Southport Stabbing (10 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
As predicted- incel narc nonsense then backtrack.

Every time something like this happens you’re all over it stirring up the paranoia, then you slither away for a while. You are the worst of the worst- at least the others don’t try to hide their views. You aren’t even man enough to come out and say what yours are- you hint, step close to the line without ever crossing it, and then make out you’re somehow shocked at the reactions. You’re a very sinister individual.

I haven't backtracked on anything, and I'm certainly not one to hold my opinion back on here.

I would say the worst of the worst would be someone that uses the death of children to spin up their alt account and have a go at other people. It's pathetic and cowardly, and pretty clear to everyone else on here that you are a massive loser, as well being mentally disturbed. Let's not even get started on personality disorders like narcissism either, of which you need a psychiatry lesson on, as well as probably a therapist.

Not going to bother engaging with you further, some children have been killed and this is enough now.


Well-Known Member
Your showing your ignorance again.

Islam is a religion, NOT a race, hence it's impossible to be racist against a religion.

You could be islamaphobic, but not racist.

So your faux outrage and profanity is just making you look stupid.

You really think it's impossible to be racist against a Muslim?

What an absurd statement.

And even if the technicality card you're trying to play were true then 'racism is bad but Islamaphobia is fine' isn't really the gotcha you think it is.


Well-Known Member
He should have been killed there and then by police, members of the public, whoever really. If our children are no longer safe it's not a country I wish to stay in.

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I wouldn't have complained had they done so. If someone caught him in the act, fought back and topped him, they would have come out of that as a hero.


Well-Known Member
If he was on the floor and and a police officer stamped on his head would people still want the officer charged?
A bit different isn't it, someone fighting with police, with just their fists and a knifed attacker killing children.


I wouldn't have complained had they done so. If someone caught him in the act, fought back and topped him, they would have come out of that as a hero.
I agree but sadly I wonder if they would have been charged.

Even the people who tried to stop it and got injured are heroes. You never know how many kids managed to get away because if them.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Absolutely tragic , hopefully the other Kids will pull through. Just think about the amount of ongoing mental health support they (and their families) will need in order to go on to live "normal" lives.... heartbreaking.

Wonder if Andy Murray wouldn't think of getting involved.
Obviously been in a similar situation and high profile. I'm sure his story would help.


Wonder if Andy Murray wouldn't think of getting involved.
Obviously been in a similar situation and high profile. I'm sure his story would help.

Was thinking that earlier about Taylor Swift.

Although I know it's a bit harsh me volunteering somebody like that to do something so it sounds "expected" of her like when people demand statements from companies. Just thought if she rocked up to the hospital or something it might make an already shit situation a bit better.

(although Im not going to kick off or slate her if she cant)


Well-Known Member
what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on


Well-Known Member
You really think it's impossible to be racist against a Muslim?

What an absurd statement.

And even if the technicality card you're trying to play were true then 'racism is bad but Islamaphobia is fine' isn't really the gotcha you think it is.
I never said islamaphobia was fine at all, show me where I did, I think your doing mental summersaults in order to try and carry on your rediculous ranting.

As I pointed out in my futile attempt to educate you, it's impossible to be racist against a religious belief.

You made the above (quoted) statement and then said it was absurd, but it's your statement not mine, which is even more bizarre.

Honestly I've never encountered anyone who's so wrong on so many subjects, so frequently.


Well-Known Member
Was thinking that earlier about Taylor Swift.

Although I know it's a bit harsh me volunteering somebody like that to do something so it sounds "expected" of her like when people demand statements from companies. Just thought if she rocked up to the hospital or something it might make an already shit situation a bit better.

(although Im not going to kick off or slate her if she cant)
She has written a very touching letter on her Instagram account (saw, it on BBC news online) and her "fans" are raising a lot of money 👍


She has written a very touching letter on her Instagram account (saw, it on BBC news online) and her "fans" are raising a lot of money 👍

To be honest it seems like she does a lot for fans and charity so I don't doubt she will do something either publically or privately.


Well-Known Member
I never said islamaphobia was fine at all, show me where I did, I think your doing mental summersaults in order to try and carry on your rediculous ranting.

As I pointed out in my futile attempt to educate you, it's impossible to be racist against a religious belief.

You made the above (quoted) statement and then said it was absurd, but it's your statement not mine, which is even more bizarre.

Honestly I've never encountered anyone who's so wrong on so many subjects, so frequently.
I have to be honest, if we need you to educate us then we're fucked.


Well-Known Member
I know it’s warm out boiled piss twice in 10 minutes is impressive

edit: he deleted it


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest, if we need you to educate us then we're fucked.
Yet it's you who is full of hate on here, throwing round words like "bigot" at every opportunity.

It's amazing how words can trigger people to be more outraged than the actual murder of innocent children on British streets.


what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on

Regardless of my views of his background and immigration etc I don't agree with letting views known towards "migrants" or anything like a hate mob. It's just pointless and what people moan about other communities doing.

By all means people can raise issues to the government about it but for fuck sake it's wrong to start turning up at migrant hostels and kicking off with somebody who clearly has nothing to do with it.

I don't doubt there needs to be discussions that are uncomfortable for everybody but "hitting the streets" does fuck all. By all means hit the streets and make it about the victims and respectfully thinking about them.


Well-Known Member
what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on
Another thick banjo playing redneck comes crawling out the woodwork.... just what this forum needs.
Disgusting case but doesn't need disgusting comments from likes of you.


Well-Known Member
what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on

Is this a troll post?


Well-Known Member
what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on

A news story like this and this is your first thought? Wow


Well-Known Member
I never said islamaphobia was fine at all, show me where I did, I think your doing mental summersaults in order to try and carry on your rediculous ranting.

As I pointed out in my futile attempt to educate you, it's impossible to be racist against a religious belief.

You made the above (quoted) statement and then said it was absurd, but it's your statement not mine, which is even more bizarre.

Honestly I've never encountered anyone who's so wrong on so many subjects, so frequently.

Nah. You said "it's actually impossible to be racist against Muslims"

Which is such fucking bollocks and incredibly insulting to Muslims who have been the victims of racist abuse.


Well-Known Member
Nah. You said "it's actually impossible to be racist against Muslims"

Which is such fucking bollocks and incredibly insulting to Muslims who have been the victims of racist abuse.

We're they abused on account of their religion or race?

If they were abused because of their religion - then it's not racial.

If they were of another race, and the abuse was regarding races THEN it is racial.

It's not hard.

Deleted member 5849

Me too.

It's amazing how much hate comes from the "lefties" though isn't it.
You know it's apolitical to be against racism. There are, funnily enough, plenty of notracist righties.

I don't know with a couple of the racists on this thread what their politics are... but they'd still be racist whatever


Well-Known Member
what's boiling my piss is no picture of this c##t and the media are doing there best to smooth things over, when in reality we should be hitting the streets and driving home our feeling toward migrants and the government, this cannot go on
Have you tried hitting the streets from 30 feet?

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