Quick Hang Grenade for you to catch (1 Viewer)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The football club is the only reason it's called the Ricoh and is the only reason the place exists. Without it it's one huge white elephant. Sisu (probably fisher) has woken up to the fact.

ACL can't work it without them. We are not homeless so who gives a stuff about the past.

I thought Ricoh would've been the main reason?


New Member
Well I don't think they are gassing anyone.

The club should always have been able to purchase the ground for the mortgage value as they are the only reason it will ever work. You admit this

Other councils have rolled over. I have always said that the current arrangement destroys the club. I'm not saying sisu ate the answer but if the outcome is that ACL are bought down and the council ate forced to surrender the share I have no sympathy and it will be to the clubs benefit. That's all I care about.

OK slightly extreme example...Saddam wasn't all bad :p

On a serious note, any balanced, independent view of this should be able to recognise that the council does not have an obligation to pay for CCFC facilities, and should not have to "roll over" even if other councils have done so. They may well roll over, as they are a public body trying to run a commercial joint venture with a rapacious and money-minded tenant who would have them for breakfast every day of the week.

You may only care about CCFC, but to be realistic you have to look at what other parties can agree to, and therefore what it is reasonable for us to accept.


New Member
But as I have said ACL have invested several million pounds in improvements to the stadium and would obviously make a larger profit without investing more on infratucture, so they don't desperatley need CCFC.

It is the council that are desperate because if ACL they issue the winding up order they are worried about bad press/ votes

Logically business wise I would say wind us up ..........but obviously that is not what anyone of us wants

This is where Grendel and I are in full agreement - without CCFC, ACL are up shite creek without a piece of candyfloss, never mind a paddle


Well-Known Member
This is where Grendel and I are in full agreement - without CCFC, ACL are up shite creek without a piece of candyfloss, never mind a paddle

I'm really not sure but about that but we will see one way or the other soon enough and I for one will not be taking any pleasure out of a failure of ACL or CCFC

The sensible option is a fair deal for both sides, whatever that maybe


New Member
only a handful out of the hundreds of pro clubs in this country - FFP is designed to stop this. The competitive nature of the leagues, by default, pushes clubs towards unprofitable activity


Well-Known Member
So if it is unlikely that you can make money out of a football club.

SISU claim to have invested 40 million into CCFC.

They have not affiliation, loyalty or moral obligation to Coventry.

There primary aim as a hedge fund us invest and get quick profits.

How do they do that with Coventry.


Well-Known Member
Going forward they will make no money the accounts show that. How do "improvements" generate revenue and profit? Factor in the loss of sponsorship revenue and catering income without the CCFC badge and what will they make then? Answer is nothing.

Name one outdoor stadium that makes any money with no sporting club? White elephant - try White Ciry.

They will give in to what sisu want they have no choice.

The improvements have already been done to generate more business for ACL so they will not have to invest more money next year so they will make more profit. Investment means spending money so not spending on investment means that profit already being generated will offset £500,000

I don't believe Grendel that for 1 minute that you don't understand that
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Well-Known Member
The improvements have already been done to generate more business for ACL so they will not have to invest more money next year so they will make more profit. That profit already being generated will offset £500,000

That's ok then. They clearly have the upper hand. That profit doesn't have CCFC as a creditor owing £1.2 million and also must factor in the pulling out of Ricoh as the sponsor and also the catering company.

They hold the balance of power. Let them take the club to court then.


Well-Known Member
That's ok then. They clearly have the upper hand. That profit doesn't have CCFC as a creditor owing £1.2 million and also must factor in the pulling out of Ricoh as the sponsor and also the catering company.

They hold the balance of power. Let them take the club to court then.
They already did.:facepalm:

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
So if it is unlikely that you can make money out of a football club.

SISU claim to have invested 40 million into CCFC.

They have not affiliation, loyalty or moral obligation to Coventry.

There primary aim as a hedge fund us invest and get quick profits.

How do they do that with Coventry.

Getting the RICOH, but more importantly, securing Premier League status.


Well-Known Member
I'd have thought the next step from ACL would be to change the locks on the doors at the Ricoh to focus a few minds.:thinking about::pimp:


Well-Known Member
I'd have thought the next step from ACL would be to change the locks on the doors at the Ricoh to focus a few minds.:thinking about::pimp:

At least it means life is never dull supporting the club.

