Southport Stabbing (6 Viewers)

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
It's weird who he picks his fights with.
The man is a total c**t.

He’s looking for reasons to leave all the nasty stuff up by picking fault with people like you over semantics.

Turns my stomach to think that we have people like GIMOC, Earlsdon, Gynnstonic running around spouting their insidious, paranoid shite and the guy that runs the forum is more concerned with nitpicking over what exactly was said where.

It’s fucking disgusting- I know nobody will care and Nick will have some sort of macho pop, but take a step back and have a look what this forum is turning into.

kids murdered at a playschool and the guy that runs the forum is ok with it being turned into an anti-immigration & anti-muslim feeding frenzy.

GIMOC, Nick, Earlsdon, GynnsTonic and the rest of you- you’re all just cunts.


Well-Known Member
Again, after years of this it's pretty easy to tell how people operate on sites like this.

You will have people who aren't the brightest and just repeat things (no excuse) but then you also have the manipulative ones. I have been on the receiving end of somebody saying they would stamp on my head but on the other hand there's a couple of little cliques where you have people who haven't got the bollocks to say something like that and they just lie, manipulate and try and stir things up. It's fucking weird.

There's much more respect for somebody who says I'm a prick and they will stamp on my head than the really sly people who will just try and manipulate. It was the same with the whole CCC / SISU stuff, I'd get DM's randomly trying to put things into my head to get me to say stuff because the people didn't want to say it themselves.

It's why I always think people like LetsAllSing Together and bhsb were good blokes, I disagree with them about pretty much everything in life but they have no issues just telling you straight and then back onto another thread talking about the match.
Whatever happened to Bringbackrattles? Haven't seen him for ages on here.


The man is a total c**t.

He’s looking for reasons to leave all the nasty stuff up by picking fault with people like you over semantics.

Turns my stomach to think that we have people like GIMOC, Earlsdon, Gynnstonic running around spouting their insidious, paranoid shite and the guy that runs the forum is more concerned with nitpicking over what exactly was said where.

It’s fucking disgusting- I know nobody will care and Nick will have some sort of macho pop, but take a step back and have a look what this forum is turning into.

kids murdered at a playschool and the guy that runs the forum is ok with it being turned into an anti-immigration & anti-muslim feeding frenzy.

GIMOC, Nick, Earlsdon, GynnsTonic and the rest of you- you’re all just cunts.
It's almost if you were summoned and proved my point.


Each to their own I guess, but we loved Norway when we were there last week and all said we would love to live there.

Last thing on my mind in that circumstance would be to look for an English pub or English enclave.

I get why people do it, but personally, I find it a little embarrassing.

I'm the same. If people want to move abroad and not learn the language or embrace the culture in any way then it's no different to somebody moving to the UK and doing the exact same thing.

The whole idea of moving away from the UK would be to have a different culture, otherwise it's just like sitting outside Wetherspoons on a sunny day.


Well-Known Member
Each to their own I guess, but we loved Norway when we were there last week and all said we would love to live there.

Last thing on my mind in that circumstance would be to look for an English pub or English enclave.

I get why people do it, but personally, I find it a little embarrassing.
I presume he was having a go at me with his post, but if you can't point out the similarities with those on here who say certain communities keep themselves to themselves, don't assimilate and embrace "British values" then I don't know what to say.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Again, after years of this it's pretty easy to tell how people operate on sites like this.

You will have people who aren't the brightest and just repeat things (no excuse) but then you also have the manipulative ones. I have been on the receiving end of somebody saying they would stamp on my head but on the other hand there's a couple of little cliques where you have people who haven't got the bollocks to say something like that and they just lie, manipulate and try and stir things up. It's fucking weird.

There's much more respect for somebody who says I'm a prick and they will stamp on my head than the really sly people who will just try and manipulate. It was the same with the whole CCC / SISU stuff, I'd get DM's randomly trying to put things into my head to get me to say stuff because the people didn't want to say it themselves.

It's why I always think people like LetsAllSing Together and bhsb were good blokes, I disagree with them about pretty much everything in life but they have no issues just telling you straight and then back onto another thread talking about the match.
Being disgusted by the constant racist drivel being left up on this site isn't being part of a little clique, manipulating or stirring things up.


Well-Known Member
Each to their own I guess, but we loved Norway when we were there last week and all said we would love to live there.

Last thing on my mind in that circumstance would be to look for an English pub or English enclave.

I get why people do it, but personally, I find it a little embarrassing.
And I accept that and itx your choice which I'd never say was wrong, I just don't get what people have against those who do enjoy it. I assume it stems from our football hooligan days in the 80s, but football support isn't like that any longer yet it's all stereotyped the same.


