Israel - Palestinian Conflict (5 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Support for a secular one state solution, even if that is what the chant meant for most, is not the same as support for the IRA.

I can maybe breakout the crayons if this is still too difficult to wrap your head around.
I think it seems to be you and the ten a penny journalist who don’t understand. The same people who sing ‘Up the RA’ will also claim they don’t literally support the IRA, just it’s catchy.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Hang on, so what’s your position on this chant then, if not this?
could just be a fan of the wolfetones

but back in the real world it's become a chant that irish people chant about lots of things, it doesn't mean i want to bomb the brits to most people anymore


Well-Known Member
It is random watching people excuse things for one set of people but would be against it if somebody else did it.

What better day to sing anti Jew songs and promote hate for them than remembrance Day. May as well cover all the poppies with Palestine flags too.

Bit of a weird take.
I see that after weeks of silence on this one the algorithms have finally done their job on you

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Hang on, so what’s your position on this chant then, if not this?
That I would take offence at someone singing ‘Up the RA’ in the same way an Israeli would at a song that suggests their country shouldn’t exist. It’s catchy though so those singing it do have a point.


Well-Known Member
That I would take offence at someone singing ‘Up the RA’ in the same way an Israeli would at a song that suggests their country shouldn’t exist. It’s catchy though so those singing it do have a point.
I’ve never said that either chant isn’t offensive or inflammatory - I certainly wouldn’t chant either for that very reason. It’s quite a leap from there though to insist that anyone who does is a literal IRA fanatic or wants to wipe Jews off the earth.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I’ve never said that either chant isn’t offensive or inflammatory - I certainly wouldn’t chant either for that very reason. It’s quite a leap from there though to insist that anyone who does is a literal IRA fanatic or wants to wipe Jews off the earth.
I never claimed the latter did.


Well-Known Member
If the organisers of these protests had one ounce of respect they should have been encouraging no demonstration on that day but that doesn't fit their agenda.
Allow the people of the UK to show and pay respect to those who have lost loved ones in wars on remembrance Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Possibly naive, but in such a small area, it would be difficult for Hamas not to be in civilian areas surely?
The tunnels run under much of Gaza. Apparently key locations are built under hospitals etc. Hamas have had key resources located in civilian tower blocks.
Rocket attacks are launched from urban areas - that was highlighted with the large hospital explosion 2 weeks ago.
It's a human shield approach which Israel are not "buying" now with dreadful consequences.


I see that after weeks of silence on this one the algorithms have finally done their job on you

So nothing is being arranged for remembrance day?

Nice that you're trying to be clever rather than actually reply about the point.


Well-Known Member
So nothing is being arranged for remembrance day?
An anti-war demonstration on Remembrance Day seems entirely appropriate to me. An anti-Israel demonstration obviously wouldn’t be - if that’s what you think this is, I would have to disagree, and I doubt anyone could persuade you otherwise.

The UK, or any other country or religion, doesn’t have a monopoly on Remembrance Day. Frothing about flags on poppies seems disingenuous to say the least.


Just to point out in case people are thinking that this day has been deliberately selected that there have been protests arranged every Sunday for weeks and there are protests planned for every Sunday moving forward.

Which is all well and good but the 11th is a Saturday....


An anti-war demonstration on Remembrance Day seems entirely appropriate to me. An anti-Israel demonstration obviously wouldn’t be - if that’s what you think this is, I would have to disagree, and I doubt anyone could persuade you otherwise.

The UK, or any other country or religion, doesn’t have a monopoly on Remembrance Day. Frothing about flags on poppies seems disingenuous to say the least.

London is in the UK, it kind of does have the monopoly on it here.

"frothing", far from it. Just pointing out the madness that some seem to be all for it but as soon as Tommy Robinson pops up it's the worst thing ever and he's full of hate. (See the thread about him to see my views on him, before you comment ;) )


It’s a typo on his part - the protests have been every Saturday for weeks now

Be interesting to see your views if it kicks off and who's in the wrong.

We may as well fuck remembrance day off and just make it all about Palestine?


