You name.positives you have come out with and I will name many multiples of negatives you have come out with for each one......if you can name one that is.
Me one of the loudest? Most others have given up with trying to debate with you and others that don't want a debate but just want to put pro EU views and anti UK views forward.
I know no one putting out anti UK views on here. That is Daily Mail talk.
Being for the status quo where we were one of the leading economies and had a say in European affairs is very pro British.
Anti British is making racism more acceptable by blaming migrants for e.g. the motorways being clogged or making Brits uncomfortable by speaking foreign languages, or by militarism- building up the military instead of pooling military resources, or by dropping out of European agencies and creating thousands of civil service jobs instead of jobs in care for the elderly or in manufacturing.
Plus embarrassing other Brits by having orgasms because they are going to get French made blue passports which they could have had any time without leaving the EU.
Actually, leavers are an embarrassment. Luckyily you are neutral and voted remain ;-)