Brighton Sky Blue
Well-Known Member
At the risk of repeating myself, autumn/winter is the big test. Come through that, and it's vaguely optimistic. What we mustn't do is repeat what we did last time and dither if things are looking bad here and, for that matter, elsewhere. I actually agree with the opening up with extreme caution, as we're still keeping the weakest away from the disease in that way, while seeing what happens and being able to gather more information to decide the next step.
Well... I agree with that if I thought we were actually following science. As it stands, we appear to be following random populism, and that's dangerous in both respects - either keeping us shut needlessly, or even opening us up because people decide it's alright.
We aren’t showing extreme caution, we’re imposing a contradictory half way house in schools that inconveniences everyone for dubious benefit. The government is also very clear that parents can’t keep children out of school if they’re scared of COVID. The actions are not proportional to the severity of the disease for the general population.