BRRM you are at minimum 15-18 months behind the curve here .This plan scenario /plan was evident to some of us back then ,Why do you think SOC evolved ,then you contradict yourself by stating "They want the Ricoh not the team",followed by"If they take the Stadium they have to take the team,Prem here we come" followed by "They may concentrate on the Club or sell it ".
What you fail to say is that they could load all their Debt into the stadium ,sell anything of worth before offloading the club and make it pay the kind of rent we pay currently or higher.
What about if they arent willing to sell? What about if sisu start charging ccfc over the odds in rent?
What do they do when they get the Ricoh.
Apparently no one wants to buy it now.
Also can you see them investing the money to get us to the prem.
What do they do if they secure the Ricoh.
How do you make money out of the Ricoh
No, I am a Cov fan. I just hate how SISU are walking all over people who we owe millions to, it is shameful and I am embarrased to be a CCFC fan at the moment. I want to see ACL succeed as well as CCFC.
The bigger battle here is who owns the Ricoh. Hopefully The council / ACL will come out and say "we will not reduce the rent while SISU own CCFC, and we will enver sell a share of the ground to CCFC while SISU are in charge." Only then would SISU have to give in, and realise they will never make any money from CCFC, sell up and allow someone else to come in and re-negotiate the terms.
What about if they arent willing to sell? What about if sisu start charging ccfc over the odds in rent?
What about if they arent willing to sell? What about if sisu start charging ccfc over the odds in rent?
What about if they arent willing to sell? What about if sisu start charging ccfc over the odds in rent?
Yes they are.
That's the spirit. :thinking about:
Personally, i think you want the club to fold just so you get to tell people who you have never met on a forum "i told you so". If that happens I hope you disappear up your own arse.
Considering he is supposedly "embarrassed" to support the club at the moment due to their lack of morals. Guardian reader and member of Liberty, no doubt.
I take it 18months ago you knew and according to you the whole forum knew that SISU were not going to pay the rent and we would be in this issue?
Also re read what I wrote, It does not contradict anything . It is an obvious road map of what will happen with a couple of options at various stages.
I am just stating the obvious but this has been played a blinder by SISU
There is no way CCFC will not be playing at the RICOH or be sued or anything else. Given recent form of the club which is the delivery layer of the club when SISU have finally taken the keys or a at least hold the keys to the RICOH then the club may be an attractive buy for a Chinese company or who ever is lurking in the background. I can see the conversation from potential buyers.
You get the stadium and a good team and we will buy you out. They are half way to achieving both
For a start the club owe a million not millions. They are not walking all over people they are trying to negotiate what they percieve to be a fair rent. That is fact.
Some people disagree with that, some like me dont.
Are you so apopletic when any company owes money, did you weep when Woolworths went out of buisness or when Clintons cards went into administration when an American company called in its debt, or are you up in arms when a shop renegotaites its lease in the Precinct to a more managable rent rather than leaving to a cheaper out of town location??? probably not, but it doesnt stop you acting so ingdignantly about this.
Before I get some horsesh*t that i am some sort of SISU apologist, I am not, but as they currently own my club, the one I support and want to succeed then I hope they can come to some sort of compromise with ACL (note I said compromise to pay rent, but a fair rent) so that my club can continue, move forward and hopefully achieve.
Lets hope an agreement can be reached beacuse your point that hopefully SISU will realise they cant make any money from the club and will sell up, is pie in the sky, as unless you know anything otherwise I dont see any interested parties queing at the door to buy the basket case that is Coventry City, or are you still hoping that Hoffman is about to trot round the corner on his white steed :facepalm:
Not at all, I read the Daily Telegraph and am in no way obsessed with "corporate ethics" as a general rule. In this case though, SISU's antics have been so hard headed and brazen as to revolt me.
Ah, the Daily Telegraph. A Tory then.
Being as you first abused me for being a Guardian reader and then as a Tory, do you want to throw anything else at me? Far easier to throw insults rather than to debate using FACTS and LOGIC.
If you criticise me first for being left wing and then for being right wing, I haven't got much chance have I?
Being as you first abused me for being a Guardian reader and then as a Tory, do you want to throw anything else at me? Far easier to throw insults rather than to debate using FACTS and LOGIC.
If you criticise me first for being left wing and then for being right wing, I haven't got much chance have I?
You're right, politics doesn't come into it and you shouldn't be criticized for that, so apologies. I can only really criticize you for wanting the team you apparently support being wound up by a joint venture company.
So are you a Tory? Would that mean you contradict yourself by arguing for ACL? This isn't a criticism, I'm just asking because I have been accused of contradicting myself by being for a 'proletarian' club over a 'petty bourgeoise' council and private charity.
I'm not a Tory, but even if I was, how does that mean I am contradicting myself? Surely Tories want local authorities and public sector bodies to get the best value for money, rather than giving out public money like confetti...
For Tories "best value for money" equates to slashing services. Closing libraries, youth centres, care homes, nurseries, etc. Then perversely they give tax cuts to the richest people in society and pay for India to play astronauts. Wankers.
For Tories "best value for money" equates to slashing services. Closing libraries, youth centres, care homes, nurseries, etc. Then perversely they give tax cuts to the richest people in society and pay for India to play astronauts. Wankers.
But otherwise you love Tories![]()
The idea that SISU can't make money from CCFC is "pie in the sky"? Where have you been during the last ten years while debts of millions and millions have been racked up without anything like a profit being approached? Ultimately someone will come in though, depending on the terms they can agree with SISU - look at Pompey.
Love 'em. Especially Cameron, Osborne and Gove. Great guys.
Everyone on here is in agreement that SISU's #1 priority is profit?
Ok, so far SISU are about 40m whatever in the red, if you disagree on the figure, the point is, they're in the red. They buy the stadium, but according to facts (shared by OSB) we'd still be losing 1-2m a year, so it is clear owning the stadium wouldn't end all our problems, it will only cut losses, but they're still in the red, where can SISU make big £€$¥ everybody? Where's the only place they can turn this investment around from losses, to profit? The prem, you get 40m just in TV money and say if we get promoted via playoffs, 90m in instalments. Guys, of course I could be wrong, but IMO, SISU are 'going for it' as they're cant afford to lose more money, that's why we're going to try and 4/4 in Jan, that's why we've back the 3 managers this year and brought in 16 odd players (too many to keep track of) and we've seemingly already replaced McG with Clarke and he hasn't gone anywhere yet, we've seen a complete turn around in policy because SISU are in last stand and getting desperate.
They only way for SISU to make a return on their investment is to reach the prem.