Has London Bridge fallen ? (2 Viewers)

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
his actions were provocative and if no police were there he’d be whining afterwards they weren’t protecting him - what was he protesting about out of interest?

I don't think he was protesting, he was just gobbling off.
The people holding up placards were protesting, they were arrested, it's disgusting.


his actions were provocative and if no police were there he’d be whining afterwards they weren’t protecting him - what was he protesting about out of interest?
Prince Andrew being a nonce!

Although disgusting old man just could have been about his non sweating


Well-Known Member

We are truly in strange times.

Morissons have reduced their beep volumes as a mark of respect.

Let that sink in...Morrisons have reduced their beep volumes.

What have they done at your Asdas, yer Tescos, yer Aldis, yer Sainsburys, yer Co-OPs. Probably fuck all.

Go Morrisons. Respect.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 26183

We are truly in strange times.

Morissons have reduced their beep volumes as a mark of respect.

Let that sink in...Morrisons have reduced their beep volumes.

What have they done at your Asdas, yer Tescos, yer Aldis, yer Sainsburys, yer Co-OPs. Probably fuck all.

Go Morrisons. Respect.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
View attachment 26183

We are truly in strange times.

Morissons have reduced their beep volumes as a mark of respect.

Let that sink in...Morrisons have reduced their beep volumes.

What have they done at your Asdas, yer Tescos, yer Aldis, yer Sainsburys, yer Co-OPs. Probably fuck all.

Go Morrisons. Respect.
to be fair they are really load without the in store music etc


Well-Known Member
People acting like Prince Andrew is Jimmy Saville. It's not right but we're talking about an alleged liaison with a 17 year old around 20 years ago. Still illegal where he was but not in the UK, morally corrupt perhaps but nonce is a stretch. Would I feel differently if it were my daughter? Of course I would, but it's simply a convenient stick to raise for the anti establishment crew.

Tbh whatever side if the fence you sit (and I've had some very funny whatsapps this week) then it's surely a time for respect, at least in public. There'll be plenty of opportunities to protest monarchy events in the future, but to go out of your way simply to get his two seconds of public fame and adulation for being 'right on' is pathetic, with the queen not even buried. Respect shown all around the world and in many places where he'd certainly not be afforded the freedom to dare to be so 'brave'.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
People acting like Prince Andrew is Jimmy Saville. It's not right but we're talking about an alleged liaison with a 17 year old around 20 years ago. Still illegal where he was but not in the UK, morally corrupt perhaps but nonce is a stretch. Would I feel differently if it were my daughter? Of course I would, but it's simply a convenient stick to raise for the anti establishment crew.

Tbh whatever side if the fence you sit (and I've had some very funny whatsapps this week) then it's surely a time for respect, at least in public. There'll be plenty of opportunities to protest monarchy events in the future, but to go out of your way simply to get his two seconds of public fame and adulation for being 'right on' is pathetic, with the queen not even buried. Respect shown all around the world and in many places where he'd certainly not be afforded the freedom to dare to be so 'brave'.

Prince Andrew might not be Jimmy Savile, but I don't think Epstein was far off and Andrew constantly travelled to his island even after his first conviction, (he wasn't alone in doing that). There's a mountain of evidence that he's a wrong un.
Slating him isn't 'a convinient stick', it's sickening that he was bailed out with our cash. I'm honestly in shock at the amount of people defending him.

As for the anti monarchy protestors, you might have a point, but arresting people for holding up a placard is the sort of thing we'd expect in China or Russia, its not a good road to go down.

Sky Blue Harry H

Well-Known Member
Haven't trawled the thread, so apologies if already mentioned, but has anybody else thought that Nicola Sturgeon must be gutted that HM passed away in Scotland, as the subsequent ceremonies may well have cemented Scotland to the rest of the UK. Might be wrong, but I can't help but think that Independence discussion at the moment will inevitably feel like a snub to Her, and this will have cost the Independents a lot of potential voters. Probably been discussed already, so apologies if that's the case.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Ahh. The old “he’s no Jimmy Savile” line of defence. Just to be clear are we saying he’s more of a Gary Glitter?

