Do you want to discuss boring politics? (38 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Her claims around the reform of OFSTED for example are nothing but cosmetic. The one word overall ‘judgment’ doesn’t appear on a website as a header, but the same judgements by category are still there.
The culture of judgements and the practice of the organisation has not changed one bit - it’s still toxic as ever, just not as obvious to outsiders.
It's a bit like the CQC for the NHS. So much time, effort and cost put in to demoralise everyone.


Well-Known Member
@chiefdave I found somewhere suggesting 11% (141) private schools could close. Bit shit for the state sector if 10 of this happened to be close to each other. You won't like the source so I won't bother.

May end up brilliant for people who own nice homes in the catchment areas of the best state schools. The will make a packet of capital gain. Not so great perhaps for local state school pupils.

Unfortunately doesn't apply to me though @shmmeee


Well-Known Member
@chiefdave I found somewhere suggesting 11% (141) private schools could close. Bit shit for the state sector if 10 of this happened to be close to each other.

Brilliant for people who own nice homes in the catchment areas of the best state schools. The will make a packet of capital gain.

Unfortunately doesn't apply to me though @shmmeee

Why on earth do you think state schools don’t want an influx of highly motivated children with parents committed to education? Are you high?


Well-Known Member
Why on earth do you think state schools don’t want an influx of highly motivated children with parents committed to education? Are you high?
If only, although never was my thing.

Why do you think that state school pupils are going want to compete for the attention of an insufficient number of teachers who are being harangued by pushy parents. Are you quite mad, or just totally indoctrinated.

I have come to the conclusion that if you had been raised in early 1930's Germany you would have been a rabid SS member.


Why on earth do you think state schools don’t want an influx of highly motivated children with parents committed to education? Are you high?
You tried getting one into a state school recently? Especially during the school year?


Well-Known Member
If only, although never was my thing.

Why do you think that state school pupils are going want to compete for the attention of an insufficient number of teachers who are being harangued by pushy parents. Are you quite mad, or just totally indoctrinated.

I have come to the conclusion that if you had been raised in early 1930's Germany you would have been a rabid SS member.


Ive taught. I’d take 40 well behaved kids over 15 badly behaved ones every day. And 100 pushy parents over 1 shitty one TBH.


Well-Known Member
So you’re saying the state system needs more resources. Interesting.
Its fairly self evident I would have thought. But like everything, the resources are never provided ahead of the change, increasing likelihood of failure.

this is almost certainly a cockup

its quite interesting to see which piece of my post you didn’t challenge🤣


Well-Known Member
I'm saying have you tried to get a kid into state school from private recently?

No because I don’t believe in private education. I have got kids into state schools and I have worked in state schools where kids have come and gone mid year. My daughter’s primary half the class left in January to go to Henry’s for example, as they do every year. I missed your gnashing of teeth then.


Well-Known Member
No because I don’t believe in private education. I have got kids into state schools and I have worked in state schools where kids have come and gone mid year. My daughter’s primary half the class left in January to go to Henry’s for example, as they do every year. I missed your gnashing of teeth then.

You have such a closed mind. You don’t seem to believe in much other than class war. And stealing money from one set of people to give to others.


Well-Known Member
Younhave such a closed mind. You don’t believe in much other than class war.

Do you have any thoughts that weren’t written by the Daily Mail copy team?

I spent years in education, both theory and practice, and it’s my belief that private education as the UK does it is a bad idea. However I’m generally pro parental choice, it’s a really thorny area at the best of times, so I don’t support an outright ban, but asking them to pay the same tax my 9 year old does on her Mars Bar isn’t class war. Get a grip.


No because I don’t believe in private education. I have got kids into state schools and I have worked in state schools where kids have come and gone mid year. My daughter’s primary half the class left in January to go to Henry’s for example, as they do every year. I missed your gnashing of teeth then.

Why did they leave to go to Henry's? Why would I gnash my teeth over parents fed up with the schooling system and doing something they can to improve their kids education? Fair play to them.

Oh it's easy to go from state to private mid year, that wasn't my point.


