Will be interesting to see how much the Brexit fans poll at the EU elections. The PM has just resigned for not being able to carry out Brexit. The contenders for her job are saying we’ll get Brexit through and then everything will be rosy. Yeah. Sure, and everyone will be happy.
Farage has rallied the people back behind him. True. Nothing has changed though. Lots of talk about how great it will be and fighting back against the elite - from a party fielding some of the elite as candidates. Comedy gold indeed.
No tangible benefits on the horizon. Just more crap about getting better trade deals with countries like China, India, Japan and the USA than we have or could have via the EU - all of whom have told the UK that won’t happen.
How are the problems of the UK being handled during the Brexit farce?
We have a zombie government, a zombie opposition with a Bennite leader stuck in the 70s, and the government, and/ or local authorities, is likely to be taken to court for disenfranchising EU citizens at the EU elections through maladministration and incompetence. Again, comedy gold.
You are laughing that there are still mugs out there actually wanting this crap against my statement that people were not that stupid and were waking up to what Brexit is doing to the UK. My statement has been proved wrong since Farage is back, but it is really no laughing matter when thousands of sheep are sending 25€ to his company to not become members of a party, or voting to encourage the country to commit self harm.
Brexit is still a long way away.