The 'silent majority' doesn't exsist. It is a term used by tiny right wing parties to infer that they have loads of support from the 'silent' people who didn't vote. Some leavers have indeed become racists or have been frightened into acting like racists. You mention Nazis, and I would agree that any Nazis would be at least sympathetic to parties like "For Britain".
The term 'common sense' is used to fill the void of facts in their propaganda. E.g. "we don't need experts", it is just 'common sense'.
As for being conned by professionals, read what the whistle blower says on that subject:
'Wylie machte öffentlich, dass seine ehemalige Firma Cambridge Analytica seit Jahren die Profile von 50 Millionen Facebook-Nutzern abschöpft und ihr Wissen an Parteien oder Kandidaten verkauft, die damit online gezielt potenzielle Wähler zu beeinflussen versuchen. Unter ihnen soll nicht nur US-
Präsident Donald Trump gewesen sein.
Sondern auch die britische Pro-Brexit-Kampagne.'
C.A. Customers:
Not just Donald Trump, but also the British Brexit campaign. ( Sorry it's in German, but it is out there in English if you google it ).
You should also watch the Channel 4 Dokumentar where Cambridge Analytica explain how they con people like yourself.