Do you have any thoughts that weren’t written by the Daily Mail copy team?

I spent years in education, both theory and practice, and it’s my belief that private education as the UK does it is a bad idea. However I’m generally pro parental choice, it’s a really thorny area at the best of times, so I don’t support an outright ban, but asking them to pay the same tax my 9 year old does on her Mars Bar isn’t class war. Get a grip.

🤣 I'm pretty sure they are paying plenty more than your 9 year old in tax.


Well-Known Member
Private schools are perfectly capable of eating the VAT, every VAT exemption hasn’t lead to lower prices so there’s no reason to think VAT has to lead to higher prices.

If private schools are demanding money halfway through a term then that’s the private schools at fault. From my dealings with them they care far more about the money than the kids.


Well-Known Member
Why did they leave to go to Henry's? Why would I gnash my teeth over parents fed up with the schooling system and doing something they can to improve their kids education? Fair play to them.

Oh it's easy to go from state to private mid year, that wasn't my point.

Because they took funding with them and demanded places in the middle of the year. Terrible stuff.


Because they took funding with them and demanded places in the middle of the year. Terrible stuff.
Maybe it's a sign that the state school wasn't doing their kids justice.

They will still be paying their tax towards education like everybody else.


Well-Known Member
No because I don’t believe in private education. I have got kids into state schools and I have worked in state schools where kids have come and gone mid year. My daughter’s primary half the class left in January to go to Henry’s for example, as they do every year. I missed your gnashing of teeth then.

you would believe in it if you had the money to pay - you worked in a selection based school that was using the excuse of religion to achieve strong results. You’d pay if you were rich enough.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's a sign that the state school wasn't doing their kids justice.

They will still be paying their tax towards education like everybody else.

Oh then no worries. I’m really not sure what your point is. You’ve got some weird issue with schools, we’ve seen that in other threads. There’s literally nothing wrong with Earlsdon Primary FFS don’t be ridiculous. “Not doing their kids justice” get a grip.

Here’s the Ofsted while she was there. I’d compare to Henry’s but private schools don’t get inspected so I can’t. Wonder why. After all they’re doing so much justice 🙄



Well-Known Member
Oh then no worries. I’m really not sure what your point is. You’ve got some weird issue with schools, we’ve seen that in other threads. There’s literally nothing wrong with Earlsdon Primary FFS don’t be ridiculous. “Not doing their kids justice” get a grip.

Here’s the Ofsted while she was there. I’d compare to Henry’s but private schools don’t get inspected so I can’t. Wonder why. After all they’re doing so much justice 🙄

You didn’t have the money


Well-Known Member
@chiefdave I found somewhere suggesting 11% (141) private schools could close. Bit shit for the state sector if 10 of this happened to be close to each other. You won't like the source so I won't bother.
Why wouldn't I like the source? Always interested in getting more data.

Over what time period are they suggesting 141 schools will close and is that a net figure? For reference the figures I can find for 2024 show 46 schools closing but 77 new private schools opening. That number of closures is actually well below the average of 80 a year.


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't I like the source? Always interested in getting more data.

Over what time period are they suggesting 141 schools will close and is that a net figure? For reference the figures I can find for 2024 show 46 schools closing but 77 new private schools opening. That number of closures is actually well below the average of 80 a year.

They clearly won’t close immediately - it will be a drop as schools fail to get enough to pay the fees. Remember it’s not just VAT but increases in staff NI payments, it’s inconceivable that the CSF will not close schools soon - it was considered 2 years ago


Well-Known Member
Have those parents that can no longer afford private school fees considered simply cancelling Netflix and eating less avocados?

Or have they tried simply working harder and being more aspirational?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any thoughts that weren’t written by the Daily Mail copy team?

I spent years in education, both theory and practice, and it’s my belief that private education as the UK does it is a bad idea. However I’m generally pro parental choice, it’s a really thorny area at the best of times, so I don’t support an outright ban, but asking them to pay the same tax my 9 year old does on her Mars Bar isn’t class war. Get a grip.
None of my thoughts have been knowingly written by the Daily Mail copy team.

