Yeah I have to admit, going in and telling someone my name and address doesn't seem overly secure...
This is drawn along team lines, and it's not a team issue. It really does strike me if you're for voter ID cards, you may as well go the whole hog with a national ID card and have your NI, NHS numbers in one place, along with driving license etc. Now, Blair didn't get that through as much because it didn't play overly well among some members of his own party, and certainly not the opposition. It's something of an about turn from a libertarian Prime Minister to want to introduce controls, however...
Personally, I'm not necessarily averse to a full-on ID card, that would cover everybody by definition, although I'd want to see how it was set up as it's not something you can go back from once it's there. To focus on this one particular issue ref: voting is pointless, needless, and to my mind impinges on certain of the liberties that are used to argue against a national ID card, without offering more than a fraction of the benefits. At least introduce the policy properly.