Sorry but most of this is just word salad. And you’re still on about consumer debt when I’ve just said government spending to avoid consumer debt.
The Great Depression was a classic example of how to get out of a depression using stimulus spending, that’s what Roosevelt’s New Deal was! And no recovery took around 5 years, starting with the New Deal stimulus spending.
You’re trying to use the greatest example of the efficacy of Keynesian economics to disprove Keynesian economics!
No I’m really not again this is economic theory against reality - the depression and the subsequent building works were in a long ago time l - I know of several manufacturing businesses that are going under. I know of one business that’s employed people for over 30 years and had never laid people off in any economic downturn. Now it has had to and money is not coming in from creditors and fine costs have to be paid. It’s abnormally cash rich but will close in ten weeks time if this isn’t resolved due to associate product lags
we now line in a global much more service aligned economy and have debt mountains that you could never have imagined at that time - many European countries now have debt of 140% of its GDP
Perhaps you should write to the leaders and say this is basic economics lads and here’s a Great Plan. If it’s that simple I’d guess they’ve thought of it
You are the guy whose always been pretty kind of flippant about the debt haven’t you? I think? Your in my view in for a shock as this if it carries on will be with generations for a very king time
I am fascinated though if it’s basic textbook economics whose going to do what and how these dead business and all their supplies will just wake up Bobby Ewing style and it’s all a dream