Well-Known Member
Being disgusted by the constant racist drivel being left up on this site isn't being part of a little clique, manipulating or stirring things up.
Yep, weird take. Embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
What perfectly illustrates the times we live in is the fact the police and the press have to explicitly state he was born in the UK, to try and shut down the hateful rumours. Makes little difference to some, they just go back down the family line to back up their POV.


Well-Known Member
I presume he was having a go at me with his post, but if you can't point out the similarities with those on here who say certain communities keep themselves to themselves, don't assimilate and embrace "British values" then I don't know what to say.
It was me who said that, I wasn't having a go at anyone. I just see it constantly used. I've no problem with people not learning English here either. I think the arguments are getting confused with eachother.


Well-Known Member
Christ I give up.

You got me, you win, yep I'm actually the racist one, not the guy tarring all Muslims with the same brush.
You do realise it's actually impossible to be racist against Muslims don't you?


Well-Known Member
Kids have been murdered and there's 14 pages of political point scoring. Ur all as bad as each other, you should be absolutely embarrassed.


Being disgusted by the constant racist drivel being left up on this site isn't being part of a little clique, manipulating or stirring things up.

Oh I'm talking for years. Way back to the CCC days when people were scared to say stuff so they would just try and put words in others mouths. Simply trying to get people fired up.

You are saying you are disgusted by you haven't reported a single thing?

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Oh I'm talking for years. Way back to the CCC days when people were scared to say stuff so they would just try and put words in others mouths. Simply trying to get people fired up.

You are saying you are disgusted by you haven't reported a single thing?
You've been in the thread and read it with your own eyes? If you can't see the problem with it then you need to get more and more active moderators in.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
It's almost if you were summoned and proved my point.
You don’t have a point, apart from showing yourself to be at best an ignorant pig.

The point is that kids got murdered by someone who needs putting down whatever colour or race he is, people then came on here posting all kinds of racist tropes & stereotyping, and you’re ok with it & are far more concerned with bickering & playing silly games about the exact terminology used.

if you’re ok with people like GIMOC at al saying what they say on your forum, stirring things up, without a word, but at the same time going into battle with the ones pointing out that just maybe it’s a tad racist, then so be it- shows the kind of person you are I guess.


You don’t have a point, apart from showing yourself to be at best an ignorant pig.

The point is that kids got murdered by someone who needs putting down whatever colour or race he is, people then came on here posting all kinds of racist tropes & stereotyping, and you’re ok with it & are far more concerned with bickering & playing silly games about the exact terminology used.

if you’re ok with people like GIMOC at al saying what they say on your forum, stirring things up, without a word, but at the same time going into battle with the ones pointing out that just maybe it’s a tad racist, then so be it- shows the kind of person you are I guess.

Like I said, you prove my point when you get summoned.


Well-Known Member
You don’t have a point, apart from showing yourself to be at best an ignorant pig.

The point is that kids got murdered by someone who needs putting down whatever colour or race he is, people then came on here posting all kinds of racist tropes & stereotyping, and you’re ok with it & are far more concerned with bickering & playing silly games about the exact terminology used.

if you’re ok with people like GIMOC at al saying what they say on your forum, stirring things up, without a word, but at the same time going into battle with the ones pointing out that just maybe it’s a tad racist, then so be it- shows the kind of person you are I guess.
I'm confused by what you're trying to achieve as well ? Do you want these people banned from the site ? As long as people aren't spouting blatant hatred towards individuals or groups why can't these posts you're so offended by be criticised and discussed in the public domain.


You've been in the thread and read it with your own eyes? If you can't see the problem with it then you need to get more and more active moderators in.

I hadn't read anybody say anything about brown people or all immigrants which is why I asked where it was said so I could have a look. It wasn't about the terminology it's that it turned out that the only people who had mentioned skin colour were those on the "left" of the argument. That is why I asked for somebody to screenshot / report it so I could sort that easily at the same time as other stuff.


I'm confused by what you're trying to achieve as well ? Do you want these people banned from the site ? As long as people aren't spouting blatant hatred towards individuals or groups why can't these posts you're so offended by be criticised and discussed in the public domain.

What happens is no different to when it was the whole CCC / SISU stuff. He will get an alarm to come and join a pile on.


Well-Known Member
It was me who said that, I wasn't having a go at anyone. I just see it constantly used. I've no problem with people not learning English here either. I think the arguments are getting confused with eachother.
I do think people who come here SHOULD learn English. Just the same as if I went to live in Russia, I would try my very best to learn Russian.

I always even try to learn a bit of any language when I go to those places on holiday too.


Well-Known Member
I'm the same. If people want to move abroad and not learn the language or embrace the culture in any way then it's no different to somebody moving to the UK and doing the exact same thing.

The whole idea of moving away from the UK would be to have a different culture, otherwise it's just like sitting outside Wetherspoons on a sunny day.
I enjoy sitting outside Wetherspooons on a sunny day. Not so much fun in the rain, so i dont see the issue on moving somewhere you can repeat that experience daily (with nicer beer) is a problem. Each to their own surely?

