Now, here's a question...
How long will you stick with the Walking Dead for?
There is talk of TWELVE seasons.
1. Stick with it to the end, come what may?
2. Already waning in interest or given up? (Think it was starting to wane badly, personally, but Negan has given it fresh impetus)
3. Will give it set number of seasons whatever?
For me, I just can see no way I could give it twelve seasons, not even ten. Think it needs to end soon. Resolve the Negan storyline and then reach a conclusion, new dawn, or perpetual endless pile of shit.
I think this season and then the next and that will be it for me. The cast are getting older, the stories, though new baddies introduced, are still the same battle of wills and of survival. Kill or be killed.
Let the comic run and run, but please bring the TV series to its own conclusion sooner rather than later.
Doctor now says its lights out and time for my medicine.