand and just end up making the party as a whole (and therefore themselves) look bad.


Well-Known Member
You've perfectly illustrated my point. You say voters intelligence shouldn't be questioned yet you cite the likes of "20,000 new police officers" and "40 new hospitals and 50,000 new nurses" as reasons for the Conservatives winning. Things that were quickly and easily shown to be false.

You say the media has little influence yet they repeated these and similar soundbites without question while tearing apart every word uttered by Corbyn.

Its beyond me why so many on the left want to single out one issue. Why can't it be 'all of the above'? Seem to be getting themselves up for failure again next time round.

Forget the media not repeating it, Labour didn’t repeat it! The messages were terrible and forgettable. Good messaging isn’t right wing is my point!

The media tore apart the 50,000 nurses and 40 hospitals claims as well. All that does is amplify the claims.

And Labours manifesto had a £58bn Waspi sized hole in it. There’s lots of experts who say zero carbon by 2030 is impossible. We didn’t say how we’d set prices for bringing broadband into public control.

This is exactly what I mean, conspiracy theories and whining about fairness rather than accepting we did a bad job. Even if everyone is against us why not give them less ammo? Why not make their job harder?

This is why the left loses control every time. Rank incompetence and reliance on nonsense about media bias.


Well-Known Member
After Brexit it was said that one of the lefts biggest issues was regarding voters as stupid yet the reasons put forward for the Conservatives winning, the claims of additional police, nurses and hospitals, amount to calling voters stupid as they were so quickly and easily shown to be false.

So the issue isn't really about voter stupidity it's about how you acknowledge it.

Tories are sensible enough to know voters are stupid and play to that without saying voters are stupid.

Labour on the other hand goes "this is what we're doing and if you don't get it you're thick"

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Can we all agree that Raab is very very very shite at PMQs

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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Forget the media not repeating it, Labour didn’t repeat it! The messages were terrible and forgettable. Good messaging isn’t right wing is my point!

The media tore apart the 50,000 nurses and 40 hospitals claims as well. All that does is amplify the claims.

And Labours manifesto had a £58bn Waspi sized hole in it. There’s lots of experts who say zero carbon by 2030 is impossible. We didn’t say how we’d set prices for bringing broadband into public control.

This is exactly what I mean, conspiracy theories and whining about fairness rather than accepting we did a bad job. Even if everyone is against us why not give them less ammo? Why not make their job harder?

This is why the left loses control every time. Rank incompetence and reliance on nonsense about media bias.

To be fair shmmeee I think the more insane commitments came out as they became more desperate to take discussion away from Brexit which was never going to happen.


Well-Known Member
But it was growth

Growth at all costs

Without provision of required expansion in infrastructure.
Depression on wages,pitting families against houses of multiple occupation.
No doubt there were some in Westminster who happily enriched their property portfolios on the basis of that.

Tories are all about growth at all costs. Economic growth. We've seen from this pandemic that we've almost certainly done poorly because rather than focus entirely on the health issue there were voices saying "but what about the economy". Johnson's speech about being willing to stay open shows that opinion was there and had plenty of traction.

As part of that growth, increasing population to bring wages down is always an easy way to go about it and immigration/moving abroad is the quickest/easiest way for that. But the thing is to have the rhetoric of 'tough on immigration' when in reality what they want is the complete opposite cos it'll enrich them.


Well-Known Member
Has Raab ever been seen in the same room as CCFCSteve?, now Fernando !

To be fair, I’ve been clear about the reasons why I think it’s very difficult to accurately compare countries now based on current confirmed cases and deaths, as we know little about actual case numbers in various countries, future spread, reinfection etc etc.

I’ve not seen too many argue against the points made....but then again, they still carry on making the comparisons so guess they’d prefer to ignore (fair enough !). Only time will tell I guess

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Tories are all about growth at all costs. Economic growth. We've seen from this pandemic that we've almost certainly done poorly because rather than focus entirely on the health issue there were voices saying "but what about the economy". Johnson's speech about being willing to stay open shows that opinion was there and had plenty of traction.

As part of that growth, increasing population to bring wages down is always an easy way to go about it and immigration/moving abroad is the quickest/easiest way for that. But the thing is to have the rhetoric of 'tough on immigration' when in reality what they want is the complete opposite cos it'll enrich them.
The vast majority of the population as per polling is supportive of keeping restrictions for health reasons.

Reopening the economy at this point is not a vote winning view.

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Well-Known Member
It’s possible for him to be completely wrong on the football (which he is) and still challenge inept ministers chatting bollocks on morning TV.

In other words you agree with his sensationalism and tub thumping when it suits


Well-Known Member
Asking a minister how many people have died in care homes and them not knowing when it’s their job is sensationalising.

OK mate.

Morgan of course would in his day have hired actors to play dead people in these homes but if he’s your torch bearer then good on you

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
And you say he’s sensationalising things...
Just ignore Grendal. He's a weirdo, if people on here were hating on him him he'd be full of praise for him.

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clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Morgan of course would in his day have hired actors to play dead people in these homes but if he’s your torch bearer then good on you

That doesn't make him wrong about the government's handling of the crisis though.
Yes, he had absolutely no moral compass when he worked for the press, and probably still doesn't.


Well-Known Member
It’s strange how you seem to loath populism but seem to support the epitome of such when it suits
Most of the country seems to be under the illusion that the government are doing a fantastic job. How is it populism to be critical of the government? Populism is the shite you and Dom spout.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Most of the country seems to be under the illusion that the government are doing a fantastic job. How is it populism to be critical of the government? Populism is the shite you and Dom spout.
You ever seen Grenners and Dom in the same room

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Calling the government go account for missing it's own targets and failing to explain why is hardly populism.
See this is the utter shite he spouts. He's the kind of weirdo that would drink brew XI in the snug at the cottage

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member

Shame you'll never get to visit the room that's right though.

But hey...

Grenners post is almost as good as Tom's life post.

Grenners couldn't win a game of soggy biscuit against himself.

Mans a pure weirdo and a pure fantasist.


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