Oh Jeremy Corbyn (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Meeting up with the IRA wasn't a crime.

Having sympathy for IRA members that lost their lives but never mentioning people who lost their lives from their actions including women and children wasn't a crime.

Meeting up with other terririst groups wasn't a crime.

Meeting up with a Russian spy wasn't a crime.

Meeting up with the extreme left of the Jewish people wasn't a crime.

But it also doesn't make him the person to lead the party I want in power. And you are a fool if you think that I am alone.

Jesus wept


Well-Known Member
Agree with some of that, but I think the present government is right wing ( which you don't think )and getting away with that because labour doesn't appeal to enough people, particulary those in the centre ( as you say ). Partly because of media attacks based on Corbyn's own mistakes.
So you admit his mistakes but still defend every one of them.

And my pount is still the same. I want a Labour government. But there won't be one with Corbyn as leader.


Well-Known Member
As usual you say something is bollox without even reading it. And the usual person agrees with you :smuggrin:

Yes, because it is not the first time you have posted an article, which has a rabid headline and then further down it says something milder or even truthful.


Well-Known Member
As usual you say something is bollox without even reading it. And the usual person agrees with you :smuggrin:
I can’t read it because I don’t subscribe to the publication. That’s the point I was making. And I never said it was bollox. Because I can’t read it to form an opinion.


Well-Known Member
I can’t read it because I don’t subscribe to the publication. That’s the point I was making. And I never said it was bollox. Because I can’t read it to form an opinion.

Type the first 4 words into a search engine and up it pops.

FFS it’s hardky difficult.


Well-Known Member
Yes, because it is not the first time you have posted an article, which has a rabid headline and then further down it says something milder or even truthful.
So with the way this is written you have read it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, because it is not the first time you have posted an article, which has a rabid headline and then further down it says something milder or even truthful.
Point them out then......or even just one.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Yes, because it is not the first time you have posted an article, which has a rabid headline and then further down it says something milder or even truthful.
That is true of just about every press headline. Your comment is worthless & ill considered.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Same here. And that is why I feel so strongly about it.

The soldiers knew why they were there. The IRA members knew why they were there.

Then you have the innocent that had no choice. And many just want to forget what happened to them. But worse for me was the children. And I have no time at all or respect for those who praise others but never mention the innocents especially the children. And Corbyn fits the bill. It is unforgivable.

The DUP has questionable links to Unionist groups who used violence, yet that side of it all seems to be forgotten

Troubled past: the paramilitary connection that still haunts the DUP


Well-Known Member
The DUP has questionable links to Unionist groups who used violence, yet that side of it all seems to be forgotten
But that still does not mean it was right who Corbyn showed sympathy for and who he ignored.

Or are you like Corbyn and not wanting to show you care about the children?

I know that isn't true with yourself. But if you were involved yourself like he was you would at least try to show a bit of respect for the kids that were killed. You would show a bit of humanity.


Well-Known Member
Would you like to educate yourself on what a Zionist is?

It is like any religion. It changes over the years. But it started out being someone who was barely a Jew.

And the reading up that you have done shows one thing. You only have the viewpoint of one or two people. Those with similar ideas still have different thoughts. That is why you need to look further than your nose.

Sadly Tony it’s you that does not understand as you with childlike simplicity assume Zionism = Jews who want an independent homeland and they are the only Jews that do. The vast majority do and the tiny percentage that do not are generally hard left radicals.

Mr Corbyn and Mr McDonnell are known Marxists - Marxism is anti semetic as is denying a homeland purely based on race. So sorry he’s a Jew hating bigot.


Well-Known Member
Anyway I see that the Russian ministry now claim they do not produce and never have this nerve agent (despite the fact that the scientist who developed it says they are the only country that did and it had to come straight from the laboratory in a weaponised state) - I assume the patriotic Mr Corbyn will be the first to denounce this as a lie?

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
This is quite interesting. I feel that there are a lot of people that cannot see the bigger picture in all this.

For the last few years I have felt disillusioned with politics, I haven't found any of the leaders or parties coming forwards desirable to vote for at all.

I cannot stand Theresa May and she is just about one of the weakest Prime Ministers we've ever had. Her election campaign was worse than a Slade/Mowbray relegation team and she doesn't deserve to be a leader of a country. The thing is, if you step back out of it and put your blue or red flag down you will see that the reason she won is largely because most of the country rejected Corybn and the Labour party.

I don't agree in any media campaign against him but I actually wonder why this sometimes happens anyway. Yes it does exist, but it is also exaggerated somewhat too. May did get a bashing previously too, even if it might not be quite the same level. The reason I question why it is needed is because he's already done enough damage to himself. Most people see this and don't need to read dodgy news telling them stuff to think otherwise. The constant victimhood played by a lot of his supporters needs to stop. The electorate rejected him in favour of an absolute melt in the form of Theresa May and that says it all.

I would always consider to vote for Labour again if they put someone in who I felt could do a good job of leading the country, with a decent party behind them then why not? For the people saying Labour needs a shift to the left, you couldn't be more wrong if you want them to win an election. We need a party in the middle that can have a dose of common sense and also suit the wider populations needs. The Tories aren't even that right wing to be honest, it just looks that way from a Corbyn point of view.

The Labour party have a real chance of snatching back leadership from an inept Tory government at the next election, but they are unlikely to do that with Corbyn in charge.

There is a report today that London tories want to split from the main party, I have no idea how true it is.
If it did happen I reckon Labour would follow suit, would be interesting if it did happen .


Well-Known Member
After the UK forces gallant action , rather than acknowledge what they did he just wants to stir shit up , not only looks like a cock but now everyone must agree acts like one. Oh dear I can almost smell boiled piss when he makes any kind of comment .


Well-Known Member
After the UK forces gallant action , rather than acknowledge what they did he just wants to stir shit up , not only looks like a cock but now everyone must agree acts like one. Oh dear I can almost smell boiled piss when he makes any kind of comment .

I gather they the last confidence rating poll had May 13 points ahead of Corbyn


Well-Known Member
After the UK forces gallant action , rather than acknowledge what they did he just wants to stir shit up , not only looks like a cock but now everyone must agree acts like one. Oh dear I can almost smell boiled piss when he makes any kind of comment .

What tripe - foreign policy dictated by Trump's Twitter feed. Welcome to a brave new world.


Well-Known Member
The fact you have said that worries me more than anything , you are happy for Chemical weapons to be used abroad and at home ? Are you happy with that ? You are definitely in the minority.

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