The worry is, if that happens, it could well be Latvia next and then Lithuania.
At what point does anyone step in?
Latvia and Lithuania are both NATO members, so NATO would have to step in then.
The worry is, if that happens, it could well be Latvia next and then Lithuania.
At what point does anyone step in?
Yes. Two of the ten Eastern European countries that joined in the last 20 years.Latvia and Lithuania are both NATO members, so NATO would have to step in then.
Amazing isn't it. They just don't realise how inconsistent and muddled they are.I’m old enough to remember when Tories were spitting feathers at sports getting involved in politics for taking the knee. How the worm has turned
Truss tells English teams to boycott Champions League final over Russia crisis
English teams should boycott the Champions League final over Russia's potential invasion in Ukraine, Liz Truss has told
And no one caresAmazing isn't it. They just don't realise how inconsistent and muddled they are.
Global Britain. Reintroduce an out of date measurement system only used by 2 countries in the world. Genius.![]()
Government to launch study on economic benefits of reintroducing imperial units
Exclusive: Business minister mocked for ‘ludicrous’ attempt to quantify ‘Brexit benefit’
What a disgrace the baying mob allowed to shout down Caroline Lucas and the speaker's response!
I think it is worse than that. It's about actual bias in favour of the Government to the detriment of democracy and accountability. His role should extend to facilitating reasonable challenge.Hoyle is the epitome of a wet blanket!
Shambles of a man.
Trump praises ‘genius’ Putin for moving troops to eastern Ukraine
Former president says Russian leader made ‘very savvy’ decision to recognise two territories of eastern Ukraine as
Good old Liz!
It's frightening that we have someone that thick in such an important position.
Though we shouldn't be surprised, we have a culture Secretary who think the Internet has only been around for 10 years.
Putins biggest concern won’t be faux sanctions but the rather underwhelming reaction in the stock markets to his little wander into Ukraine - he will be very disappointed
That’s the fear isn’t it? With bullies you appeal to their goodness and then when that doesn’t work you hit them with overwhelming force. I think we are at the overwhelming force pointThe worry is, if that happens, it could well be Latvia next and then Lithuania.
At what point does anyone step in?
That’s the fear isn’t it? With bullies you appeal to their goodness and then when that doesn’t work you hit them with overwhelming force. I think we are at the overwhelming force point
so you want war?
No one, other than Putin, wants war in Ukraine. Describing it as you do elsewhere, as a 'little wander', is frankly ridiculous.
Ukraine has only ever wanted peaceful co-existence with Russia, and a right to democracy and self-determination.
It gave up its nuclear weapons when Russia pledged to "respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine".
Ukraine got a signed commitment in 1994 to ensure its security – but can the US and allies stop Putin’s aggression now?
As Russia threatens to invade Ukraine, Ukrainians wonder about the worth of a 1994 agreement signed by Russia, the US and the UK, who promised to protect the newly independent state’s
Initially, Ukraine wanted to be a neutral state, aligned with neither Moscow nor NATO, but under threat from Russia (not least with the annexation of Crimea), it has pivoted more towards the West in hope of protection.
Putin is a lot like Johnson. He cares only for power and prestige. This war isn't about him feeling threatened by NATO, he knows the west has no interest in war with Russia. It's about him retaining power in his own country by asserting its military prestige and pulling the old Soviet union back together. Legal agreements, rules, and treaties, are for other people; for him, might makes right.
So it's unfortunate that we've got the worst government in living memory at the helm right now. Anyone who thinks Russian money isn't influencing the Tory party must have their head in a bucket.
Revealed: Russian donors have stepped up Tory funding
As Johnson accused of ‘cover-up’ over Kremlin interference, major new Russian donations to Conservatives revealed – despite previous Tory pledge to distance themselves from Russian
Intelligence and Security Committee Russia report - Wikipedia
The only language Putin understands is strength. The way to minimise the loss of life here, to both ordinary Russians and Ukrainian men, women, and children, is to stand against him as firmly as possible. Trivial sanctions won't make any difference, the approach needs to be united, global, and it's got to hurt.
Bluntly, the Tories under Johnson, don't want to upset their Russian paymasters too much. We've seen that already. They're going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming towards proper, robust, sanctions of the sort Europe are already putting in place.
Do I want a war? Hell no. The way to stop it going any further though, is for Europe and the west to stand firm, right now, and support a democratic European country of 44 million people that wants nothing more than the right to exist on its own terms.
They do say that if you go far enough right you’ll unite with far left and viceversa.I never thought I'd see Grendel and Jeremy Corbyn on the same side...
Can't do two reactions cos wanted to give it aThat’s the fear isn’t it? With bullies you appeal to their goodness and then when that doesn’t work you hit them with overwhelming force. I think we are at the overwhelming force point
This piece of shit is a stain on the country. Wish he'd fuck off to Moscow where he belongs.
Some good apologetics from Nigel and victim blaming. He’s such a knobMaybe Putins gone much further because he’s got other motives you nonce Nigel
ps never had you down as a Farage follower PVA ?!
This piece of shit is a stain on the country. Wish he'd fuck off to Moscow where he belongs.
Imagine if Nigel Farage had got in power…
I don’t get why he doesn’t hide his head in shameFunny isn't it. These ultra-right Brexit loons, who wrap themselves in the flag and accuse anyone to the left of Attila the Hun of hating the country, have actually been doing Russia's dirty work for them all along...
I don’t get why he doesn’t hide his head in shame