Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already (35 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
So posters on here calling the US backwards today caused people to vote for Trump yesterday?

It’s the sneering of the lower classes not knowing what’s good for them.

This same stupid people elected Biden last time.

The reality is Harris was a disaster candidate


Well-Known Member
Explain how they would ever ever have a problem servicing a debt denominated in $
Simple, the rest of the world is moving away from the dollar, de-dollarisation is the new buzz word on global markets, when the inevitable shift happens the USA (as a global superpower) is finished.

Worryingly all they'll have then, is their military. What could possibly go wrong?


Well-Known Member
You can all argue whether voters or the general public are thick, racist, arrogant or ignorant, rich or poor it matters not. You can look at certain demographics of how people voted and history and trends, but once again people are surprised at an outcome, just as they were with Boris, with Brexit, with Trump the first time and even how close he got in 2020.

Quite simply (imo), a lot of people say one thing and do another, but also and fundamentally, don't like being told what to do. It's inherent in all of us, the little kid who you say 'dont touch that it's hot' etc we are wired to find out for ourselves.

I've also noted how a few of you are talking about your own social groups as representative. Guess what? They're not. We do tend to align ourselves with like people (Coventry City fans on SBT). If I take my own friendship group as an example it's not at all representative of views on this board (in fact most aren't City fans either!). Certainly above average IQ level, decent mix of Education levels, mostly Tory, mostly Brexit, none have ever been contacted to ask how they will vote on any election nor were they on Brexit.

It's a strong assumption that people don't vote a particular way unless everyone is asked, there are waves of silent voters who come out on both sides when they feel engaged or outraged or need a voice. Those who tend to believe they are 'right-on' with politics as an example on this board, tend to be the loudest and push their agenda, to the point that they ridicule and join inevitable pile-ons and silence views they disagree with collectively, then are surprised when things don't go as expected. Then comes the name-calling and blame game, rinse and repeat.

Perhaps we need to look a little closer to home for the reasons and engage in softer debate, try to understand why someone thinks or acts like they do, particularly in so many grey subjects where there is so much opinionated bile from those who are experts on just about everything under the sun, and then perhaps things might change for the better.
I’m not sure there’s any surprise the polls were pretty much bang on. As I said yesterday they had Trump to take the swing states and he has.


Well-Known Member
It’s the sneering of the lower classes not knowing what’s good for them.

This same stupid people elected Biden last time.

The reality is Harris was a disaster candidate
She was but putting that aside most haven’t sneered just pointed out Trump will likely be the worse option for poorer people. It’s not sneering to point that out the policy documents all suggest tax breaks will go to businesses.

Most of us making this point are also working class. Why don’t we feel we’re being sneered at?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Looking at America today, it needs drastic action.

The one thing they simply can not have " is more of the same"

They need a complete clear out of the old political elites, and a new way forward.

I've no idea if Trump is the answer, but it sure as he'll wasn't going to be Harris.
Dangerous that but we’ll see won’t we and you’re bang on that a democratic majority want to take that path

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
What??? Their economy is shit, their national debt is now unserviceable, and the general public are up in arms about inflation and rising prices in the shops.

They didn't vote for change because everything is wonderful.
Unemployment is lower, the stock market is doing better, jobs have been brought back and created in manufacturing for the first time in a long time etc.


Well-Known Member
She was but putting that aside most haven’t sneered just pointed out Trump will likely be the worse option for poorer people. It’s not sneering to point that out the policy documents all suggest tax breaks will go to businesses.

Most of us making this point are also working class. Why don’t we feel we’re being sneered at?

People are saying uneducated people are easily influenced and swallow lies more than someone whose done a degree - even if it was in underwater basket weaving


Well-Known Member
Simple, the rest of the world is moving away from the dollar, de-dollarisation is the new buzz word on global markets, when the inevitable shift happens the USA (as a global superpower) is finished.

Worryingly all they'll have then, is their military. What could possibly go wrong?

Reserve currency status doesn't matter for this point. The federal government literally spends dollars into existence, it can never run out of them. It can always pay any debt in USD.


Well-Known Member
I’m now in this lane of thinking too. Wife and I were hoping to start a family next year. Both of us questioned this morning if that would be fair on the kids given the state of Western politics
Obviously wouldn’t want to cloud your thinking but as a parent I’m starting to live in dread. My fears are disruption due to climate change and European security. Both likely to be made worse by Trump.


Well-Known Member
If they think inflation is bad now, wait until Trump starts a trade war with China.
The trade war has to happen at some time, you simply can't have cheap foreign goods flooding into your markets at the cost of American jobs and business. While foreign markets remain hostile to American Imports.

This should of been addressed donkeys years ago, before the American economy went tits up.