There's no way he wasn't warned about his friendship with Epstein following his 2008 conviction.
So he's totally ignored that and carried on flying to his island yet in 2019 he said he was unaware of any inappropriate behaviour by Epstein even though he was a convicted paedophile.
Then, when the next lot of charges arrived he flies to his island and spends the week there to 'end their freindship'.

What kind of idiot falls for that bollocks?


Well-Known Member
There's no way he wasn't warned about his friendship with Epstein following his 2008 conviction.
So he's totally ignored that and carried on flying to his island yet in 2019 he said he was unaware of any inappropriate behaviour by Epstein even though he was a convicted paedophile.
Then, when the next lot of charges arrived he flies to his island and spends the week there to 'end their freindship'.

What kind of idiot falls for that bollocks?
People who start the conversation with “he’s no Jimmy Savile”?


Well-Known Member
Hey @Nick can we get our own Prince Andrew Fans Forum for these guys
Nah let's have one instead about Muslim countries defending their rights to marry their 9 year old cousins so you can shout 'racist' at anyone who says it's wrong.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Nah let's have one instead about Muslim countries defending their rights to marry their 9 year old cousins so you can shout 'racist' at anyone who says it's wrong.

Topclass whataboutery.
Yo think Muslims are bigger nonces so carry on Prince Andrew!
But if you want to go down that route in Iran at the moment they're about to execute two women LGBT activists and people who are holding up placards protesting the executions are being attacked and arrested, see what I mean about a road we don't want to go down?


Well-Known Member
Topclass whataboutery.
Yo think Muslims are bigger nonces so carry on Prince Andrew!
But if you want to go down that route in Iran at the moment they're about to execute two women LGBT activists and people who are holding up placards protesting the executions are being attacked and arrested, see what I mean about a road we don't want to go down?
Again not what I said, didnt say carry on simply responding to being labelled a fan for saying no JS. Surely the exexecutions affirm rather than contradict the backward thinking countries.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Again not what I said, didnt say carry on simply responding to being labelled a fan for saying no JS. Surely the exexecutions affirm rather than contradict the backward thinking countries.

That's my point, but the protestors are the ones in the wrong.
Same as yesterday, protestors in the wrong, leave the nonce alone, slippery slope

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Haven't trawled the thread, so apologies if already mentioned, but has anybody else thought that Nicola Sturgeon must be gutted that HM passed away in Scotland, as the subsequent ceremonies may well have cemented Scotland to the rest of the UK. Might be wrong, but I can't help but think that Independence discussion at the moment will inevitably feel like a snub to Her, and this will have cost the Independents a lot of potential voters. Probably been discussed already, so apologies if that's the case.

The official Yes position is that an independent Scotland would keep the monarchy. We got told privately though that this is just to get more unionists to vote for independence and they fully intend to revoke it.


Well-Known Member
Behave Tony, I've not said he was right, only that there's a huge gulf between the two. If you don't think there is then that's more of a concern.
How do you know there’s a huge gulf? We only found out what exactly Jimmy Savile was after he died. The one victim he’s paid off might just be the tip of the iceberg for all you know and given the company he kept and how long he kept that company it’s not beyond the realm’s of possibilities that there’s more to come out. Who knows what stories the press are sitting on not wanting to print while his mother was still alive. Once things have settled down after her funeral I wouldn’t be at all surprised if more stuff starts coming out. Even if it’s that he was very aware of what the company he was keeping was doing in detail.


Well-Known Member
Who told you that?

It’s pretty obvious sturgeon is crawling around the royal household through gritted teeth and is a problem.

Unless she is proposing to join the commonwealth can’t see how she will make it happen

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