If you want open borders and full globalisation, that's your opinion and that's absolutely fine. However, if it carries on this way then I don't think there will be any cultures anymore. It's just a big mix. I like other cultures, but what's wrong with Germany being German, and Italy being Italian? The EU spoils that tremendously.
I and many other millions of people take the view that our culture is slowly being diminished. Sure, we are all decedents of something or another historically, but we have also had to work very hard to progress and develop into the first world we live in today. The way things have been going certainly in my life time, has been gradually been in the wrong direction.
I don’t want full globalisation or open borders. I am in favour of strong EU external borders.
The EU is strengthening the external borders.
The Germans are still Germans despite Schengen and years of migration. Our cultures will continue to evolve as they always have. Adding elements of other cultures as we go.
Even your new blue passport is covered by other cultures. „honi soit qui mal y pense“... „dieu et mon droit“.
The language you are reading is a massive mix of the languages of various cultures.
You think we have been going in the wrong direction, but we are, or rather the country, is wealthier than ever before. The EU has strengthened people‘s rights and introduced laws against discrimination including racism ( much to the chagrin of some people).
I am more concerned as to the distribution of wealth in many European countries and multinationals and tax dodging hedge funds than Muslims or EU migrants ( I am an EU migrant ).
Staying in the EU would at least keep the European culture on which British culture is based, as the main culture of the European continent, which should please you.
You seem to live in fear of foreigners being terrorists or of them taking „your“ culture.