Well-Known Member
An anti-war demonstration on Remembrance Day seems entirely appropriate to me. An anti-Israel demonstration obviously wouldn’t be - if that’s what you think this is, I would have to disagree, and I doubt anyone could persuade you otherwise.

The UK, or any other country or religion, doesn’t have a monopoly on Remembrance Day. Frothing about flags on poppies seems disingenuous to say the least.
That would depend to a large extent on how many relatives you personally lost in WW1 & WW2..... me?,lost my maternal grandfather in WW1 and my paternal great uncle both killed on the Somme and buried in war graves over there.
Also a day where I pay respect to my late Father who fought in WW2 from 1940 onwards.


That would depend to a large extent on how many relatives you personally lost in WW1 & WW2..... me?,lost my maternal grandfather in WW1 and my paternal great uncle both killed on the Somme and buried in war graves over there.
Also a day where I pay respect to my late Father who fought in WW2 from 1940 onwards.
No mate, you should sing songs about jews and be done with it.

Fuck the war memorials off too while we are at it.


Well-Known Member
Which is all well and good but the 11th is a Saturday....
Saturday, Sunday, if I don’t have to go to work it’s all the same 😂

There was a protest on the 28th, there was one on the 21st, there’s one on the 4th and one on the 11th

Not sure I see a problem here, the National Service of Remembrance is on the Sunday so not even an issue of the two events happening at the same time

Wonder how many people who will claim to be outraged on social media will actually bother to get off their arse and go to a remembrance service? The one in Coventry certainly has plenty of space and is definitely worth attending.


Well-Known Member
No mate, you should sing songs about jews and be done with it.

Fuck the war memorials off too while we are at it.



Deleted member 9744

The history of this chant shouldn’t be lost on anyone by now, but you seriously can’t see “any other interpretation”?
It would be possible of course to have a Palestinian state from the River Jordan to the Med without abolishing Israel.


Well-Known Member

There's always been a lot of scummy West Ham fans.

Nothing surprises me anymore and it seems anything goes to rile people up.

Deleted member 9744

So nothing is being arranged for remembrance day?

Nice that you're trying to be clever rather than actually reply about the point.
Remembrance day is supposed to be about remembering all people who have died due to war. People are dying now in Gaza and the West Bank, and recently did in Israel.


Well-Known Member
Just to point out in case people are thinking that this day has been deliberately selected that there have been protests arranged every Sunday for weeks and there are protests planned for every Sunday moving forward.
So if they had anything about them, they would can the one on Remembrance Day, or take it somewhere else


Well-Known Member
Both chants could be seen as pretty insensitive, but I'm not having that supporting Palestinian rights to live freely in what was their land is the same as denying Israeli rights to do the same.

Anti-Semitism has become weaponised by the state of Israel in an attempt to suppress any criticism of their actions towards Palestinians, and it's been going on for a while now.

Calling out for a ceasefire in Gaza is not supporting the atrocities committed by Hamas and nor is it Anti-Semitic.

As for Rememberance Day, unless people are planning protests directly against it, I can't see an issue. I lost family in the great war too, as did many here I'll bet. I've got closer family and friends who served more recently.

It bothers me not a jot if people elsewhere are marching for peace. The point of one of those wars was to maintain our freedom, not least of expression.

What I'm less keen on is either the far right claiming the flag for themselves, or fetishising the military. That is a dangerous path to follow.


Remembrance day is supposed to be about remembering all people who have died due to war. People are dying now in Gaza and the West Bank, and recently did in Israel.

In which case there's no issue with people dressing up as nazis as they died during the war too? Maybe a few swastika flags waved about?

Why's it on 11/11 at 11? People are dying in Gaza and the West Bank / Israel but Remembrance Day is:

We unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. We will remember them.

Really not sure why people want this to piggyback on Remembrance Day. It's strange.


What I'm less keen on is either the far right claiming the flag for themselves, or fetishising the military. That is a dangerous path to follow.

Like I said, Tommy Robinson opens his mouth and people will lose their heads.

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