Trump told Apple, if you want to sell iPhones and ipads in the USA, you have to build them in the USA. He told GM that if you want to sell cars in the USA you've got to build them in the USA.
GM was forced to cancell plans for a mega factory in Mexico, and Apple had to commit to transfer a percentage of its global manufacturing back to the US.
(Just 2 examples)


Well-Known Member
There are millions of people with degrees not worth a wank that are no more clever than the average worker .


These people fall into the " I voted for " category of the educated
I bumbled into university despite never doing an ounce of work in my life. Dropped out because it was boring and full of wanks and ended up doing pretty well for myself. There are some really thick people in university, one of the dopiest cunts from my college course got through and ended up running for the Green Party in Rugby

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Well-Known Member
People are saying uneducated people are easily influenced and swallow lies more than someone whose done a degree - even if it was in underwater basket weaving
The lower your education level the more likely you are to vote for a populist. It might be correlation not causation but them the facts and you know it, you just don’t like it. I can understand why it would make you uncomfortable though.


Well-Known Member
The lower your education level the more likely you are to vote for a populist. It might be correlation not causation but them the facts and you know it, you just don’t like it. I can understand why it would make you uncomfortable though.

Why would it make me uncomfortable?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I’m sorry someone finds that funny
You’re kids may be the generation that solves the problems caused
Not bothered what he thinks. This election is the last time I pay serious interest in politics, and from now on I’ll just look out for myself on the assumption that governments can’t solve problems and the electorate doesn’t vote for people who can anyway.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Come off it it’s over dramatic nonsense
It’s how someone reacts. Don’t be such an ‘Andrew Tate’
There are many reasons the fertility rate is so low and this is one but in the spirit of anti trump psychology you are entitled to your opinion and it’s valid


Well-Known Member
The only good thing that comes out of this is that at least Democrats will concede without violence.

That was by no means a given if it went the other way, as we saw the last time, and as Trump had clearly primed the nutters for this time. That's not an echo chamber view, btw, unless you're living in denial of the facts.

The big winners here are the authoritarian strong men; Putin, Kim, Netanyahu, and the like, and the losers are the people who suffer as the result of their policies.

It's not likely to be great for the planet either, I'm afraid. Coal, oil, fracking, and climate change denial are all back with a bang now.

Part of me is beyond caring. I worry for my kids and their future, but I'll be gone before the worst of it, should it come to that.

The best solution is probably to stop worrying about it, ignore the science and the news, and just take the "Who gives a fuck about anyone else", line. It seems to be how it works in general these days.
We will all be rationing electricity (I.e. having It cut off) and shivering whilst America fracks and burns coal (alongside China and India).


Well-Known Member
Reserve currency status doesn't matter for this point. The federal government literally spends dollars into existence, it can never run out of them. It can always pay any debt in USD.
You can't print currency indefinitely, eventually you see rising inflation, and rocketing prices, that's already happening in the US.

And when the Opec countries refuse to accept dollars as payments, and the dollar has been devalued due to quantative easing, then it's game over.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Not bothered what he thinks. This election is the last time I pay serious interest in politics, and from now on I’ll just look out for myself on the assumption that governments can’t solve problems and the electorate doesn’t vote for people who can anyway.
You won’t just look after yourself as you’re better than that in fact from what I’ve seen and know much better than that and you won’t change

A wise man once said if voting changed anything they wouldn’t let us do it

I’m focusing on the serenity prayer this morning


Well-Known Member
It’s how someone reacts. Don’t be such an ‘Andrew Tate’
There are many reasons the fertility rate is so low and this is one but in the spirit of anti trump psychology you are entitled to your opinion and it’s valid

How on earth am I and Andrew Tate

The irony is someone with a degree is influenced by the nonsense that Trump will end civilisation as we know it. Which is total tripe.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Finally getting it. No one's looking out for you pal. Your duty is to you and your family, I wish you well.

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Interdependency is the answer to a civilised society. Our own may come first but it can’t be at the expense of everyone else


Well-Known Member
Interdependency is the answer to a civilised society. Our own may come first but it can’t be at the expense of everyone else

Isn't the whole point of humanity, that we evolved differently to other animals because we were able to cooperate and interact on a large scale.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
How on earth am I and Andrew Tate

The irony is someone with a degree is influenced by the nonsense that Trump will end civilisation as we know it. Which is total tripe.
Knew that would upset you. Sorry it’s what he says about being a real man and not caring about your words and actions and there effect others. Don’t be so tough on others is all I’m saying

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Even if this countries sacrifices will be in vain whilst totally screwing the economy?
And still the right thing to do so we can influence the world
I still think it’s sound to lead the science on it and reap the benefits
The answer of course is nuclear

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