It looks like the makings of an exit plan to me, with the spokesman Fisher playing down the prospects of any improvement of our dire circumstances.a couple of weeks ago he was bullish, or should that read
Bull shitish, about our the clubs objectives, now he's been instructed to stop "Bigging Up" our prospects about a push for promotion, and to prepare ourselves for another bumpy ride, this may be a veiled admission that they're done, and are looking to blame, ACL, Higgs trust, the fans, the council for the terminal decline of "The Sky blues", rather than admitting that they got cold feet shortly after the takeover, and refused to invest the amount of
funding required, to build a successful Football club.
Never once since the takeover, Has Sisu Finance expressed any desire to reinstate The Sky Blues to their former glory with any serious conviction, their main plan in my opinion was to obtain some or all of the arena, to cream off the considerable revenue streams that it generated, would these Monies be used to build a Team? well we all have different level of trust towards sisu, and have to form our own opinions on our enigmatic Saviours intentions.
But for me it was the STADIUM they wanted to get their hands on, CCFC was just some unfortunate baggage that came with it.
Bull shitish, about our the clubs objectives, now he's been instructed to stop "Bigging Up" our prospects about a push for promotion, and to prepare ourselves for another bumpy ride, this may be a veiled admission that they're done, and are looking to blame, ACL, Higgs trust, the fans, the council for the terminal decline of "The Sky blues", rather than admitting that they got cold feet shortly after the takeover, and refused to invest the amount of
funding required, to build a successful Football club.
Never once since the takeover, Has Sisu Finance expressed any desire to reinstate The Sky Blues to their former glory with any serious conviction, their main plan in my opinion was to obtain some or all of the arena, to cream off the considerable revenue streams that it generated, would these Monies be used to build a Team? well we all have different level of trust towards sisu, and have to form our own opinions on our enigmatic Saviours intentions.
But for me it was the STADIUM they wanted to get their hands on, CCFC was just some unfortunate baggage that came with it.