Still think ill get in on New Year's Day,


New Member
I maybe stupid (my kids tell me all the time) if i am tell me why.
Sisu own ccfc and are tenant's at the richo arena
the arena freehold is owned by the council and a charity but is leased to a company called ACL
so if ccfc is no more because they are wound up by Acl and ACL can't pay the mortgage because of lack of income from ccfc the bank will wind up ACL
and the bank will own the lease which they will sell to the highest bidder with a mortgage if necessary,
The council and the charity will still hold the freehold for the land but the bank would be libel for the upkeep of the stadium until they found a buyer.
Then who would buy a football stadium without a football team?. Makes no sense to me.
I think all of them Sisu ACL Alan higgs the council the Yorkshire bank with jim brown and Lionel Bird and give the sky blues a chance.


New Member
The main thing to remember here is that CCFC will not cease trading, despite all the threats of liquidations, winding up orders etc - SISU will never put the club out of business in a million years, because a) it makes no financial sense and b) it would scar their reputation.

Coventry cannot realistically play at any other alternative stadium. Hinkley, Rugby, Nuneaton, Nene Park, Butts Park are all too small. Leicester and Brum too far away.

ACL cannot make a profit without CCFC as a tenant.

So by definition, the status quo will remain. SISU are merely trying to reduce their own outgoings, as subsidising the club has become even more tenuous since they got us relegated to L1. The only question will be what the eventual rent figure is, and whether SISU wil lget their claws on the Ricoh.

Bit remember, as OSB amongst others has pointed out, even if SISU/CCFC buy the whole of the Ricoh, the combination of CCFC and the Ricoh will still make a financial loss.


New Member
Personally, I would love to see ACL lock the club out of the Ricoh, even if just for a couple of days, if it serves as a wake up call and gets SISU playing ball.


New Member
Read my post again SBT - I'd support it if it served as a wake up call and got SISU playing ball.

Jack Griffin

Its not humiliation, basically we should put the interests of Coventry above the intrests of hedgefund SISU.

What more do you need to know, derrrrr!


New Member
cjparker, are you a fan of ccfc or a troll..or on a wind up?

No, I am a Cov fan. I just hate how SISU are walking all over people who we owe millions to, it is shameful and I am embarrased to be a CCFC fan at the moment. I want to see ACL succeed as well as CCFC.

The bigger battle here is who owns the Ricoh. Hopefully The council / ACL will come out and say "we will not reduce the rent while SISU own CCFC, and we will enver sell a share of the ground to CCFC while SISU are in charge." Only then would SISU have to give in, and realise they will never make any money from CCFC, sell up and allow someone else to come in and re-negotiate the terms.


New Member
Basically, SISU need to be made to understand that they can't bluff ACL and that their tactics have very real consequences. At the moment ACL are the only ones being damaged by the debate - they need to turn the tables on SISU and, unfortunately, CCFC.


Well-Known Member
The thing is tho, although we may be only worth 17% of income to acl, thats a big 17% that would impact on everything else that goes on at the ricoh. What use is the ricoh without ccfc?
Yes i know they might get a few more gigs etc...but ultimately it would become a big white elephant. Heads need to be banged together here and damn soon.


Well-Known Member
BRRM you are at minimum 15-18 months behind the curve here .This plan scenario /plan was evident to some of us back then ,Why do you think SOC evolved ,then you contradict yourself by stating "They want the Ricoh not the team",followed by"If they take the Stadium they have to take the team,Prem here we come" followed by "They may concentrate on the Club or sell it ".

What you fail to say is that they could load all their Debt into the stadium ,sell anything of worth before offloading the club and make it pay the kind of rent we pay currently or higher.


Well-Known Member
Getting the RICOH, but more importantly, securing Premier League status.

What do they do when they get the Ricoh.

Apparently no one wants to buy it now.

Also can you see them investing the money to get us to the prem.

What do they do if they secure the Ricoh.

How do you make money out of the Ricoh


Well-Known Member
That's the spirit. :thinking about:

Personally, i think you want the club to fold just so you get to tell people who you have never met on a forum "i told you so". If that happens I hope you disappear up your own arse.

Personally, I would love to see ACL lock the club out of the Ricoh, even if just for a couple of days, if it serves as a wake up call and gets SISU playing ball.
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Well-Known Member
Considering he is supposedly "embarrassed" to support the club at the moment due to their lack of morals. Guardian reader and member of Liberty, no doubt.

It doesn't damage SISU though, only CCFC.

Why would you support an action that would bring complete humiliation to the club!?

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