Things that annoy you (6 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Some don't and cause major offense ! i said this as some bloke accused my wife of not picking up the other day - poor dog has cramp so takes a bit of movement to get going - can be 25 yrds before he gets going and this fella started before the dog did - twat !

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Dual language road signs.


Provided an expensive Cad/Cam system to a Company in the Black country years ago. About a year or so later, got a call from the Cad Manager moaning saying he needed support straight away as the system wasn't working. Took us 3 days to find the cause and solve it. once solved, said Manager called up and had a right go at me about my company and the "lack of service". Started talking about how much time his designers lost working, how much that cost his company, and how the MD might decide to sue us to get it back. I shut him down and said to get the MD to call me.

MD called, went on a little tirade, but not as bad as the dickhead manager. When he'd done, I then went through everything we had done to find, and then solve the issue. Told him we'd found out that it was something the Cad Manager had done that had caused it all in the first place.... He then started to have a quieter go at me about the time it took to resolve. It was then I pointed out that he did NOT have a support contract, that his manager decided not to take one out because he was an "expert" in Unix,

We had taken on, and solved his problem nonetheless. MD went very quiet, and then said "are you sure we don't have a contract?" :emoji_joy::emoji_joy:

Did get a very nice letter of apology from him later, but he never did fire the arsehole manager

Yep, it is usually people like that!

I have no issue helping people who are nice and know full well they don't have any support but are just honest and upfront about it and are actually grateful. 99% of the time after you help them they do take out support. It is always the people who want everything done that minute but don't want to pay for it.

I do enjoy cases like yours telling them the cause of it, that bit of silence when it sinks in is nice!


Well-Known Member
Dudes riding Harleys with Sun glasses on at night
Anyone with sunglasses on at night. In fact, anyone with sunglasses on, on a cloudy day with no sun.

Oh, and people who have sunglasses on the tops of their heads and never ever actually wear them.


Well-Known Member
That anytime anyone on the radio or TV is talking about sport and says the word 'commentary' I immediately think they are talking about the City.

They never seem to say commen-tary,' it always seems to come out as 'commentry.'

Gets me every time.


Well-Known Member
That anytime anyone on radio or TV is talking about sport and says the word 'commentary' I immediately think they are talking about the City.

They never seem to say commen-tary,' it always seems to come out as 'commentry.'

Gets me every time.
Do it all the time! Get excited when I hear it on talksport then instantly disappointed when I realise it wasn’t talking about us!


Well-Known Member
A bit out of season, but those people when you're on holiday that can sit having a nice cold pint at a bar in just their shorts out in the open, while the sun is blazing down. I'm always under shade, and still too hot.

They usually already looked burned, but still don't bat an eye. Bloody annoying


Well-Known Member
A bit out of season, but those people when you're on holiday that can sit having a nice cold pint at a bar in just their shorts out in the open, while the sun is blazing down. I'm always under shade, and still too hot.

They usually already looked burned, but still don't bat an eye. Bloody annoying
Or when it’s pissing it down or zero degrees and there is always one twat in shorts


People who take 1 can from a 4 pack in the shop, so if you want 4 you then have to move the 3 out of the way. Get the 4 and put them back.



Well-Known Member
Sci-Fi TV and film future technology that clearly isn't futuristic at all.

Really annoying.


Am watching Star Trek Discovery at the moment. It is set sometime in around the mid to late 22nd century. We see in our daily lives how quickly technology moves forwards.

In the series they obviously have warp speed, can beam people down to planets, have needle free injections, hologram decks for a realistic life like experience. All well and good and some thought gone in.

In Monday's episode there is a Klingon behind bars (electronic bars, so hats off for that) and one of the ship's characters goes to show the prisoner a video the torture being endured by one of the ship's crew ....and does so using a tablet.

That's the annoyingly dumb stuff that is rife at times in sci-fi.

Surely a holographic image thrown up would be more in keeping with way into the future, but no, stuff that, let's use an iPad!

Same with people still operating levers and buttons and slide controls etc.

They are already predicting right now that we will all probably become walking computers, with inbuilt microchips placed under the skin in the not too distant future.

Any other dumb sci-fi stuff anyone can think of?

I remember Escape from New York. Really liked the film, but was always irritated by the fact that Kurt Russell's character had this enormous fook off wrist watch on his wrist.


Well-Known Member
Sci-Fi TV and film future technology that clearly isn't futuristic at all.

Really annoying.


Am watching Star Trek Discovery at the moment. It is set sometime in around the mid to late 22nd century. We see in our daily lives how quickly technology moves forwards.

In the series they obviously have warp speed, can beam people down to planets, have needle free injections, hologram decks for a realistic life like experience. All well and good and some thought gone in.

In Monday's episode there is a Klingon behind bars (electronic bars, so hats off for that) and one of the ship's characters goes to show the prisoner a video the torture being endured by one of the ship's crew ....and does so using a tablet.