Did you think the grammar system was bad?


Well-Known Member
None of my thoughts have been knowingly written by the Daily Mail copy team.

Did you think the grammar system was bad?

I did. The evidence supports it.

I’ve gone both ways. I was a gifted kid and have the classic pushy parent thing of thinking my kids is better than everyone else’s and needs to stop being held back by all the scummers but it’s not true. And the evidence shows on a societal level pulling these kids out into some caste system is a Bad Thing and that’s before you get to educational attainment.

School is society in its rawest form and impacts far more than one kids exam results.

I have a basic principle which is that kids don’t choose their parents and talent isn’t distributed according to parental wealth.


I did. The evidence supports it.

I’ve gone both ways. I was a gifted kid and have the classic pushy parent thing of thinking my kids is better than everyone else’s and needs to stop being held back by all the scummers but it’s not true. And the evidence shows on a societal level pulling these kids out into some caste system is a Bad Thing and that’s before you get to educational attainment.

School is society in its rawest form and impacts far more than one kids exam results.

I have a basic principle which is that kids don’t choose their parents and talent isn’t distributed according to parental wealth.

Why's it a bad thing if state schools don't know what to do with them? I saw my daughter being massively held back as a perfect example.

I wish when I was at school I had that chance to be honest. Why do you take such an issue with somebody for example not happy with what is happening with their child at your kids school and whipping them out to go to Henry's.

How is talent distributed due to parent wealth? It just stinks of jealousy. If a parent is going to make massive sacrifices to send their kid to try and be the best they can be then what's the issue?

I also believe that school just isn't right for some kids and not the best environment for them.

When people argue against private they go straight to silver spoon and Eton nonsense which is a different world to most.


Well-Known Member
I did. The evidence supports it.

I’ve gone both ways. I was a gifted kid and have the classic pushy parent thing of thinking my kids is better than everyone else’s and needs to stop being held back by all the scummers but it’s not true. And the evidence shows on a societal level pulling these kids out into some caste system is a Bad Thing and that’s before you get to educational attainment.

School is society in its rawest form and impacts far more than one kids exam results.

I have a basic principle which is that kids don’t choose their parents and talent isn’t distributed according to parental wealth.
Can't argue with your last sentence.


Well-Known Member
Why's it a bad thing if state schools don't know what to do with them? I saw my daughter being massively held back as a perfect example.

I wish when I was at school I had that chance to be honest. Why do you take such an issue with somebody for example not happy with what is happening with their child at your kids school and whipping them out to go to Henry's.

How is talent distributed due to parent wealth? It just stinks of jealousy. If a parent is going to make massive sacrifices to send their kid to try and be the best they can be then what's the issue?

I also believe that school just isn't right for some kids and not the best environment for them.
Also can't argue with your last sentence either


Well-Known Member
Why do you take such an issue with somebody for example not happy with what is happening with their child at your kids school and whipping them out to go to Henry's.
Genuine question but is there any stats on how often this happens? How many kids start in a regular comp, or whatever they are called these days, and then get taken out and move to a private school?

Or is there any breakdown on the financial situation of the parents of kids in private schools.


Well-Known Member
Genuine question but is there any stats on how often this happens? How many kids start in a regular comp, or whatever they are called these days, and then get taken out and move to a private school?

Or is there any breakdown on the financial situation of the parents of kids in private schools.
I have no idea what sort of organisation would have any interest in such stats. Probably only on a football forum :)


Genuine question but is there any stats on how often this happens? How many kids start in a regular comp, or whatever they are called these days, and then get taken out and move to a private school?

Or is there any breakdown on the financial situation of the parents of kids in private schools.

I know of a fair few who have left from a normal state school to go private. Shmee also says a fair few from his daughter's class "My daughter’s primary half the class left in January to go to Henry’s for example, as they do every year."

I'd guess the financial situation would differ massively between schools, Eton and Harrow would be completely different to Bablake or Henrys and others like that. Anybody I know who sends their kid to the ones around here are what I'd say are just "normal" people and work hard to be able to do it.

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