Sick burn bro.
Feel free to explain your jabberings though, should be interesting.
The other thing of course about the halcyon days of the Labour government under Blair and brown is that more people were unemployed at the end of utopia than the start of it as was the unemployment rate
A theme that’s true of every Labour government I believe - though have not checked - but clearly was under the catastrophic 70’s regime
I like how you ignore the intervening years which include a budget surplus and year on year growth. Oh and without a GFC at the end-and I don’t mean Grendel Fried Chicken
Still waiting for them to abolish VAT.Nothing to stop the Tories from reinstating them in the last 10+ years has there?
Wasn’t there a global recession just before the end of their time in government?The other thing of course about the halcyon days of the Labour government under Blair and brown is that more people were unemployed at the end of utopia than the start of it as was the unemployment rate
A theme that’s true of every Labour government I believe - though have not checked - but clearly was under the catastrophic 70’s regime
Another bit of Project Fear becoming Project Here
How would that have even been possible?
The other thing of course about the halcyon days of the Labour government under Blair and brown is that more people were unemployed at the end of utopia than the start of it as was the unemployment rate
A theme that’s true of every Labour government I believe - though have not checked - but clearly was under the catastrophic 70’s regime
Yet somehow now more people are classed as in poverty and require support from foodbanks etc. So why not just say everyones employed but being paid nothing and hey presto, no unemployment or welfare bill.
Man’s got a weird chip on his shoulder and it leads him to say some frankly ridiculous things.
Yeah that’s fair.
I’m still not sure anyone ever said we’d have a stronger economy right now though did they? Most Brexiters I’ve heard said it would be “short term pain for long term gain” and “could be 50 years before we see the benefits”.
Was watching some videos with Brexit voting farmers and many said they’d vote the same again even though it’s hurt them because it was about freedom not economics.
Of course, they then asked why we aren’t using that freedom to protect British farmers but that’s another topic.
Blair and Brown wrecked final salary pension schemes which will have significant implications over the next few years in terms of pension poverty
Wasn’t there a global recession just before the end of their time in government?
Did you vote for Blair?
We could also ask who was at the helm when we had to withdraw from the ERM in what was widely held to be the most humiliating day in the history of the UK economy
The main reason I voted Brexit thanks for reminding me
so you voted for John Major, Hague and Michael Howard?
Well with that bombshell I can now see why so many people say you sidestep everything![]()
Hardly I don’t sidestep anything and I’ve said before despite her tough talk thatcher was a dribbling europhile and it was only when push really came to shove that she renegade against it - push being 16% interest rates
You don't sidestep you sayI have seen very clearly that it is what you're most known for, apart from the daft stuff I saw about Kenny Jackett & taxis for Robins
Odd how you sidestepped all the direct quotes out the mouths of Mr Corbyn and Mr McDonnell and rambled on about a Chilean dictator
"I don't sidestep anything"
I've asked you directly about 5 times to condemn Islamophobia and you sidestep it every time.
Well in actual fact I did say that they are all terrible acts, and you are either against that type of thing or you are not. Corbyn and McDonnell were obviously massively wrong to do that, and also that does not excuse Thatcher who did just the same- 30,000 people missing, killed or tortured and she sends Pinochet a bottle of booze to say thanks for his help. Are you saying its possible to say which is worse? An atrocity is an atrocity. A person's ethics and sense of right & wrong should not be dictated purely by who you vote for, unfortunately in your case you are very warped and willingly guided by your political slant, which is a bit sick.
Having clarified that you are indeed telling porkies about what I said, it reminds me- you also seem to be very well known for your twisting of the truth![]()
So you didn’t vote for Mr Corbyn?
Its like I said- he knows its wrong, he knows its disgusting, he just won't say it because in his mind he thinks/ knows it will lead to him having to answer awkward questions about his political party.
Unfortunately I disagree on this, I think he genuinely has no problem with Islamophobia.
No I did not vote for Mr Corbyn, nor have I ever.
Even if I had have done, I would have no issue calling him out on anything distasteful the man may have done.
The Blair creature? Ever vote for him?