Again for a Labour supporter you seem very quick to jump on Labour's back.
Fact is we did the Operation Cygnus in 2016 that highlighted these deficiencies and never acted upon them. At what point has Labour been in control since them to rectify the situation?
Personally I reckon if Labour had been in we'd have still not sorted out the shortfall and been in the same position as we are now. But we can never know. So all we can criticise is those that have had the opportunity and that is the Tories.
And yet again show where I have jumped on Labour.
Now try the truth. Several on here have had a go at the Tories not stockpiling medical equipment needed for a time like this in the last 10 years. I stated (Which is 100% the truth) that the Tories have had a lot more than 10 years and there have also been Labour governments that haven't done the stockpiling.
So what we do is ignore the Tory bit and say I am blaming Labour.
There hadn't been a pandemic for over 100 years. Would you like to disprove this?
Should we have warehouses all over the UK holding millions of items that need renewing every few years as would be past their use by date? Easy to say after the event.