I went to Venice for the Mrs all the tourist spots I got there and thought 'yep looks like it did on all the photos I've ever seen'. Did nothing for me apart from paying through the nose for everything. Am I a heathen for that? Probably. But an honest one who would rather that sunny pint outside spoons.


Well-Known Member
I do think people who come here SHOULD learn English. Just the same as if I went to live in Russia, I would try my very best to learn Russian.

I always even try to learn a bit of any language when I go to those places on holiday too.
Why? Isn't that the same as saying they should leave cultures at home? We embrace mosques etc if it was come over but only if you're going to be like us then it's the polar opposite from your position and more in line with the GIMOCs.

*not suggesting you're racist at sll btw before a new argument starts! 🤪


Well-Known Member
Why? Isn't that the same as saying they should leave cultures at home? We embrace mosques etc if it was come over but only if you're going to be like us then it's the polar opposite from your position and more in line with the GIMOCs.

*not suggesting you're racist at sll btw before a new argument starts! 🤪

How is otis supposed to integrate into Russia if he doesn't bother to learn the language?

He doesn't have to leave his culture at home but he has to accept that he can't go and impose his culture onto the host country.

If you don't integrate you make things far worse for 2nd/3rd generations which we are seeing a lot of now.


Nick has repeatedly asked for you to link specific examples of blatant hatred and you haven't once though ? Should people just be banned if they post something a lot of people disagree with ? Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing

No, I am going through certain things now. I was being specific about certain things because what happens is somebody "right" says something and then somebody "left" adds a bit more on to drive the point home and vice versa.

Have spoken to other people about other things which Im getting through.


Well-Known Member
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right 🎵

Will be just my bad jokes remaining once you've cleaned it all up and on a thread about poor kids being stabbed that won't be a good look for me


Well-Known Member
Why? Isn't that the same as saying they should leave cultures at home? We embrace mosques etc if it was come over but only if you're going to be like us then it's the polar opposite from your position and more in line with the GIMOCs.

*not suggesting you're racist at sll btw before a new argument starts! 🤪
There's a middle ground. I wouldn't stop speaking English. I would be just learning a second language.


Well-Known Member
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right 🎵

Will be just my bad jokes remaining once you've cleaned it all up and on a thread about poor kids being stabbed that won't be a good look for me

I think you missed my post the other day about Edgbaston, were you wearing the new city shirt and aviator sunglasses? 👀


Well-Known Member
I think you missed my post the other day about Edgbaston, were you wearing the new city shirt and aviator sunglasses? 👀
Didn't see it sorry. No I had a blue shirt on (for Bob) but was an ordinary button short sleeved shirt. I did have sunglasses too, but they were prescription ones. Fine when the sun was out but had to keep them on to see when it was cloudy so if you thought what's that fat prick doing with sunglasses still on, then it was probably me.

Deleted member 9744

@Nick this is all incredibly racist but instead of doing anything about the poster or the posts you're spending your time with people concerned with having to see the racism.
I have just visited Auschwitz. Some of the comments on here are so reminiscent of the rhetoric used against the Jews in 1930s Germany. Just replace Muslim with Jew and it's exactly the same sentiment. It's appalling what this forum has become and I suspect I am not alone in being close to leaving. However I don't see why I should have to leave because of some racists.


Well-Known Member
The man is a total c**t.

He’s looking for reasons to leave all the nasty stuff up by picking fault with people like you over semantics.

Turns my stomach to think that we have people like GIMOC, Earlsdon, Gynnstonic running around spouting their insidious, paranoid shite and the guy that runs the forum is more concerned with nitpicking over what exactly was said where.

It’s fucking disgusting- I know nobody will care and Nick will have some sort of macho pop, but take a step back and have a look what this forum is turning into.

kids murdered at a playschool and the guy that runs the forum is ok with it being turned into an anti-immigration & anti-muslim feeding frenzy.

GIMOC, Nick, Earlsdon, GynnsTonic and the rest of you- you’re all just cunts.

What the fuck have I done? Jesus christ, the amount of tagging some of you lunatics have included me into in the last couple of days is ridiculous. I should have made an OnlyFans and sold subscriptions if I knew I was this popular.

At the end of the day, some children have just been murdered. It's a disgrace and they'll be people waking up this morning childless, or going to the hospital to see if their kid made it through the night. Pages of shite on here has just got out of control and the level of anger has well and truly escalated.

There is a debate to be had about integration, yes, and there's been a lot of shit happened recently that warrants it a valid conversation. Whether that is relevant in this conversation right now is another thing altogether as the information is a bit wooly. Regardless of that, it's certainly gone too far in this thread now and I would appreciate if you left me out of it.

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