That's the annoyingly dumb stuff that is rife at times in sci-fi.

Surely a holographic image thrown up would be more in keeping with way into the future, but no, stuff that, let's use an iPad!

Same with people still operating levers and buttons and slide controls etc.

They are already predicting right now that we will all probably become walking computers, with inbuilt microchips placed under the skin in the not too distant future.

Any other dumb sci-fi stuff anyone can think of?

I remember Escape from New York. Really liked the film, but was always irritated by the fact that Kurt Russell's character had this enormous fook off wrist watch on his wrist.
I’ve always wondered where the shitter is on the enterprise. No one seems to use one! You would think due to some of the scrapes they get into, it would be brown trousers time


Well-Known Member
Well todays lucky rant is all this BOLLOX about Grid girls and women doing hostess roles etc - yes completely agree that men should'nt grope abuse verbally letch etc BUT - look feminists some women like to look attractive and be seen with attractive men possibly racing drivers - models , me with my George Clooney looks - this purge will create unemployment as these agencies get less work and some women will be driven driven into more seedier work as they need the money and the world will not look as good as it did - should my wife not put makeup on ? i like to make a comment about a good looking women and i dont get a clip round the earhole - i respect people looking good - what next - its all going to hell and a hand basket ( or hand bag)


Well-Known Member
Scammers/chancers- just at cannon park loading shopping into my car not many people around, a dirty white transit van pulls up out the drivers door gets this woman “can you help me I need to get some diesel to get to Banbury can you give me some cash!?” In a distinct ‘Irish’ accent, I just laughed and said “nah it’s alright” and off she went to the next person a few rows up as I loaded up and drove off she was by the petrol station at this point pulling up next to young lone students whilst a guy sat watch in the passenger seat, bet she’d make a few quid tonight as even tight students or elderly people having a late night shop may feel intimidated.


Well-Known Member
Scammers/chancers- just at cannon park loading shopping into my car not many people around, a dirty white transit van pulls up out the drivers door gets this woman “can you help me I need to get some diesel to get to Banbury can you give me some cash!?” In a distinct ‘Irish’ accent, I just laughed and said “nah it’s alright” and off she went to the next person a few rows up as I loaded up and drove off she was by the petrol station at this point pulling up next to young lone students whilst a guy sat watch in the passenger seat, bet she’d make a few quid tonight as even tight students or elderly people having a late night shop may feel intimidated.
Man alive

It happened to me today, my daughter wanted a jacket spud from wildas on the Holyhead road.
Her mum went into get it and the drunk fella turned up from nowhere asking for 50p.
My wife said she had no change so he followed a few young girls down towards Tesco but they went into to chippy, he then stood outside Tesco loitering
I was politely asked to stay in the car


Scammers/chancers- just at cannon park loading shopping into my car not many people around, a dirty white transit van pulls up out the drivers door gets this woman “can you help me I need to get some diesel to get to Banbury can you give me some cash!?” In a distinct ‘Irish’ accent, I just laughed and said “nah it’s alright” and off she went to the next person a few rows up as I loaded up and drove off she was by the petrol station at this point pulling up next to young lone students whilst a guy sat watch in the passenger seat, bet she’d make a few quid tonight as even tight students or elderly people having a late night shop may feel intimidated.

I had a bloke flag me down in the road once by Bayton Road because he needed fuel. A little bit intimidating when somebody is standing at your window and you are in a car.

"Can you lend me some money to get some fuel?"
"No, havent got any on me anyway"
"Can you go to the cashpoint to get some?"
"Why don't you?"



Well-Known Member
Man alive

It happened to me today, my daughter wanted a jacket spud from wildas on the Holyhead road.
Her mum went into get it and the drunk fella turned up from nowhere asking for 50p.
My wife said she had no change so he followed a few young girls down towards Tesco but they went into to chippy, he then stood outside Tesco loitering
I was politely asked to stay in the car

Well, at least the drunk was polite to you.... ;)

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
Scammers/chancers- just at cannon park loading shopping into my car not many people around, a dirty white transit van pulls up out the drivers door gets this woman “can you help me I need to get some diesel to get to Banbury can you give me some cash!?” In a distinct ‘Irish’ accent, I just laughed and said “nah it’s alright” and off she went to the next person a few rows up as I loaded up and drove off she was by the petrol station at this point pulling up next to young lone students whilst a guy sat watch in the passenger seat, bet she’d make a few quid tonight as even tight students or elderly people having a late night shop may feel intimidated.
Don't get me started on these scummy bastards, I hate them with every inch of my being, horrible creatures.

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
Idiots who walk into gyms and put their hoods up.
Ohhh, mysterious! It's like they are saying "look at me (but don't look at me), I'm here and I mean business" then they sit down on a poncy little exercise bike, peddle it half arsed and watch Coronation St.

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