How about not seeing my Mum when she was seriously ill and I thought she'd die? How about not being able to comfort my Dad as he breaks down? How about him seeing her go into the hospital and the doors close behind him as he stands in the cold, rain, dark, and wonders if he'll ever see his wife of 50+ years again, after they've had to wait outside for 4-5 hours? How about not being able to get help myself as *I* break down after two years of having *something* to worry about constantly? How about the effects are still with me now? How about the fact that your attitude brings it all back, the feeling of being alone, isolated, and the fact that nobody is there to help?
Good enough for you on the sliding scale? *I'm* more sympathetic to Otis, but don't patronise me by grading me and try and show the smallest amount of empathy. There are many who had it far worse than me, but it seems you don't want to acknowledge anything, and it's showing you in the light of being a total bastard.